I noticed your surgery date. Hang in there... it's still very early for you, Lainey, and your new stomach is still healing. My surgery date was 11/8/17 and for me, right about last week (at 4 weeks post op), I started seeing an ease with eating things - still with the restriction, but not feeling awful after eating. Different surgeons have different post-op programs, but I will say my surgeons program post op (although it was tough) actually helped ensure my stomach was ready to take on progressively thicker foods over a 4 week period. Week 1 (clear liquid diet), week 2 (true liquids like protein shakes, yogurt, etc), Week 3 (pureed to soft diet (eggs, tuna , soft meats, etc.)) and Week 4 (add 1 new food at a time). Nevertheless, I had similar reactions you did during my week 3 (when I first started eating soft foods like egg and soft meats) and I too also became scared to eat. It's all in the process I think. Just remember you (we ) November sleevers are still healing.