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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Creekimp13

  1. You can watch the procedure WITH a hernia repair here: I had my hernia fixed at the same time I had my sleeve...it is absolutely the time to do it. Just a few extra stitches. Had a very easy very fast recovery. Spent one night in the hospital, have felt terrific:)
  2. Creekimp13

    Going back to work after vsg

    I could have gone back after two weeks. Some people need a lot longer. You can't predict complications.
  3. Creekimp13

    Where are these trolls coming from?

    "Also what’s up with people who haven’t even had surgery just putting there opinions everywhere" It's a message board. That's what people do on message boards. The woman who did that to you recently wasn't being rude. She's 72 and she thought she was being helpful.
  4. Creekimp13

    Screw you scale!!

  5. Creekimp13

    Screw you scale!!

    Winter here has been sucky, too. Spring can't come soon enough:)
  6. Creekimp13

    8 Behaviors to Start Next Week to CHANGE

    Nope. Didn't read your book. Even after you plugged it multiple times in your "motivation" article. Have no interest in reading it because your whole article is condescending and makes me think your book will be too. If you want honest feedback, and that's what you seem to be asking for.... Here's a synopsis of how your article comes across (to me) Behaviors you should change: 1. Read my book. 2. Have you read my book yet? 3. Do yoga. (not everyone's cup of tea) 4. Take care of yourself. (cause none of us do) 5. Exercise. (cause we didn't know to do that and never thought of that) 6. Be grateful...use an app. (uh...no. Gratitude is great...packaging it for InstaGoogleTweetFace is tacky) 7. Write down why you want to change. (no one's ever thought of this) 8. Be glad you're not eating horribly anymore! (oye) PS...help me write my book! No, thanks.
  7. Creekimp13


    People associate rapid weighloss with scary illness. Because...it happens. Also, we can get a little iron deficient and pale. We can suffer some hair loss. Meh...is what it is. In time, we'll look healthier and stronger than ever.
  8. Creekimp13

    Pulled Pork

    I make my own. I make it with pork tenderloin in the crock pot. Very lean and tender, and I have no issues with it. I cut it with a knife before I put it in my mouth and chew it really well. Works out great:)
  9. Compared to the stretch marks and loose skin....the teenie little scars are a moot point. To me, anyway. Another thing to consider....single incision procedures are newer, and surgeons haven't done hundreds or even thousands of them in their careers....like multi incision procedures. I want my doctor to be VERY experienced with what s/he is doing when they're working next to my spleen. Food for thought.
  10. Creekimp13


    it's hard to say anything about being disappointed by a lack of a 100 pound weight loss....when we don't know your stats. I think everyone has concerns about failing and everyone gets discouraged by stalls...and everyone has the occasional slip up. All I can say, I guess...is that you're not alone, and that every day is a choice. If you're choosing to do your best each day, and work as hard as you can...no one can ask more of you. Not even yourself. But make that choice:) Good luck to you.
  11. Creekimp13

    Screw you scale!!

    I get my 60 grams of protein, but a huge part of my diet is carbs. Beans, Pumpernickel, Sourdough, lentils, protein pasta (made of lentils and chickpeas), protein wraps, whole wheat English muffins, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, white potatoes...mashed, baked, etc. (when I do mashed, I do half potatoes, half cauliflower, with fat free buttermilk) And fruits are all carbs, and I eat about four servings a day. Tons of veggies, too. I eat very little meat. One protein shake in my coffee over the course of the day=30g protein. One greek yogurt each day=10g protein. The other 20g I get from low glycemic carb protein (a whole wheat English muffin has 6g of protein), tofu, mushrooms, beans, nuts, seeds, etc. And a couple times a week, I eat some meat, too. I get my 60g of protein every day. Sometimes 80g. Losing 1-2 pounds a week pretty steadily. Loving it:) This week was a bonus week...3 pounds:) (last week I was stuck due to my period, so 3 pounds was welcome) I'm eating 6 little meals a day, am never hungry. The idea that this is forever...is ok with me. I like how this fits in my life.
  12. I love eating out:) I bring my own tupperwear, now. Stuff 2/3 of the food in boxes as soon as the plate arrives, and eat and pick at the remaining 1/3. No one notices, no one cares. Also, my group gives us a medical card that alerts restaurants that we should be allowed to eat from the children's or senior's menus if they're available. Most restaurants are totally cool with this. Mostly, though, I just get a regular meal and take home leftovers.
  13. Creekimp13

    Pre-op juice Question

    Ask your group. I wasn't allowed anything with sugar for the whole two weeks of my pre-op diet. Then, the doc stunned us all and told us to carb load with like 32 ounces of white grape juice the night before surgery. If your info sounds weird....call and ask for clarification.
  14. Creekimp13

    One year out Today

    Wowsers! Nice work! Lookin...yeah, just wow! Would love to see ya smile, though...you got plenty to smile about:)
  15. I think many many people can identify with what you're saying here. Because it's true...regardless of how you do it...you still have to watch your diet, and make lifelong lifestyle changes. For me....getting the sleeve made sense because it helps with with volume, and with encouraging better food choices. (I can have a bite or two of sugary stuff and enjoy it, but if I try to eat a full serving of refined sugar...yuck...I feel nauseated for a while and it's a good reminder) Not a huge bread fan anymore. I still love the stuff emotionally...but eating it isn't as satisfying. At the end of the day....I'd lost and gained hundreds of pounds. Over and over and over. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a new result. Will my sleeve work forever? There are no guarantees. But I'm feeling really really encouraged by how it's effected my food preferences. I LIKE my forever diet. I LIKE my exercise routine. And I'm not blowing smoke here...and pretending I do (which I have in the past). There is very honestly no other diet I'd rather be eating. I love how my new exercise routine makes me feel. Working a supervised program has been supportive, too. Seeing my health improve...has inspired me.
  16. Creekimp13

    Does shopping count as exercise?

