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About Stylish_tylish

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  1. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    So I had my follow up visit today. I was told that my hiatal hernia was huge and was up in my diaphragm, and that if he were to perform the gastric sleeve it would be a risk causing it to collapse into my diaphragm. Which would cause nausea & vomiting and the only option for me right now is to do the gastric bypass. He then gave me the option of waiting 6 weeks to get an x ray so they can check to see if the hernia healed properly and if so then I can get the gastric sleeve.
  2. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    Thank you so much!!! I am gonna make my way to GNC today.
  3. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    Thank you so much for that information
  4. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    Where did you did you purchase the Isopure water from?
  5. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    Yes...but I can barely swallow. Tried to drink a shake it hurt going down so I am drinking the protein water.
  6. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    No they didn’t tell me anything. I have s follow up visit next week. I will find out then.
  7. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    That is the story that I was given. I will find out the reason when I give them a call next week. I was saying the same thing myself about I heard of them repairing the hernia & doing the sleeve. I am thinking it is because I have to pay 15% of the allowed amount which is $1580 and I didn’t pay anything toward it yet. But I will find out exactly why it wasn’t done together and keep you guys posted
  8. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    So my surgery was scheduled for 2/16. Went in to get the Gastric sleeve surgery & they didn’t do it because I had a huge Hiatal hernia. They repaired that and didn’t do the surgery. Has anyone had this happen to them?
  9. Stylish_tylish

    Any February Sleevers?

    Feb 16th and I am so nervous
  10. Stylish_tylish

    Any January 2018 Sleevers?

    Do anyone know of any short disability insurance companies because my job does not have that type of coverage Sent from my LGMS330 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Stylish_tylish

    Any January 2018 Sleevers?

    1/31/18 Sent from my LGMS330 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
