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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dexxablue

  1. I was banded nearly 3 weeks ago. I am now on mushy foods. But I think I am able to eat too much. I can eat about 6 ounces comfortably. Is that normal? And will it decrease when I get my first fill ? thanks, Kary
  2. Dexxablue

    Soda after lapband?

    Soda is an absolute no-no. The carbonation in the soda will basically sabotage you. The carbonation stretches your pouch out because of the gas. My doctor says you have to kick the habit and go for Water or things like crystal light or unsweetened tea w/ splenda. It's kinda the same idea behind instant mashed potatoes. They end up blowing up in the stomach and stretching the pouch. It's just best to stay away. Kary
  3. Dexxablue


    Just don't over do yourself when you get home and you will do just GREAT! I was banded nearly 3 weeks ago and I had soreness, of course, but no pain. The only complications I had after surgery was actually quite funny when I think about it. I woke up in recovery and I couldn't stop moving my legs. That lasted all of a few minutes. It just had to do with anesthesia and the way it reacts with certain people. All they had to do was give me a muscle relaxer and the kicking stopped. You will do wonderfully. You will be sore, but it's normal. My surgery was day surgery. After they get you in the room they will start giving you liquids. They will be small amounts of liquid, but it is to make sure you can handle them. They will NOT let you out of the hospital until you do a few things: Tolerate liquids, walk-- more than once!, and get rid of the liquids -- if you get my drift. Everyone is nervous about their surgery, but when you come out on the other side you'll be so glad you did it.

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