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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Am I a 'recovered' morbidly obese person?

    Congratulations to you. However individual success is achieved, it is inspiring to read that someone out there is doing it! 🙌
  2. KimTriesRNY

    do you tell your weight lost

    It’s no ones business. In my opinion the average person that has not been obese cannot fathom what it is to lose 175 pounds so there is no point in me telling them a number they cannot wrap their brain around. I say “a lot”. Then I move on.
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Self esteem

    We....or you?
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Post-Op Gastroparesis

    Cream cheese. Ricotta. Maybe you have developed a dairy intolerance. Try eliminating dairy and see if you have improved symptoms.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Calorie Intake

    Just because you can eat a certain amount does not mean that is what you should be eating. Have you discussed this with your surgeon or nutritionist? What are the actual portion sizes? I am over a year out and I weigh and measure everything I eat. You do not get the same sensation of fullness as you did before surgery so it is good to stick to a measured amount of food. For myself 3-4 ounces of dense protein is it. I’m full after that. I can eat more soup or salad items like 6-8 oz. I average around 800-900 calories a day. At two months I was at maybe 600-700. I would definitely discuss with your team ASAP.
  6. I was in the hospital alone overnight. As a nurse myself, having someone stay with you is nice but certainly not necessary. That is what the staff is for, to help you directly after your surgery!
  7. KimTriesRNY


    I would stay away from soda. I drank Diet Coke for over twenty years and had to quit for my surgery. I have had a few carbonated waters since then, but it was many months post op and I do find them irritating. I have no intention of going back to soda.
  8. KimTriesRNY


    I ate salad at six-7 weeks, you should have an outline or chart for food progression. I agree with GreenTea, caution always with eating something new when away from home base. I tolerated lots of soups at that stage with no issue.
  9. I’m scheduled for my bypass on December 4th. Is anyone else having their surgery in December? I’m nervous but excited!
  10. This is the problem with seeking validation from strangers to decide if you are making the right decision for your health. If you had doubts about following through with surgery you should have discussed with your surgical team or if you were not mentally prepared then it was not the right time for you to follow through with it. Of your only negative side effect so far from your surgery is fear regarding what has happened to others, stop reading about it. You don’t know these people. You don’t know what their diets were. You don’t know if they are compliant with their vitamin regimen or not. You do not know if they are regularly following up with the appropriate medical providers, or if they waited until there was a problem to see someone. Stop reading the negative crap and put yourself in a positive frame of mind. No one is going to do a complicated reversal procedure unless you are deathly ill, and regret is not a life threatening emergency. You are an adult that made a decision, now pull yourself up and remember why you wanted this. I hope you find the inner peace you need to enjoy your journey with no regrets, truly.
  11. No one but you can make the decision on whether you are ready for a life altering medical procedure. You need to research the risks and decide what is best for your health and your future.
  12. KimTriesRNY


    I’m a nurse. People in the hospital throw up sometimes after taking their pills but the pills do not come up. I cannot offer you a scientific explanation. I can only tell you this is not abnormal in my experience.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Ouch My Pouch!!

    Careful with the protein toast stuff. Those items are not easy to digest at your stage. I ate a protein coffee cake thing from here and thought I was going to die at about three months out. Felt like I swallowed a basketball....three weeks, ouch.
  14. KimTriesRNY

    merry christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Or Hanukkah! Or Whatever! 😂
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Loving Life Again

    Beautiful! I agree...so much negative on here recently when so many of us have so many positive things to share.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Anyone have no issues with plain water?

    I never had any issues with plain water.
  17. KimTriesRNY

    Fear of failure...

