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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Hop_Scotch

  1. Hop_Scotch

    Emergency Surgery

    Thankfully my doctor isn't like this. Once the results have been reviewed by the doctor, if they are okay the receptionist is allowed to say so. Depending on some results the nurse can tell you via the phone, if the results are significant then its another visit to the doctor.
  2. Hop_Scotch

    Have you had the Shingles Rash?

    Did you feel any shingles pain? I have had shingles, not pleasant at all, and early this year I had the vaccine to help avoid any future bouts.
  3. Hop_Scotch

    sugar cravings

    Sugar, my downfall. I had my ESG three weeks ago tomorrow...during my pre op diet I still had some cravings. Since my ESG so far zilch. Before I was an all or nothing, and once I had a taste of lolly/candy I would typically go untl there was nothing left or go looking for more. If I went without for a while I was fine it didn't have a hold on me, but one taste would send me off. I will hold off tempting myself with sugar for as long as possible, I am not sure I want to test myself. I will probably have a sweet thing or two on Christmas day and see how it goes. But sugar (all the sweet products...lollies, cake, biscuits, ice creams, etc) was one of the contributors to my obsesity so it will not feature largely in my future except for those foods that naturally contain sugar on a moderate basis.
  4. I had a bit of a sore throat after a ESG fortunately it didn't last too long. My doctor said i could take ibuprofen or similar if needed but to make sure I was taking nexium at the same time to acid low and it would help avoid a stomach ulcer. But perhaps your doctor may have different ideas.
  5. Hop_Scotch

    Alcohol Is The Enemy-HELP!

    For the time being do not have the ingredients for the cocktails in your home, assuming that is where you are drinking them. If out and about, have some low calorie non alcohol alternatives instead.
  6. Hop_Scotch


    That's great, well on your way to recovery now then.
  7. Okay if you know you total calories and your protein grams and carb grams you should be able to work out how many calories can be allocated to fat grams. Say 800 calories, 100gms protein, 50 grams of carbs: Protein and carbs are approx 4 cals per gram so 800 - (150 * 4) = 200. Fat is 9 cal per gram so 200/9 = approx 22gms of fat. If 600 calories, 75gs protein and 50gms carb. 600 - (125 * 4) = 100. 100/9 = approx 11gms of fat.
  8. Were you told how much protein to consume as well? If you were it can be worked out how much fat you are expected to consume.
  9. Hop_Scotch

    Food stages

    May be best to check with your doctor or nutritonist to see if you can progress. Have you tried having yoghurt instead? I have been thinning out yo pro yoghurt as part of my post op diet which I finish in about 10 days.
  10. Hop_Scotch

    6 days post opp

    Hi and Welcome I don't have any recommendations for protein shakes but hopefully someone may, but have you tried things like collagen powder, some are quite high in protein and can be mixed with various liquids or soups. I am still in the free fluid stage for another 10 days or so, in place of a shake sometime I have been having some yo pro yoghurt thinned down with some water or skim milk.
  11. Hop_Scotch


    @Bish45 - how are you going now? Has the pain gotten any better?
  12. Hop_Scotch


    I had my ESG two weeks ago. I was fortunate not to feel any gas pain, though I did have stomach cramping for until day three. The gurgling is to be expected I think, for some people they gurgle a lot others don't. Have you trying massaging the colon see if you can shift some of the gas. It can be soft massage doesn't have to be hard. This is a massage that may help some people with constipation, if you follow the same pattern but not the strength it may help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI4h_GXSJUk I have heard more gurgling from my stomach its not particularly loud so I haven't been too concerned about it. I didn't have any shoulder pain, if you are sure it's related to the ESG its likely gas so I guess lots of walking and it may help if someone rubbed your back.
  13. Hop_Scotch

    Access to Vet forum?

    Patience is a virtue they say, didn't take long, now the forum is open to everyone. You could have posted you question anywhere on the boards and I guarantee a VET would have answered.
  14. Hop_Scotch

    Access to Vet forum?

    That's great!
  15. Hop_Scotch

    Where Is Everyone From?

    My dad was born not too far from there, a little area called Graystown near Killenaule, Thurles.
  16. Hop_Scotch


    That's fine, its not high at all. If you are using it for clear fluids after the surgery, you probably won't be able to drink too much of it any way. I had three clear fluid days after my ESG, I started with 1/2 cup broth for day one, then for the next two days I had 2 x 1/2 cups broth per day along with my other fluids. Good luck, hope it all goes well for you
  17. Hop_Scotch


    It should be fine assuming its clear and doesn't have any residue. Just be mindful of the sodium content.
  18. Hop_Scotch

    This is getting old.

    Patience is a virtue.
  19. Hop_Scotch

    Hiding threads

    An 'ignore thread; like a 'ignore member'ability that would be good.
  20. Hop_Scotch

    Cottage Cheese

    i would say by weight but could be wrong. If you measure out by weight and volume is there much difference in the portion size?
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if his seminars are now just opportunities to sell that product he is promoting. People will be paying him to promote it to them.
  22. Hop_Scotch

    Low libido HELP!

    That's good, hormone imbalance could account for the low libido and the dryness.
  23. Hop_Scotch

    I don't think I'm ready ):

    Good pick up, while BMI isn't the best indicator it would be about 17 which is technically underweight.
  24. Hop_Scotch

    Low libido HELP!

    Perhaps talk to your doctor, maybe get your hormone levels checked?
  25. Hop_Scotch

    Weight gain!!

    Have you tried to increase your good fat intake? Perhaps adding some flax seed oil or avocado to shakes or smoothies. Fatty fish such as salmon, calorie dense foods such as nuts. If you are eating three main meals a day, do four perhaps or increase snack portions.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
