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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Bypass vs sleeve

    It is completely possible to gain weight after either surgery if proper diet is not followed. You should discuss with the surgeon why you would prefer bypass, and he should be able to discuss why he would prefer you have a sleeve. It’s your body, and what operation you have should ultimately be your decision.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Bypass vs sleeve

    Your primary doctor is suggesting sleeve or surgeon? Reasons you are struggling? What other health problems do you have besides obesity?
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Help, what do I pack?

    I used one of those wire free ahhhh bras by Rhonda shear I think. Worked great for me, was not close to my incisions. I brought my pillow from home to sleep on and very glad I did. I couldn’t drink anything the first day so I definitely was glad I had my toothbrush and toothpaste with me. Everything else, slippers to walk in, chap stick, a loose top to wear home, your phone charger...agree.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    War wounds lol

    Just over three months.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Eating a ton pre-surgery

    He may not require a liquid diet, but physically there is a chance that anatomy wise your liver could be in the way of your stomach when they go to do the surgery. If you have not watched a video of your procedure, you should. I would nip this behavior in the bud pronto.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    To tell or not to tell

    I’m in the fewer that know the better camp.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    Disgust about starting weight

    I do absolutely get what you are saying though. When gastric bypass came out, it was intended to help the morbidly obese lose weight. I doubt someone that was 25 with a lower BMI would be someone they would have even operated on. Most people in general aren’t thinking of others when they make random comments. People just aren’t that thoughtful and it’s not likely to change.
  8. KimTriesRNY

    4 months out

    You look fantastic! I am drooling over that spaghetti
  9. KimTriesRNY

    War wounds lol

    I still seem to burp a good bit when I drink...
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Disgust about starting weight

    I can understand your sentiment. It can be difficult to hear ppl complain when they are at a weight that you may be happy to be at, but it’s all a very highly individualized thing. I try to keep things in perspective. I see people my age or younger with Stage 4 cancer, or chronic kidney disease that need dialysis, or worse. Would these people trade their health problems with me? Does me being obese seem a better bargain to them compared to what they face on a daily basis? I feel awful that I allowed my own health to spiral out of control, but at least I have a chance to change that where many people really do not. Whether you have 200 pounds to lose or 100 pounds to lose or 50 pounds to lose the struggles are actually pretty darn similar. May we all succeed in our journeys!
  11. KimTriesRNY

    How often do you throw up?

    3 months out from bypass, have not vomited once. I do get a very sharp pain in my chest if I eat too fast or eat big bites. The denser the protein the more likely this is to happen it seems. I have been too afraid of dumping to try any sweets yet, which I suppose is good. Previous poster is right, some of it is a learning process, what you will tolerate after surgery seems to vary a bit from person to person. Good luck with your surgery.
  12. If you google this it is common after bariatric surgery.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Feeling down

    I totally get this. Every pound that comes off though, I feel a little better, I’m able to walk a little farther. My knees don’t hurt quite so much, my back doesn’t ache as badly. As I am able to do more it just is more motivation to stay on the right track. Being so obese it was becoming so difficult to physically do my job. Sometimes I would cry I just hurt so bad. Something had to change, or I was not going to be able to continue on. This was a hard decision to make, but I’m already happy I made it. I have a long ways to go but I’m seeing improvements every few weeks and that’s enough to keep me looking forward I hope and not dwelling on what is still left to come.
  14. I feel the same way. I also loathe snap chat filter selfies. Sign of getting old maybe?
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Feeling down

    There is definitely a lot more pounds to come off to lose clothing sizes in a higher weight range, I’m in the same boat as you are you. It is hard sometimes to intentionally exercise, especially if you started at a higher weight. Sometimes just going through a day was exhausting. Have you tried easing into it by just doing some active things in your normal life on your days off when you aren’t so tired from work? I’ve been trying to do things like yard work, washing my car, etc. Physical things that are not exercise per se but will burn more calories than me sitting on my sofa! I know I need to work harder on my exercise too but any activity is better than just laying about.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Allergic reaction to surgical Glue

    I’ve seen a few people on this site with this reaction to the glue. Have you tried any cortisone cream? Is that allowed? One lady said it took a few weeks to stop. Hope it gets better soon for you.
  17. KimTriesRNY

    600 lb life-Robert’s Episode

    I thought it was a shame that he had made such good progress to end that way. You would have thought it would have happened in the beginning. I have noticed in the hospital I work at the last few weeks I’ve had three patients 350 pounds plus, I used to rarely see such large patients.
  18. KimTriesRNY

    600 lb life-Robert’s Episode

    Well? Has anyone seen this episode! Aired 2/28 I think! Bless Dr Nowzardan for all he does trying to help the super morbidly obese. I’m sure it’s frustrating at times but rewarding when he sees someone succeed and get their life back.
  19. I tell people I’m on a low carb diet. I just do not want to deal with the judgement right now. Once I get closer to goal, I may discuss my surgery with an obese person if I feel they are actually looking for help but I find most people are looking for an easy answer. They don’t want to work hard.
  20. Trade you. Mine is coming a week early every month.
  21. Agree with Creekimp. It may cause a bit of a later surgery date, but in the end you would be getting what you wanted so it would be worth it. Call the surgeon’s office as soon as you can and discuss your concerns. It shouldn’t be a huge issue really as most bariatric surgeons perform both surgeries. Make sure you let us know what happens.
  22. KimTriesRNY

    Infected incisions?

    Hmmmmm. It’s hard to tell, but under the steri strip on the top, is that drainage of a yellowish nature? It does look a bit inflamed but that may not be unusual as everyone’s skin reacts differently to surgical incisions. If there is any purulent drainage though then a trip to your surgeons office is certainly warranted as you may need antibiotics if there is an infection. I had one incision that always looked a bit worse than the others.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    RN twelve hour shifts

    I work nights on an incredibly busy med/surg floor handling six patients as an RN. Yes, it absolutely can be a bit challenging to get the water in now. Since I work overnights, I do keep my Yeti at the nurses station with me with my water. I do try to sip as much as possible to and from the rooms but I’ve gone from drinking 3 32 oz tumblers a night to 1-1.5. Part of it is how busy I am, part of it is not being able to drink for an hour after I eat. It is definitely more challenging earlier after surgery, and it gets easier farther out. I have no issue at home on my days off getting my fluids in. I was off for six weeks. My surgeon wanted 4 weeks but when they filled out my paperwork they had me on weight restriction for lifting so my director would not let me come back until that was lifted. Honestly, don’t be in a hurry to go back. Take the time you need to heal. It’s an adjustment dealing with the demands of this job with decreased energy, decreased calories, and less fluid intake. Thats just my two cents.
  24. Some yogurt has 12-15 grams of protein. I eat these 2 oz. packs of baked lunch meats that have 12 grams. So both of those together is 24 if I eat that for a lunch. I make a lot of homemade soups and chicken dishes like chili or chicken curry that have 25-30 grams a serving. Premier protein makes snack bars that have 15 grams of protein too. I also like to eat cheese sticks as a snack. It all adds up. I normally end up with 60-90 grams daily and about 750-900 calories.

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