    I agree with previous poster. Seeing a therapist seems in order. None of us wants to regain weight, we have all been there. Constant all consuming anxiety over it? That may be crossing over into another level.
  18. KimTriesRNY

    I Believe It Was Worth It

    Yes. I knew this was the right decision for me. I have been heavy or obese my whole life. I remember being 11 or 12 the first time I joined Weight Watchers. I have struggled my whole adult life to lose and regain the same 30 pounds over and over again. When I changed jobs and realized I had the chance to have surgery I researched all my options and began preparing. I have zero regrets. Now it’s true I have had no complications, but I went into surgery realizing there was a risk that is was possible, a small risk, but a risk. And I was so miserable with my life the way I was living it that I accepted that risk. My life has changed in so many positive ways. I have more energy and stamina. I’m not constantly worrying about what I’m going to eat. I’m not worrying about what I’m going to wear, I’m choosing what to wear based on my likes and tastes. How people interact with me is different, I feel like people used to just look past me. I was in so much pain after my long shifts at work at my high weight....I used to drive home sometimes and just cry in my car. Now I can work and yes, my feet may ache a bit, but it is absolutely nothing like before. I have about 8-9 pounds to reach my first goal weight of 199. My surgeon thinks I could reach 180. Even if I don’t lose one more pound, I consider myself a success. I have lost over 175 pounds and over 25 points off of my BMI. I also agree there has been a lot of negative posts. If you are close to your surgery date I encourage you to stay away from them. I cruised Instagram before my surgery and was amazed at all the before and after photos of people just like me.
  19. My pain medicine made me so sick I could not take it. In two or three days though, you may be surprised how much better you will be feeling. You may be uncomfortable but the worst of the pain is usually gone. Make sure you are walking everyday. Get up in the morning. Get dressed. Walk a few times a day. Rest when needed. You will do fine!
  20. KimTriesRNY

    Need advice please

    12.5 pounds in 10 days is over a pound a day. That’s a huge loss for someone your size. If you cannot get more than 3 ounces of some thing down in a sitting do NOT force it, increased intake will come in time as your surgery matures and you are able to progress through the diet stages. This far out from surgery your fluid intake is more important than massive amounts of protein. As you are able to eat more solid foods, you will be able to reach your protein goals much easier. Sounds like you are doing fine to me. Never force yourself to eat or drink more so close out from surgery.
  21. KimTriesRNY

    Ancestry.Com and such Things

    What are the privacy issues with these tests? The companies offering these tests largely make their money not from doing the tests, but from selling the genetic information to other companies interested in having access to large genetic databases. Almost 50 percent of the firms that sell you your ancestry information turn around and sell your genetic information to some other company. Often these are pharmaceutical companies trying to understand how variations in certain sections of the human genome may be useful in drug development. (Certain drugs may not function as well in a person carrying certain mutations, so the companies want to find the frequency of these mutations in the population.) Only about 10 percent of the companies that offer ancestry tests destroy your original sample; the vast majority hold onto your sample or sell it. So it’s not just the data, but your actual your saliva, that’s being shopped around. The companies offering testing services often go up for sale, and their privacy policies typically indicate that they bear no responsibility for your privacy once the company is sold—anything you signed is not reliable anymore. Many of the companies have privacy policies that state they can be changed at any time without notifying previous signers. In effect, you need to keep in contact with the company and keep yourself up-to-date on its policy. How many people are going to do that? There’s also a lot of concern that even though your name is not listed on the database, when the data is sold to somebody, the records can be de-anonymized. It has happened before—people have been able to take genetic information with no name on it and, through other databases, find the name associated with that genetic material. https://now.tufts.edu/articles/pulling-back-curtain-dna-ancestry-tests The kicker for me is how accurate is it really though?
  22. KimTriesRNY

    One month stall

    Yes! Stick with it. Don’t worry, your body is resting somewhere it was comfortable. Same thing happened to me. 🙌
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Strictures with Regurgitation?

    If the feeling is still there by the 7th, would you not just request a repeat EGD be done? Seems reasonable to me.
  24. KimTriesRNY

    What I've Received for Xmas from My Bosses

    I received a five dollar grocery store card. You can send me the tree. I will take good care of Stu in Florida. 😀 Panera is great to eat at for healthy lunch post bypass.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
