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Everything posted by aberry

  1. aberry


    I’ve been getting a ton of breakouts along my chin and jawline. :/ the rest of my skin is fine and normal, but damn. That jawline. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 223 *surgery 12/04/17* *12/04/2017*
  2. It could also be the way you’re carrying/presenting yourself now. That’s not to say you weren’t confident or presenting well pre surgery, of course. But I know, personally, that when I’m making healthier choices and feeling good physically, I just exude better vibes than days I’m not. And the more work you put in and the more success you see, I imagine you’ll be giving off a ton of positive and exciting vibes. Idk, maybe that all sounded super hokey. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 230.8 *12/04/2017*
  3. I’m really struggling with things right now. I’ll be two weeks post op on Monday. I have my appt on Tuesday. Everything tastes so bad. It makes me sick. Like, actually eating is fine. My stomach doesn’t get upset, it doesn’t hurt, nothing like that. But it tastes so bad that I don’t want to eat anything. Is mental nausea a thing? I don’t get sick sick, but I’m still very repulsed by it. I’ve tried soooo many things and it all tastes awful. Various soups/broths, yogurt flavors, protein shakes, flavored water w/unflavored protein, pudding, jello... I force myself to drink one protein drink and a greek yogurt cup every day. Although, that’s even a struggle. So I’m averaging roughly 200 calories a day. And again, physically I absolutely think/know I could eat more but the tastes are just so bad. I was really, really sensitive to smells before hand so I don’t know if that has something to do with it? So, I haven’t found anything I remotely like... my friends all talk about their pizza and burritos and I really miss it especially not being able to find at least one thing I sort of like to eat right now. But even then I don’t think I’d like the taste of that stuff. I put cream cheese on a bagel for my daughter and licked a tiny bit off the knife and about gagged. And I freaking LOVED cream cheese before. I do take my vitamins twice a day. I mean, to be honest my chewable vitamins are the least offensive thing I eat each day... they taste like flintstone ones. Idk, I guess I’m just feeling down or frustrated. I hate all the food, wish I could just find something I like, and of course I just miss being able to eat normally. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256
  4. Yeah, I got a pretty bad, itchy rash on the inside of my arms. A few days to maybe a week post op. I believe it was the “keto” rash. When you eat an extremely low carb diet, I’ve heard/read the first few days of it can lead to a rash. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 230.8 *12/04/2017*
  5. aberry

    Naughty days?

    I’m all for moderation and living a balanced life. On one hand I agree with Creekimp, if I can’t learn to enjoy and walk away... then I still have an unhealthy relationship with food. I don’t want to binge, but I don’t want to deny and restrict myself for all of eternity either. I want a balance. I want a healthy and nutritious eating plan... and not to freak out if at the holidays I bite a cookie (as long as I’m not biting 50 cookies, you know). Now, that being said, I do agree that cheating early on is more alarming and more dangerous. I also am just generally concerned for the OP because this is the same OP who was worried about eating cauliflower soup barely a week out and then later in the same day ate pizza. I commented then and I’ll comment now, it sounds like you really, really need to seek help from your doctor, nutritionist, and/or therapist. I imagine between the pizza a week post op to wine and loads of chocolate and whatever else NYE you’ve had other pretty serious cheats as well. Again, I’m not saying I’m against the occasional cheat or treat or whatever. But it sounds like your situation might be borderline worse than that. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *12/04/2017*
  6. I honestly love her doctor’s plan. I think it makes sense to get as normal of a healthy and balanced eating style as possible. If you can learn and incorporate the style now, then it won’t be as shocking and worrisome later on. When you’re like a year or more post op going, “help I can eat 1200 calories, is this bad?” Type of thing. But, I went into this knowing that’s what I wanted. I want to have a healthy and balanced eating style. I want a normal relationship with food. I don’t want to be on a super restrictive diet for the rest of my life. I don’t want to freak out if I eat bread or a dessert every now and then. To me, that just wouldn’t be sustainable or a healthy lifestyle. I did have a horrible relationship with food and binged a ton. I like that I’m relearning how foods should be taken in and what a balanced diet really means. I’ve also discovered I love a lot of the healthy foods and I’m not super interested in the shitty foods. Probably because I’m so recently post op, but I think if I continue and make this habitual, it will (hopefully) stick. Idk, anyway, I’m anywhere between 500-1000 calories a day. I’m trying to get closer to 1000 a day, but some days I’m just not successful. And that’s fine. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *12/04/2017*
  7. aberry

