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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY


    I think that’s just normal as it shrinks. It doesn’t look as bad to others as it does to yourself. We are our own worst critics and all that. Keep up the great work!
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Can we talk about boobs and bras?

    I’ve already lost one cup size and not even a third of the way there. Im very tall and hippy at a normal weight. Im saving for implants already as I know my breasts will be gone. That being said, I don’t skimp on spending money on bras. Good support is priceless!
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Medication Terazosin

    Medication questions need to be directed to your surgeon or physician. We don’t know why the medicine was prescribed to you.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Post Gastric Bypass 25+ years

    Thank you for sharing! You are both so beautiful!
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Hypothyroidism? Anemic?

    My biggest problem has been doctors only wanting to adjust thyroid meds based on TSH instead of actual thyroid hormone levels. If the hormones are low and I feel it, please treat it! I have read about this, and it seems to be a common problem.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    One Year Update

    Wow! You look so much younger too! Congrats!
  7. KimTriesRNY

    Hypothyroidism? Anemic?

    I’m also hypothyroid. It’s been a struggle for years to get my labs where I like them. I have not had them checked since my surgery....
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Not Enough Stomach Removed

    I’m a bypass patient but I thought I’d lose weight a lot faster too. I lost 15 pounds before surgery and I’ve lost 43 pounds since my surgery on December 2nd. This is all while eating 600-800 calories a day, and now I’m back to working 12 hour shifts at a busy hospital on my feet to boot. Im trying to increase my calories up to the 1,000 range because I believe in the higher calorie intake personally, especially for people with higher activity levels. I think we all want to lose weight faster than we do. Not very often do we see posts about how people are disappointed about how quickly they are losing weight. I did feel like in the full liquid stage and purée stage I could eat more than others but my surgeon was not worried and that has passed. Some things I can eat more of like soups and salads, and others like tuna salad or salmon are very filling. I hope you don’t get discouraged.
  9. Another likely cause so soon post op is dehydration. Make sure you are getting in those fluids. It’s tough in the beginning.
  10. In some people that are very muscular BMI is not the best indicator of a healthy body weight. You may have to really shop around to look for a surgeon willing to operate because if something were to happen to you, would he or she perhaps be scrutinized as to why they were performing a bariatric procedure on a non bariatric patient? Is it ethically frowned upon by other surgeons to do this? I do not know the answer to this. I hope you find the solution you are looking for and let us know. We all know how frustrating it is to battle our weight.
  11. KimTriesRNY


    What was in the omelette? I do alright with two soft scrambled eggs but about a week ago I tried an egg with some diced ham in it and that did not sit well at all. Make sure you chew the eggs really well even if they are a soft food. Big pieces can cause pain, as can eating too fast. I have always been a fast eater and I really have to remind myself the whole time I am eating to take my time and chew each bite.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    3 years, one hell of a journey!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! You look beautiful, healthy, and strong!
  13. KimTriesRNY


    My pre surgery BMI was over 50 which was a main reason I chose to go with bypass. My surgeon said either surgery would likely work for me and didn’t influence my decision either way. You should feel comfortable with what you do to your body. What makes you want to switch? If you have made up your mind to switch you need to discuss with your surgeon and Office ASAP. They will have to resubmit your paperwork.
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Panic setting in.

    We all lose weight at different rates but people that have lost that slowly may have underlying concerns that are causing the slower loss. I am two months post bypass today. I’ve lost 43 pounds since surgery, and 63 pounds down total from pre surgery. My loss post surgery has been slower than I thought it would be, but it’s steady and faster than I could have ever done without my surgery. What’s more important is already things that were becoming very challenging in day to day life are already easier, and will only become more so as I lose more weight. Just trust in the process. Focus on reading the success stories online preoperatively so you go into surgery with that positive mind set! Best wishes!
  15. I’m a bypass patient but I’m going to answer because I thought it was interesting that I was the only person at my preoperative surgical class getting a bypass instead of a sleeve. I was not the largest there either. My high weight was 389. My surgery weight 12/2/18 was 369. My current weight is 326. I believe any goal is obtainable with dedication to the proper diet and exercise after either procedure. There are plenty of posts on here from folks that have gained weight with improper eating habits that had sleeves and bypasses both. I mainly chose a bypass because my starting BMI was over 50. My surgeon felt either procedure would work for me long term and did not pressure me either way.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Liquid diet depression

