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About MrsGamgee

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday September 18

About Me

  • Biography
    A wannabe hobbit, broken hearted muggle, companion-in-waiting, diabetic foodie, mom to two wee-lings, and wife of an ent. :)
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    Red Deer
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  1. Well, long time no see. 

    It's been a rough couple of weeks. I should have been expecting the other shoe to drop after having it so easy for the first three weeks post op. I was getting my water and protein easily, had no pain, nausea, or vomiting.

    But as soon as the soft foods really started in earnest I started having problems. Pain, foamies, slimeys, vomiting galore. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it. Something that I ate easily yesterday causes pain and vomiting after the first bite today. Sometimes it's my pills, other times they go down easy. I just don't get it. 

    I'm trying to stay positive. I know this is a season in my life, and things will eventually even out. I'm just so tired of being afraid to eat, not knowing what kind of response my body will have. I'm mostly hitting my protein target, thanks in large part to protein shakes (which I hate, but look at as medicine). I missed my water targets by a lot over the weekend, due mostly to feeling awful, which I know is a terrible cycle... throw up, don't feel like drinking anything, get dehydrated, get constipated, feel like crap, repeat. 

    The three-week stall is also still here. I thought I had busted through it, but I've been bouncing between 216-219 for the last two and a half weeks, which is a contributing factor to my mood and frustration level. And add in wee-lings who are going crazy with end of the school year insanity, friends with busy schedules who I haven't been able to see in weeks, and I'm an unhappy girl. 

    Things will turn around. I know they will. Just not feeling it at this moment. 

    1. MrsGamgee


      Thanks @ms.sss. I saw my RD last week (at the bariatric clinic), and told her everything that's been going on. She said that it was within the range of normal (some people are just lucky like me... lol), and that because it isn't consistent, even though it's happening often, she's not terribly concerned. I need to slow down when I'm eating, and to chew even more than I already am. If she saw how little water I drank over the weekend she'd likely be a little concerned but I have really refocused on that, and am already 2/3 of the way to today's goal at noon. I don't have another appointment on the books now until August, but if things don't start to show some improvement by Thursday morning (my 6-week mark), I'm calling my nurse.

    2. FluffyChix


      Oh wow. Just read of your struggles! So sorry to hear it hon! ((hugs)) It's no fun when the stalls hit, makes bearing other parts of this journey really tough. Added to the fact that most of us experience mood swings/sadness that is usually transitory for most of us. But it still just makes it that much harder.

      I promise the stall will break. If that helps? ((hugs))

      Also, maybe concentrate on upping your water and hitting it consistently? The reason I say that is cuz it will make eating that much easier/pleasant. And the up side to that is with every real meal you have, you're training your tool to accept solid foods again. And being well hydrated makes your pouch less "tricky" and finicky. You know?

      Try varying the temperature of the fluids you drink. I remember cold water was not my friend. I did better on room temp or warm liquids.

      Also, the protein drinks may be contributing a little to your stall. I know I lost better after I really reduced them to very little. I'm very IR, and whey protein isolate is very insulinogenic.

      Hang in there. I promise, in 2-3 weeks, things will feel so much better!!

    3. MrsGamgee


      Thanks @FluffyChix! I know the stall will break, it has to eventually given I'm only consuming 700ish calories a day and I am trying to be active every day. I confess it's hard to be motivated to go for a walk though when I feel like crap.

      Cold water seems to be better for me right now... icy anything makes my tummy happy. It's when my water gets to room temp that it is harder to get down. But I am committed to getting my water in. It's so funny, before surgery I never had a problem with water. Today I decided that I won't count my 'other fluids' as part of my water total... they have to be over and above my target.

      I'm looking forward to lowering my reliance on the shakes. I really don't like them. I got clearance with my RD to cut back on them, provided I can hit at least 80g of protein without them. But I haven't been able to manage that just yet. I'm hoping in the next few weeks, provided I can get real foods to go down and stay down.

      Thanks for the encouragement!

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