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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Hop_Scotch

  1. Hop_Scotch

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Good luck for tomorrow. There is fairly active October 2020 thread already, I will see if I can find it and post the link here for you.
  2. Hop_Scotch

    Liquid diet ideas

    High protein milk? Protein water?
  3. Hop_Scotch

    ESG vs. LSG?

    You can see in my signature that I had an ESG back in October 2018 and then had a VSG in March 2020. My ESG failed, the sutures loosened or came undone totally, there seems to be a fairly high failure rate in Australia as opposed to USA, but then I have noticed the ESG subforum here has become very quiet in the past couple of years and wonder if the failure rate in USA is as high as Australia. I initially chose ESG as it was less invasive, non-surgical with a quicker recovery. The ESG leaves a bigger stomach volume than VSG, average weight losses are much lower than the surgical option. It is a good choice for lower weight people if the sutures hold and you are compliant 100%, however, the resulting stomach volume does allow for a bit of cheating. My VSG recovery was pretty good and my reasons for going with ESG, such as less invasive and quick recovery seem moot now. I wish I had gone with the VSG in the first instance, I wasted a lot of time and a lot of money. Some people have had great success with ESG, but like my VSG surgeon said at the best it can be considered a temporary measure for people who need to lose some weight quickly for health reasons or who need to lose some weight quickly before a surgery. If in the end you choose a ESG make sure the doctor has done a significant number of ESGs (lack of experience can result in misplaced sutures or sutures that do not hold) and does re-suturing at no charge to you.
  4. Hop_Scotch

    How mobile were you post op?

    I certainly wasn't up to normal activities by day four, I think you need to be a bit kinder to yourself, give yourself time to recover. I wasn't sitting around though, even though I was in compulsory 14 day quarantine once I was home by day four - I got up every hour and walked loops around my house/garden. Yes there are some people who may have been up to some normal things, but we are all different, listen to your body, be patient.
  5. Hop_Scotch

    Hate bypass

    N&I appeared to do very well with weight loss before and after his procedure, for months before and after he only did protein shakes, he ate very little food during all this time. He was very likely always eating to a very low deficit to maintenance calories (even when he got below goal weight), so when he did eat a treat or something a bit different, he didn't put on weight, so he thought he couldn't gain weight. Which was true for the most post but we need to remember he was always eating under maintenance with a fairly low calorie count. It seemed to me he swapped a food obsession for another obsession .
  6. Hop_Scotch

    Coronavirus: to mask or not to mask?

    I would think it would lessen the number of community transfers where social distancing is difficult to manage. If I was in an area with a large number of cases or worked in a field where I was at risk, I would most certanily wear a mask. The mask not only lessens the risk for the wearer, but anyone the wearer comes into close cotact with should the wearer have the virus. As it is, where I am there hasn't been a case for sometime, masks are not generally required or needed, unless someone is a visitor to the state and granted exemption from quarantine (for essential work or other reason), they must be masked up at all time when outside their accommodation.
  7. Hop_Scotch

    Regained weight support

    Usually it will mean either original post or original poster, so the very first post or poster in the thread.
  8. They do say comparison is the thief of joy. 30lb in just over a month seems pretty good to me. You are doing great and are likely above average. No doubt there may be some people who would have lost more in the first month but I can guarantee there are many many others who lost a lot less than that. Weight loss in the first month is dependent on many things, surgery day weight, weight loss in the few weeks before surgery (if you've lost a lot then, don't expect to lose a lot in the first few weeks post op), gender, height, activity levels, surgery type, medical history/medication, post op diet as specifed by surgeon/dietician.
  9. It's an old thread you picked up on, but for anyone pondering the same question.... This article is about before surgery, but there is enough in there to make me think you'd need a good space of time following surgery before taking up vaping again. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6290933/Vaping-increases-risk-surgery-complications.html But if you do a google search on vaping after surgery and/or anesthesia you will find plenty of articles for after surgery https://www.google.com/search?q=vaping+after+surgery+anesthesia&rlz=2C1CHMO_enAU0537AU0537&oq=vaping+after+surgery&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l7.26734j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  10. Hop_Scotch