    The liquid diet is the absolute toughest part pre op. Soon you will be having surgery and it will be a distant memory. Soon enough after that you will be back to eating your healthy diet. Hang in there, it gets better. I was on my liquid diet for thanksgiving. There was crap everywhere at work. I couldn’t have dinner or anything, but it is worth it! You got this!
  17. KimTriesRNY

    Which Vitamins after surgery????

    I just dug out my surgeons book. He had no distinction between sleeve and bypass in the vitamin section. So I do think in the beginning it would be similar with changes coming later based on lab work. In the beginning you will need chewable vitamins and you should always get sublingual b12. Good luck! Hopefully a post op sleever can weigh in on this!
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Getting excited!

    I should think your biggest issue will be a weight limit on lifting after surgery. I had a five pound restriction the first week with a ten pound limit for the following two weeks. No twisting or bending either. It seems you will need help with the younger children at home to me. I have no kids but my sister came over for me for the first week post op and was doing my cat box and even vacuuming and stuff. I miss those days!
  19. KimTriesRNY

    Which Vitamins after surgery????

    Normally your surgeon will recommend a regimen based upon your procedure. It was recommended by my surgeon that I take two multivitamins a day, an iron with vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin b 12, vitamin b, and calcium. I was already b12 and vitamin d deficient so those were not new. You can take an iron pill with vitamin C called Vitron C if needed. I had a bypass. Requirements may vary slightly based on surgery and surgeon type and lab work ups.
  20. KimTriesRNY


    I had one after my surgery from the catheter. About two weeks later I had another UTI, this was when I was having difficulties with fluid intake. Since then I haven’t had anymore.
  21. I had never been put under either as this was my first surgery. I remember them giving me some medicine to relax, I remember starting to wheel down to the OR. Then I was waking up in the recovery room trying to pull my oxygen mask off. Its normal to feel nervous, but the majority of the time things go smoothly.
  22. KimTriesRNY

    RNY VS. VSG (help!!!!)

    You need to call your office and make an appointment to see your surgeon if possible. You should feel comfortable with whatever procedure you are having done to your body. I would not base your choice on what procedure any of your friends had. Either procedure could work for you. Discuss with the surgeon his reasons why he recommends bypass for you. Bottom line is it’s still your decision what surgery you have.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Menstrual Cramps

    Same. I can’t take my beloved Motrin either. I’m going to see about getting an IUD or a more permanent solution now that I’m two months out. I do find liquid Tylenol to be more effective but it’s more expensive and doesn’t last long. It just takes the edge off for me.
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Got Bad News

    We do not decide what surgical procedures are considered elective or not, that is decided by people far above my pay grade. My surgery date was moved twice because it was considered elective. On the day of my surgery my time was moved by two hours in order for a more urgent surgery to go first. Each surgeon and each insurance company has their own process to qualify for these procedures. Not every surgeon requires you to lose weight preoperatively, not every insurance company requires six months medical weight loss. People elect to have surgery in Mexico when insurance won’t cover it. Until bariatric surgery is not considered an elective surgery and they start performing emergency gastric bypasses and sleeves on the obese all of us will have to follow the program guidelines preoperatively. If there are medical reasons that program requirements cannot reasonably be met as far as weight gain due to actual medical diagnoses it would seem that proper documentation from a primary care physician would suffice if submitted to the insurance company.
  25. KimTriesRNY

    Lack of support... :(

    Next have him read the article where 75 percent of marriages end in divorce after someone gets bariatric surgery....that post is around here somewhere...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
