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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Got Bad News

    This is uncalled for. Calling a person disgusting on here that has meted out helpful advice to many posters on here is crossing a line and maybe even goes against the terms of service. The point of the post is valid, elective procedures require us to follow the surgeon’s requirements. We must follow the insurance company ‘s requirements. Becoming rude and nasty adds nothing of value to the thread and I actually hope they close this thread.
  2. I had a small hiatal hernia that was discovered on my EGD pre op. I was always going for gastric bypass anyways but they did repair the hernia while they did my bypass. I had no symptoms of a hernia, have never even had heartburn in my life.
  3. KimTriesRNY


    I prefer meth over cocaine if I get cravings. Just my two cents.
  4. Yes, don’t expect pounds to fly off the first week or two. Give your body the time it needs to heal from your surgery, then you will see some weight loss. The same thing happened to me.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    6 month Supervised Weight Loss

    My insurance required visits to my PCP for the medically supervised weight loss. The documentation had to include my diet, weight, exercise. If unable to exercise due to physical limitations that had to be documented as well. My surgeon had a form I received in my packet as a sort of guide for the PCP to follow.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    Thinking About Gastric Sleeve

    I think most people that have WLS have tried to lose weight through just diet and exercise many times. You don’t come to this decision lightly, and it’s not an easy decision to make. I thought about having surgery for a few years as well and finally decided to go for it. So far, no regrets but I’m only about 2 months out. It’s already easier getting around at work and I’m already having less joint pain with every pound that comes off. Im hopeful for the first time in years that I can reach a healthy goal weight. If that means less food during the holidays and not eating huge meals anymore, that’s the choice I had to make for myself and I don’t regret it. Good luck to you in whatever you decide!
  7. I had to cut bupropion in quarters. I absolutely could not tolerate crushing it either. Not saying what I did was right, just saying what I did.
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Finally Brave Enough...

    Look how tiny your waist is! Great job!
  9. KimTriesRNY

    My Journey

    Amazing results! Thank you for sharing and inspiring!
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Got Bad News

    Yikes. If my surgeon had said this to me I don’t think I could have let him cut on me. My surgeon required us to not gain any weight during our six months pre op but I could not imagine him saying this to a patient if they had a rough month!
  11. They look pretty inflamed around the incisions. Almost like a reaction to the glue. I’d go in sooner if it’s possible for you to call the office and see the surgeon sooner. Mine never looked that inflamed.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Anyone else feel like a maid?

    Seems strange that you can just watch someone run around and do all these chores right after surgery and not offer any assistance. I’d be pissed off too. Definitely time for him to pitch and help. The sad thing is you shouldn’t have to ask, or have a “talk”. Good luck
  13. KimTriesRNY

    How long were you off work post-op?

    I was off for six weeks but my job is physical and requires me to be able to be on my feet for 12-13 hour shifts, with no lifting restrictions.
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Rny tomorrow morning

    Starting week eight post gastric bypass. See you on the other side. Best wishes and come back and let us know how it goes!
  15. Your waist is really starting to nip in! Great going!
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Disappointed Post-Op By Pass

    I’m curious when the last time your thyroid levels were checked and not just a tsh. Request at least a free T3 and a free T4, a reverse T3 is nice if you’ve never had one. It seems like with your activity and diet you should be losing more. If possible in your area, could you get a test done that measures your basal or resting metabolic rate? I wasn’t aware, as was posted above, that there was a very small number of ppl that the surgery was ineffective on.
  17. Week 6 I was able to start back on salads. I’m basically now on a regular low carb diet excepting steak, pork, and such. As far as how much I can eat it seems to depend on what it is. I tolerate salads, soups, and soft foods like cottage cheese really well. Denser proteins like chicken or tuna salad, or say ground chicken meatballs or turkey burgers I cannot eat as much. I eat until I feel full, then I stop. I try really hard to eat slowly which has been a problem for me my entire life. If I eat too fast I get an uncomfortable chest pain behind my sternum so I’m learning. Follow your diet advances per your program and hopefully everything will go smoothly for you as well.
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Disappointed Post-Op By Pass

    I’d certainly like to know the outcome. Have you ever had any metabolic or endocrine lab work done?
  19. I’m at 650-800 calories a day. I’m trying to get to 1000 calories a day by three months but it’s actually kind of tough. I just can’t eat a lot. I can definitely hit my protein goal now without shakes tho, which is pretty nice. I am seven weeks out.
  20. My bypass was 12/02/17. It does get better! Just do your best to get some fluid and your protein shakes in. Force yourself to walk. I took chewable gas x twice a day. Nap and doze if you need to. Hopefully in a few weeks, you’ll be like me, eating chicken Caesar salads for lunch and wondering what you’ll look like by the end of the year!
  21. KimTriesRNY

    Disappointed Post-Op By Pass

    What is your calorie intake like? What is your dietary intake as far as protein, etc.?
  22. No matter which is chosen, the surgeon is going to recommend a low carb way of eating. When you can only eat a small amount of food, the food you are eating needs to be nutritious. I would not disregard getting a bypass in order to avoid dumping syndrome, I have seen some sleevers on here speak of getting dumping and some ppl that have bypass don’t get dumping. In my surgeons booklet I had a whole list of meds I was never to take again. NSAIDs were listed so that’s a no go. Most people that have GERD end up with a bypass it seems or if they develop GERD post sleeve I have seen in here where they had to be revised to bypass afterwards. True hypothyroidism is so much more than a “slow metabolism” and affects multiple systems of the body if left untreated. If thyroid labs are out of whack and the patient has a history, insurance can even require that the labs be normal prior to surgery. This was true with my insurance. Good luck to you both with whatever you decide!
  23. It gets better. Once you can eat a bit more things improve. Hang in there!
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Did You See the Penny Saeger Episode on My 600Lb Life?

    @FluffyChixYes! That’s the one!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