    Getting in enough protein

    I use protein powder with skim milk - the skim milk adds more protein. High protein yoghurt. Eggs. Cottage Cheese. I make a minced chicken plus beans chilli mix. Quiches. Lentil soup. Lupin soup mix. Savoury mince. Meat loaf I dont enjoy cooking so do use products that allow me to easily consume protein plus veges and other nutrition.
  11. Only chewable antacids? Nothing more effective on a script? Perhaps its time to see your surgeon or doctor. In the meantime are you sleeping on an incline? It may help along with ensuring no food 2 to 3 hours before bed.
  12. Hop_Scotch

    Beyond scared and nervous

    Everyone's post op story will be different, mine was relatively easy, no gas pain, some discomfort around the incision sites and for about two to three weeks sleeping was awkward as was getting in and out of bed, for a day or so when I first took a sip of fluid my stomach would cramp or tense up (only lasted seconds). I am nearly 58 and before my VSG I had never had surgery or spent a night in hospital. I was fine, complications are not the norm. In hospital you will be on IV fluids to ensure proper hydration, through the drip they can also put pain or anti cramping meds. Get up as much as you can to walk about. Staff will check your urine output levels to make sure you are properly hydrated as well as checking that you are passing wind. My surgeon made sure I could cope with fluids even thicker fluids like ensure protein drinks before I was allowed to leave the hospital. We are stronger than we think, we do want we have to to get through, and you will too. Our mind is a powerful tool, what we think is our perception becomes our belief. If you think its going to be a painful process or a long recovery it may well turn into that, but it doesn't need to be that if your body is not necessarily feeling the pain it should be or you are recovering well. Turn those negative thoughts to positive thoughts, and you may just have a real positive process and recovery.
  13. Stall are quite common anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks out, and again many times as you progress through the first year. Assuming you are following the post op guidelines set by your surgeon or dietician you will be fine, weight loss will catch up again soon. It's a good time to set some non scale goals to focus on. If you are concerne though you may want to check in with your dietician.
  14. You are four days out, you are likely feeling weak because of lack of calories and possible a little dehydrated, and you are still healing. Some people lack energy for a number of weeks. Initially do your best to get your fluids in as well as some protein.
  15. Click on the down arrow next to your user name, then click my surgery
  16. Hop_Scotch

    Feeling frustrated at week 3

    Your start weight is lower hence your weight losses are likely going to be slower, but 10lb in two weeks is not insignificant, its a great loss.
  17. Hop_Scotch

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome, hope it all goes well for you.
  18. I doubt it, currently a lot of hospitals aren't even allowing visitors or someone to wait with some just before surgery. I can't imagine they would allow three children in your hospital room. Who would look after them? Who would feed them? Who would keep them out of the way of medical equipment? Who would pay for it all? Does the hospital have a social worker? If so perhaps have a chat with them, they may have some options for you or be able to facilitate something at the hospital. Other than that, if friends aren't able to look after the children for the three days you should look at delaying your surgery until family are able to assist.
  19. Hop_Scotch

    Contact sports

    This is an old thread with not a lot of info but may help https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/337230-contact-sports-after-getting-a-sleeve/ Hopefully someone will respond with something that may assist, but no doubt it will be a top question on your list when you have your first appointment with your surgeon
  20. Do you know how many calories you are eating? If you are not counting calories, how many meals a day and what volume? What foods are you eating? How long since you've lost any weight? What type of reset are you thinking about doing? Protein shakes/meal replacement shakes? Sorry more questions than answers, but the answers will give contet and will help myself and/or others in their response to you.
  21. Safe or not, I have been sorting through my clothes for a while, the minute anything is too big it goes in the giveaway to friends or donate to charity pile. I have already given two large bags away. I currently have one bag of each at the moment. I never realised how many clothes actually fit in my wardrobes and drawers. I am currently wearing clothes bought years ago (luckily I tend towards classic styles) that still had their price tags on them.
  22. Hop_Scotch

    Weight loss

    There is nothing minor or only about your weight loss so far. You are three weeks out and lost 18lb that is not insignificant. You are doing great, keep up the great work.
  23. Hop_Scotch

    Hey there :)

    Sorry can't help with recommendations for the Gold Coast, just wanted to say hello and welcome. If you don't get a response here or many responses, there are a few active facebook groups for weight loss surgery in Australia and you may even find some that are focussed just on the Gold Coast. I have seen the name Victor Liew on a couple of the groups but not Jacobus Jordaan.

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