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Charlie P

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Charlie P

  1. Well, I had my sleeve done yesterday, and I have this terrible pain, I think is gas. It radiates pain into my shoulders and make breathing difficult, especially trying to take a deep breath. I hope it doesn't last for too long !! Anybody else experience this??
  2. Thanks for the replies...yeah, I've been walking quite a bit...just finished a half-hour walk around the house (its raining outside)...seems to help somewhat. Its a trip how it goes into your shoulders. I asked my Dr. today and he said it's due to the pressure pushing on a nerve that runs up to your shoulders. ......Hoping it goes away soon :-(
  3. Charlie P


    I am kinda surprised that they don't make an adult chewable multi-vitamin...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
