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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Hop_Scotch

  1. No it doesn't, but eating chocolate so early out is a slippery slope. You don't need our permission to do or not to do, only you can decide. I hope the decision you make is the best for your long term even if it doesn't have an immediate impact on dumping or vomiting. Your surgeon or dietician may have a different response than we do here.
  2. No we don't exactly know, but why risk it? Only you can say if you are prepared to take the risk of self-sabotage or dumping.
  3. It is a slippery slope that you don't want to jump on. You are three weeks out, if you don't follow through on the commitment you made to lose fat, to get healthy at this stage, before too long it may not just be a piece of chocolate it will two or three, and not long later it may be a bar of chocolate and then not long after a big slab of it. That may be seem dramatic, but this is real life, this is what happened before we had WLS, this is how it played out and may play again in the near future. There is time enough down the track to enjoy a piece of chocolate, when you have developed new and healthier habits, new coping methods of dealing with life stresses, new behaviours, new tastes etc. I have a shocker of a sweet tooth, it is not something I would have tempted three weeks out. The risk was too great.
  4. Hello and welcome , there is a July thread that you could probably hop on board, it looks fairly active
  5. Hop_Scotch

    Gastric Sleeve - Outpatient

    If you have a choice in this matter, I would stay overnight in hospital if you could. Even just for the IV fluids to help with hydration levels, plus nurses can monitor if you are able to take fluids, pass wind, pass urine - they can also put pain meds through the iv. I recovered fairly well from surgery and I wouldn't have wanted to leave hospital the day of surgery, I stayed two nights, I may have gotten away with one but two was just right. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to get in a car and be on the road on the day of surgery.
  6. What did you weigh on surgery day? It may be that your start weight isn't high enough to be losing 5lb a week. I am not sure it was fair of your surgeon to put such expectations on you, my surgeon did particularly care how much I had lost by that stage, he only cared that I was well and able to manage fluids and some proteins.
  7. Hop_Scotch

    Anyone for September 2020?

    Pain at the incision sites or from gas? Or somewhere else?
  8. Hop_Scotch

    Question about loose skin

    It can be a while before skin tightens as much as it is going too, I think I read somewhere up to two years (but could be wrong about the time frame). How much skin tightens will depend on genetics, age, environment plus history of yoyo dieting that may have resulted in big losses/gains so as the skin loses elasticity.
  9. Hop_Scotch

    Anyone go into surgery alone?

    I was alone by choice, I had travelled interstate. I wasn't nervous that probably helped. I wouldn't hesitate to go alone again, I think that is my preference generally.
  10. Your goal weight is almost at 20 BMI, to achieve this weight and maintain is going to take a lot of commitment from you. Motivation may get you started, commitment will see you through to the end. What effort have you made so far? How is it going? Given you are three years out from surgery, I would think that calorie counting may be useful for weight loss, some exercise for the health benefits may help keep the commitment going. Have a look at some calorie counting apps, see which one would meeting your needs the most, enter your profile for weight loss, and go with with the daily calorie allowance. Be mindful that some include additional calories for exercise based on information you have given - I know myfitnesspal doesn't so if you exercise you will need to eat back some additional calories. If calorie counting make sure you weight and measure everything (no guestimating), track everything. If you don't want to calorie count, perhaps start cutting out snacks, just eating three or four main meals a day but reduce portion sizes. See if that helps, eventually though as you get closer to goal weight you may need to calorie count. Hope it all goes well for you.
  11. Don't be, if its on your plan, your doctor obviously is okay with it. As I said, it varies from plan to plan. There is no right or wrong, just different plans. If it doesn't hurt after having it or you aren't any having any issues with acid reflux sounds like you are doing fine.
  12. Coffee can be a bit harsh on a healing stomach and may also cause more stomach acid, which may contribute to acid reflux. Post op guidelines vary some allow coffee early on, some much later, I guess once the stomach has healed, its mostly about if it can be tolerated.
  13. Hop_Scotch

    Post op feelings

    What are you consuming at the moment? Did your surgeon or dietician provide you with a post op food plan/timelines? Do you have a post op program with follow ups with them?
  14. Hop_Scotch

    6 day Post op shaking help

    You have given so little information that no one can offer advice except that if it is that concerning to you please see a doctor as per the above post.
  15. OP's posting history indicates she had her surgery within USA (see link below) looks like there was likely to be a full program. Perhaps things were missed because of scaled down services due to covid restrictions. https://www.nycbariatrics.com/prepare-for-surgery https://www.nycbariatrics.com/the-mmibs-difference
  16. Hop_Scotch

    Required PRE Ops Weight Loss

    Have you used any food replacement shakes yet? If not, three a day (high protein, low carb ones) plus one protein and low carb veges meal a day. This will help with any fluid retention weight. Lots of movement - walking is good at least an hour (doesn't have to be every day) but at least every other day - or 30minutes a day. Plenty of no calorie fluids may help too. Hopefully there may be some leeway due to covid stresses and lockdowns with the weight loss needed, but don't take the chance in case not.
  17. Hop_Scotch


  18. Hop_Scotch

    Raw honey

    There is nothing magical about raw honey that would cause any one to lose weight, it is very likely that you were due for a whoosh of weight loss anyway after a three week stall.
  19. Are you taking stomach acid reducers? It could be excess acid rather than hunger??
  20. Hop_Scotch

    Food Schedule

    You aren't likely to feel restriction with liquids unless you consumed a significant amount in a short period time. Liquids slip through the stomach fairly quickly. Don't chugg you should be sipping slowly.
  21. Hop_Scotch


    Good that the issue has been identified. I had a temporary bout of lactcose intolerance, it didn't last long. I used something like a lactaid tablet if I wanted small amounts of dairy.
  22. Hop_Scotch


    Lactose intolerance? A lot of people develop it for a period of time after surgery, for some it doesn't go away
  23. Maybe put in a future surgery date..
  24. Hop_Scotch

    Raw honey

    For what and in what quantities. An occasional bit of honey isn't going to hurt you, but if you are doing low sugar or carbs, it does have a lot of sugar in it.
  25. Hop_Scotch


    Looks like you have done great so far regardless of what weight you started at. What had you expected to lose by now? What are your stats? Height and weight? It would be helpful if you filled in your profile.

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