    So scared

    I’m one month post-op. I was soooo freaking terrified. I mean, I was terrified of being put under for my wisdom teeth too. I know another poster said it’s kind of “silly” to be scared of that, but I disagree. I know she means moreso that there’s nothing really to be afraid of because it’s relatively safe and 100000x safer than remaining overweight. But there’s still something terrifying of being put under, aware you’re having an operation done beforehand, and not knowing if you’ll be waking up afterward. I have a 4 year old and my husband/her dad past away earlier this year (not from anything health related, he was mil and incredibly fit). I was so freaking scared I’d be electing this surgery to try and get healthier for her/us, but then end up leaving her completely parentless! I told all of my friends and family what I wanted done if something were to happen to me, wrote a letter to her, made a video the night before. Pretty much cried and I was wheeled off. I really get it. I was freaking terrified. The only thing that helped me proceed was just going through the statistics over and over and over. It IS safer than so many other procedures that no one seems to blink an eye over. Being overweight IS deadly. And how much I owed it to my daughter, and myself, to do what I could to have a longer healthier life for us both. Idk if that’s helpful at all. I just wanted to reach out from another person who was incredibly scared but made it through. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *12/04/2017*
  8. aberry

    What does hunger feel like

    This is super weird, I’m sure... but before I got the surgery whenever I was hungry... and I mean all out hungry my body needs food, the back of my neck would like twinge or fizz... like a fizzy kinda sound/feeling. Not painful at all. Anyway, I’ve noticed that when it’s been awhile since I eat now my neck still does the fizzy thing. So I roll with that. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *12/04/2017*
  9. Mine was outpatient and I loved it. I was the first patient of the day and first patient home. I loved being home and being able to sleep in my own bed. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *12/04/2017*
  10. aberry

    Pain free?

    I had surgery on 12/4 too. I was relatively pain free after a week. But I was walking a crap ton that week. Like, a ton... idk. Anyway, I have some pain in one my incisions still. Mostly when clothes brush it weird or something. And I get a weird pressure feeling sometimes when I sit a certain way. But that’s it. Nothing I use any sort of pain medication for. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *12/04/2017*
  11. aberry

    When did people notice?

    I saw a friend a couple of days ago who I had not seen in a fee months (who has no idea about my surgery) and she commented on how well I was looking and asked if I’d been doing anything (we had talked fitness stuff before). Idk if she was just being nice. I’m only 3 weeks out and I don’t notice a difference at all. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *almost 3 weeks post op*
  12. aberry

    Tomorrow is Christmas

    I’m going to eat a little bit of food and enjoy Christmas with my daughter. It won’t be much since it’s just the two of us; I’m not too concerned about it. Merry Christmas. I hope it’s not too stressful for you and you find time to enjoy yourself, family, and the whole occasion. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *almost 3 weeks post op*
  13. Is Emergen-C OK to have? I know it’s “fizzy,” but the fizz dissipates really, really quickly. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256 CW: 236.9 *almost 3 weeks post op*
  14. Hi, thank you all for your advice and support! Things dipped really low for me over the weekend. Yesterday I didn’t eat anything except a fudge pop and two tastes of some yogurt and I only choked that down because my friend was concerned and insisted I eat something. I meet with my doctor tomorrow, but today is technically my two week post op mark. So I went to the grocery store and grabbed some soft foods per my manual. I just had 4oz of cottage cheese and it was AMAZING. I pretty much snarfed it down and had to remind myself to slow down or I’d regret things. I think my issue is with sweet things? The cottage cheese was a pretty flat flavor and perfect. Anything remotely sweet is just making me gag. I’m not entirely sure on that though because I hated broth and creamed soup too... Anyway, thank you again. I’m just super excited that cottage cheese seems like a winner for now. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256
  15. I’m a huge procrastinator and I also try not to dwell on things. So I planned my surgery, researched it, did my doctor’s orientation and then kind of put it to the back of mind. I tried to eat healthier and be active, but I didn’t beat myself up on days I didn’t do so well (also note, my surgeon didn’t require a preop diet. Just liquids the day before surgery). I went on vacation, I visited family, I was out of town a lot. I actually forgot about one of my preop appointments and some tests that needed to be done, luckily I remember just in time. About a week out I sent my MIL about post op stuff since she was coming down to be with me. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256
  16. I take a Bariatric chewable one. Tastes sorta like flinstone ones. I also have the one [mention=330039]Creekimp13[/mention] has and I think one other, but I haven’t been approved to start taking them yet. My doctor said just the chewable for the first couple of weeks. I’ll start the rest when he gives me the clear. 5’6” 25 yo SW: 256
  17. Oh! I didn’t mean to concern you or anyone else. I think it’s a temporary thing. I’ve googled and made my own post a few days ago about taste. And it seems like other people had some taste or smell changes but that it went back after a few weeks or some time. Everyone responds differently to surgery and it seems like many other people eat things just fine. I was already very sensitive to smells before surgery. So maybe that’s something to do with it? 5’6” 25 yo CW: 256
  18. I’m not sure. Everything tastes like it has a terrible aftertaste or artificial flavor. I’ve tried beef and chicken broth, tomato soup, strained chicken noodle soup, cream of chicken soup... a ton of greek yogurt flavors. Pudding. Vitamin water zero. Multiple protein shakes/brands. Idk, everything just tastes really, really bad. I’m still craving things. Like I dream about eating some eggs and cottage cheese in a couple of weeks. 5’6” 25 yo CW: 256
  19. I’m 8 days post op and having such a hard time getting the liquids in. I don’t mind Water at all. But everything else just tastes so nasty to me! I’m honestly averaging about 200 calories a day. And one day I did get up to 450. Mentally I KNOW I need to force myself to get more calories in, but when I try I just gag over the flavor of everything. I saw somewhere someone said they eat 4 servings of greek yogurt a day to meet their goals. And I think I’ll have to try that because greek yogurt is the least repulsive of things, although it still has a gross after taste. 5’6” 25 yo CW: 256
  20. aberry