    My daughter has the pendent version of Fitbit because she's a field research biologist and is always in water....so neither the wrist or ankle work for her. There's also a bra clip you can get. Lots of options:)
  17. Creekimp13

    Answer my concerns please

    All of your concerns are valid. You said that you "feel at her age this is a fast cure all". It's not. If your niece doesn't adjust her lifestyle, it won't work...and that will be explained to her if her surgeon is reputable. This is not a fast or easy cure. If she goes through the process...that will be made abundantly clear. You make a terrific point about aftercare and emergencies with no insurance. Not a good situation to be in, and hopefully your niece realizes that and takes it as seriously as she should. My personal feeling is that your niece's priority should be to get insurance, and get her other health concerns resolved first. Thyroid is important. But as the mom of a 22 year old...I've gotta tell ya.....they're adults now. They're going to make their own decisions, wise or unwise. All part of growing up. Best you can do is to be there, and offer solid nonjudemental advice when you're asked for it. Also, she might have thought this through more than you realize...and you might be making assumptions. Best wishes to you both.
  18. Creekimp13

    Does shopping count as exercise?

    I put my fitbit on my ankle when I shop for exactly that reason. LOL:) The problem is that putting your hand on the cart keeps it from registering steps. The ankle measurment isn't as accurarate as the wrist, but I've worn both at the same time...and it's close enough:) They sell ankle straps on Amazon.
  19. Creekimp13

    Who is observing Lent?

    I observed it in my dryer. I cleaned the filter. Oh, wait, that's different..... LOL:)
  20. Creekimp13

    Workout Choices.. don't know where to start

    I live in the country, too. The YMCA is about 25 miles away for me:) But combined with other trips to town, I can still make it there a couple times a week. I strongly suggest getting a pedometer of some sort. There are free fitness apps with pedometers for most smartphones...might be a fun place to start. Track your steps...even while cleaning and organizing....it adds up! Challenge yourself to do a little more each day. Just tracking what you normally do will give you so much information about your habits. Gardening, pool care, snow shoveling, lawn mowing....all of that stuff counts:)
  21. Elise, I can't see what you're saying cause I blocked you yesterday (it still shows you're posting a response...and as curious as I am, I'm not gonna unblock ya, sorry) I hope you get all your angst out and feel better:) Enjoy your rant! It's a good place for it:) Oh, and thanks for the bump! LOL:)
  22. Creekimp13

    Workout Choices.. don't know where to start

    Start SLOW! Worst thing you can do is hurt yourself. When I started this crazy process in June, I was super out of shape...270, and really really sedentary. My best friend got me a Fitbit for my birthday. She's gotten herself one and wanted to support my weight loss effort....which was awesome! I started off really really slow. 5000 steps a day. I could get those steps anywhere. Just walking around my house and yard, doing errands...I could get those 5000 pretty easily most days. I just started bumping it up a little each week. Pretty soon I was doing 8,000 steps, then 10,000... Today, I walk about 16,000-20,000 steps per day. My energy is amazing, I feel better, my endurance is so much better. Recently, I've been at the YMCA doing a stretching class for artritis (I'm one of the younger people, but it's a terrific class) and water aerobics....both of these classes are done in a heated therapy pool...which feels amazing! Hubby and I hit the free-swims in the therapy pool on the weekends, too. Go slow...you don't have to be a triathelete over night. Do stuff you ENJOY:) Exercise shouldn't be a bitter pill. It should be something you kinda look forward to. Walk your dog, go horse riding with a girlfriend, take a walk with your partner. I'm a nature girl, but I have a friend who goes walking at the casino every day. For every lap around the place, she spins a couple of times and leaves after she spends five bucks. Some people like to shop. Some like gym workouts. Whatever you pick...start slow and pick something you look forward to. Best wishes:)
  23. What we have is a failure to understand each other. No one wants to make fun of specific posters. No one would tolerate that. Even if it was a poster who habitual moans about their lack of progress...if someone was pissing on them, personally, I would personally be there in a flash to defend them. Everyone would. And I think that's what most of the resistance to this thread is about. And that's awesome. It is really cool that people would step up and defend each other. But here's the flip side. Some of us really want a place to speak a little more freely, and laugh, and blow some steam about this whole hellish process....because its stressful. Some of us find it useful to laugh at ourselves and not take **** so fecking seriously. We should be allowed to do that. And thankfully....there's a special place for that kinda talk...away from the main forum....where we can:) But no, rest assured...no one is going to tolerate personal attacks on individual posters. Ever.

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