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Patrick powers

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Patrick powers

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  1. Patrick powers

    November sleevers here

    My weight lose has slowed Down to almost nothing and I feel Hungry again all the time. I'm very concerned, has this happened to anyone else?
  2. Patrick powers

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    I had sleeve on Nov 6th I've lost around 120lbs so far but I had to have foot surgery and I can't even get up off the couch for the last 4 weeks. It will be awhile before I can start waking again and my weight loss had stopped completely. I'm so worried that it won't start again. I still need to lose another 50 lbs at least before I reach my goals. I've also noticed more Hunger pains lately. I sure hope I don't go back to my old eating habits... I'm so stressed out and worried... 😓
  3. Patrick powers

    November sleevers here

    Omg.. I'm so impressed. You look so great.. I'm hoping I can have as much success as you did. I'm having some setbacks at the moment. Everyone please pray for me
  4. Patrick powers

    November sleevers here

    Wow that's incredible you look terrific. I've lost 120 total but I'm very concerned. I've had to have surgery on my foot and I can't walk for 5 weeks. I know I've gained some weight back and I'm worried about getting back into my old habits.
  5. Patrick powers


    Thanks everyone for the advice..i did eat two bites of a slice withk ham on it.. it was good but you know what I didn't have a problem stopping. Instead I'm fixing me about 3oz of shrimp Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Patrick powers


    Oh thank you so much that looks incredible im going to try making that as son as I can Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. Patrick powers


    Thanks man Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Patrick powers


    I had my surgery nov 6th and I've lost 75lbs so far.. the family all wants to get pizza for supper tonight but ive been really good and haven't been eating carbs since the surgery. What does everyone think about me having one slice of pizza tonight?? would that ruin everything for me??? Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Patrick powers


    A thin tortilla as a pizza crust what a fantastic idea. I can't wait to try it
  10. Patrick powers


    I have a question, I'm about 9 weeks out and I'm wondering if I can have any carbs at all with a meal? I found some low carb soft tortilla that would be great to use as buns for a turkey sandwich. They only have 5 net carbs and with as little as I eat i would only have about a 1/3 of it anyways. I just feel guilty thinking about eating it though. Anyone have any thoughts?
  11. Patrick powers

    Before and After Pics

    Wow amazing, you look terrific Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Patrick powers

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    No way guys dont feel like a fraud .. of course it's up to everyone if they want to tell others About having the surgery but im ok with telling. I look at the surgery as a weight lose tool, its no way an easy fix or a cheat. This surgery has been one of the hardest things I've tried in my weight loss journey and I'm proud to say as of today I've lost 55 lbs. I also still see a bigger me but I can still tell a diff when I look in a mirror or try on clothes now. I can't wait to lose another 150 lbs. Good luck everyone Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Patrick powers

    October sleeve photo result.

    Thanks I appreciate the kind encouraging words I needed to hear that. I am going to try harder today.
  14. I'm really depressed tonight..i screwed up..i probably ate more than I should have.. we made a ground turkey dish with veggies in it.. it was so good I ate at least 2 cups worth and a few slices of tomatoe..i got full after around 1/2 a cup and a tomato slice but I keep going back and picking at it until I finished it..i feel really ashamed , I had been doing so well until tonight. I hope this isn't the start of bad things[emoji26] Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Patrick powers

    Is there something wrong?

    Oh yes I didn't have any problems at all finishing all my broth even the day after surgery at the hospital I could easily finish everything and I was still hungry afterwards. I wouldn't be concerned, as long as your on liquids you might not get full but just wait until you start solid real food .I just started them this week and I Can barely finish a few ounces at a sitting.

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