    Long term vsg implications

    ^^curious too. I’m in the same area. 5’6” 25 yo CW: 256
  21. aberry

    December Sleevers??

    Mine was outpatient as well. I didn’t mind it at all. I liked going home and sleeping in my own bed. 5’6” 25 yo CW: 256
  22. aberry

    Overate ate at 7 days!

    My starting weight was my CW which was also my highest weight. No, I wasn’t bullied for weight; I wasn’t overweight when I was an adolescent. What lead me to this weight and my decision is irrelevant and I’m sure just you just trying to poke at some type of straw-man argument. I’ve never claimed to be perfect or better than you in any way. I also don’t read anything that’s been shared here as berating or bullying you. No one is calling you names, berating your character, or any number of things. BUT people are seriously pointing out that eating solid food one week post op is a BAD and **dangerous** idea and that you should seek help beyond an internet forum before this gets out of hand. There’s no sugarcoating that. That’s me being supportive. Sorry if you don’t like it, but I’m not going to sit here and cheer you on for eating pizza a week post op. I WILL cheer you on as you reach your goals, make progress, and work toward better options.
  23. aberry

    Overate ate at 7 days!

    I don’t think being supportive is synonymous with being kind. The first time you made an error with cauliflower and people were understanding, the second time it was pizza and people’s tone changed a bit. When you’re making dangerous mistakes and escalating and then come here to ask advice, people are going to respond. You shouldn’t want people to paint rainbows and daisies and tell you that eating some pizza a week post op is going to be fine because it’s not fine, really, and getting into the mindset where everything is “forgivable” is a slippery slope where you could end up seriously harming yourself. Maybe you didn’t like their attitude, but what you’re doing *is* dangerous and if their attitude gets you to second guess your actions in the future, then that’s something. Anyway, that’s just my take on it. You really need to talk with you physician because your behavior does seem alarming so soon after surgery. 5’6” 25 yo CW: 256
  24. aberry

    Overate ate at 7 days!

    I feel like you should consider speaking to your doctor, nutritionist, and/or therapist. You were concerned about the amount you were eating the other day, if I’m recalling correctly. Then you ate cauliflower bits in your soup and now pizza. I would just hate for you to continue to escalate and seriously hurt yourself. 5’6” 25 yo CW: 256
  25. Had surgery on Monday at 7:30. Was home by 2:00 pm on Monday and I pretty much slept the rest of the day. Didn’t drink much at all, was so out of it. Yesterday I felt so thirsty. I had mostly water and some jello stuff from my doctor which was okay. Had maybe 3 spoonfuls. Yesterday and today I have also tried a protein drink, a cappuccino flavored protein thing, broth w/ protein, and then just regular broth, and then broth strained from soup (obviously super super, super small tastes. It sounds like a lot but the amount I tasted altogether prob isn’t even an ounce idk. I was using baby spoons) and it all just tastes freaking awful. Either too sweet or weird after tastes, idk. I just want to drink water. 5’6” 25 yo CW: 256

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
