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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Creekimp13

  1. Creekimp13

    Recovery Time

    Do you have an ulcer, or a leak at the suture line? Man, six months out is late for a leak. Can you give us any more details about how you discovered this? Had you been sick a while?
  2. Creekimp13

    dreaming of rotisserie chicken

    I thought about eating the protein with just a little bit of muffin....and probably could do it that way. The cheese is welded to one of the muffin halves, so you'd probably want to pick that one and pitch the other. LOL But no...I ate it as built.... cause my hubby...who insisted he wasn't hungry and didn't want anything....was staring at me like a Labrador Retriever. He was all....eat what you want, and I'll eat the rest. God...and he's doing this other weird thing, now, that he used to do with my daughter. When she was little, he'd let her order anything she wanted off the menu, and would wait until she was done eating....and eat what was left...or just share with her. He's all...I'm not picky...go ahead...pick something good. Kid would pick bizarre things....pancakes to prime rib...he never cared. The other day we were at a coffee shop, and I'm like...Man, I want to order this, but it's a ton of food and it won't travel well. He's all...get what you want, I'll get a side salad and eat the rest when you're done. In one way it's sort of endearing...in another way, it's sort of creepy. LOL. I love him, though. Selfless asshat. Wouldn't trade him.
  3. Creekimp13

    Week one- two pounds down?

    I came home from the hospital four pounds heavier than I arrived...fluids. Got premenstrual and my weight went up two pounds. After my period, I lost four. Bodies do this crap. They plateau. It's ok. Just keep steady and hang in there:)
  4. Creekimp13

    Egg Yolks

    Interesting! Thanks for this:)
  5. Creekimp13

    dreaming of rotisserie chicken

    I have one. Canadian Bacon. I loved Canadian bacon pre-surg and now, it smells weird to me....almost chemically...and tastes weird, too. I literally threw out a package of it because I thought there might be something wrong. Bought a new package and had the same experience. I had half an egg McMuffin the other day, and it was good...but it wasn't as wonderful as it used to be. Almost made me sad. But at 150 calories and 9g or protien (for half)...it's still a meal on the go that I don't mind indulging in once in a while. Big cup of decaff and I'm golden.
  6. Creekimp13

    Naughty days?

    "NO JUDGEMENT! Has anyone else had bad days like this? " From my perspective, this is the part that caused the controversy. When someone knows they've gone off plan, but specifically ask for support without judgement...when it's pretty clear that what they're looking for is just empathy....should they be inundated with fear mongering and reasons they'll fail?
  7. Creekimp13

    Naughty days?

    I don't think listing your pants size substantiates your authority on a particular topic. To do so seems weird and obsessive (to me). Personally, I would rather be my current size...than a size 4 at 5' 7".....that's grossly underweight for my tastes. That's what I was referring to...hence the quote. Not the part about cravings. But again....my concern is not useful. It's not something she will agree with or want to hear, so it's best to keep it to myself. Which I do, for the most part. I'm bringing it up only to illustrate that sometimes knowing something won't be received well....should prompt us to rethink how useful it is, or finesse our point.
  8. Creekimp13

    Please give your feedback

    I wasn't required to pay anything on the day of surgery. Am just now starting to get bills. Call the hospital's billing department and ask?
  9. Creekimp13

    Severely Constipated.

    I was a skeptic...but I tried it....and I have to say I think the Smooth Move tea works wonders. It's sold at most grocery stores with the herbal tea.
  10. Creekimp13

    Naughty days?

    "Speaking as someone more than four years out and maintaining a 135 pound loss at goal (size 4)...." Jess...would it surprise you to know that you impress me as someone who is in danger of swapping out one eating disorder for another? I'm not saying that's true, or your reality...but it's a road I'd rather not take, and sometimes you say things that seem a bit obsessive and extreme for my taste. I worry about trading one extreme for another because I know it's dangerous, and I know it happens. I've never mentioned this before because every time I consider telling someone I'm worried about them online....I think to myself...will that person find it useful if I do? Will they take it to heart, or will they hear it as criticism? Usually, I err on the side of shutting up and treating people with kindness when I know they don't want to hear what I have to say. .
  11. Creekimp13

    Why do I feel hungry??

    I think this notion of "it's just head hunger" after bariatric surgery is total BS. You're starving your body. Of course you're going to be hungry! You're not feeding yourself. Your body is very literally going into starvation. Yes...you're HUNGRY. I don't know who decided that you're not supposed to be hungry after surgery, but I sure as heck was. When I started eating 1000 balanced calories a day two weeks after surgery, I wasn't hungry anymore:)
  12. Creekimp13

    Kidney infection

    Ouch! Give your surgeon a call ASAP. My guess is that you'll be ok for surgery, but it's best to let your surgeon know ASAP in case they want to switch you up to a more powerful antibiotic or something. Crossing my fingers for you.
  13. Creekimp13

    Petrified!!!!....but had an epiphany

    I'm a little over a month out... Went out to dinner at Applebees with my hubby this weekend. Had the chicken mozzarella caprese. Ate about a third of it, and took the rest home in a box. I don't feel cheated. I had a wonderful night out. Was delicious and I feel like I'm living my normal life:) (not posting the pic to torture anyone, just sayin...it's not that long until you can tolerate normal food again...so hang in there!)
  14. Creekimp13

    for fun! what was your 'last meal'?

    My last meal was snow crab legs at a local seafood joint. Had two pounds worth, tons of butter, lemon, and washed them down with a couple of regular Pepsi colas and fresh bread, still hot out of the oven with herb butter, baby potatoes and salad. Yep, it was good. Went out in style. Oh God...and had creme brulee on ice cream with caramel sauce and pecans for dessert. Went out in style and regret nothing.
  15. Creekimp13

    Week one- two pounds down?

    They're not different from everyone else's. They're different from a certain percent of people who post about their results...which is hardly a sample representative of a whole population.
  16. Creekimp13

    Week one- two pounds down?

    Your body can only lose a certain amount of weight each month before it fights back. You've lost a total of 16 pounds...that's a terrific accomplishment for one month..for a person your size. What you are experiencing is completely normal and healthy. Stick to your plan and have patience. I promise the scale will move again:) But give your body a chance to catch up to what your brain wants. LOL. Bodies are stubborn. And hey...16 pounds is awesome!
  17. Creekimp13

    Gastric Sleeve on Wednesday!!

    Best wishes on a safe effective procedure and a speedy recovery:) Good luck!
  18. Creekimp13

    11 days out weight gain

    So, think of it a different way..... In the past month, you've lost 21 pounds. That's HUGE. Also, keep in mind that the average amount that people lose in their first month after surgery, is 18% of their excess weight. If you had 50 pounds to lose the day of surgery.....the average person loses 9 pounds that first month. You still have a couple of weeks until you're out a month. You're doing fine.
  19. Creekimp13

    Bathroom issues

    No...I've not had anything like that. I'm so sorry you do...has to be really unsettling! Hopefully, it's a passing thing that will improve with time. I would suggest: 1. Getting in to talk to your doc about it, or at least phoning the nurse about it ASAP. 2. Get some disposable diaper underpants...they have something like "Pull Ups" for adults now. I know it's a little frustrating and uncomfortable...but my mom sometimes wears them and unless you were looking close, you'd never know. Again...just until you get it figured out, so you don't have to panic:) Think of it as temporary insurance.
  20. Creekimp13

    5 Day post op

    The newbies love these posts...play by plays really help them prepare. I remember really appreciating finding them when I was considering surgery:)
  21. Creekimp13

    Gastritis and RnY

    PS...I had an endoscopy and had chronic gastritis diagnosed, too. They took biopsies to check for the helicobacter pylori bacteria...and I didn't have any. No delay on surgery. (I did have sleeve, though, not RNY, full disclosure)
  22. Creekimp13

    Gastritis and RnY

    When researchers examine the removed portion of stomach from RNY and Sleeve patients...something obscene...like 60% show chronic gastritis. You do want to have the test to make sure you don't have the ulcer bacteria present. If you have that, it'll need to be treated before surgery. But if not, it shouldn't cause a delay.
  23. Creekimp13

    Stalled weight loss

    34 pounds in two months is 17 pounds a month...which is an absolutely terrific loss. Stalls happen. Just keep steady on your plan, add a little exercise and don't sweat it. The scale will start moving again. I promise.
  24. Creekimp13

    11 days out weight gain

    Don't worry. A LOT of people go through exactly what you're going through. How much did you lose before surgery? How much did you lose during presurgical diet? Did you stop any maintenance meds after surgery? Being able to drink well and eat well mean you're healing well...it's a good thing. Be patient. You will lose. I promise.
  25. Creekimp13

    Feeling sad

    It's hormones. Lot of folks struggle with mood swings in the weeks after surgery. You're gonna be ok. It gets better. I'm always open to new buddies. I hope you feel better soon. This coming year you're gonna lose a lot of weight and your world will change for the better. You'll feel better. Give it some time.

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