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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Finally Reached My Goal Weight

    Congratulations! Thank you for sharing such inspiring progress!
  2. KimTriesRNY

    I think I struck gold ...

    As canned items they will be super high in sodium though. Are you able to look at the nutrition facts? Don’t forget on purée you can usually eat yogurt, very thin grits, and items puréed in a blender. I have a nutri ninja. Consider buying a nutri ninja blender for prep. You can make smoothies like a champ. I think a few of these will be ok, but after that they will taste like highly processed garbage. I would start now working on learning how to prepare healthy food choices and meals. That’s part of what a healthy lifestyle is about.
  3. Definitely you would need to go out of the country for this. I agree with the previous poster. You are young, you are not ready for such a life changing procedure. These surgeries are meant to help obese patients, not people that have a fear of becoming obese. Good for you for worrying about your health and weight before you need a radical surgical measure to get things under control. There are other options available at your weight and age that you could be successful with.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Pain is gone

    My first purée was like heaven!
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Pills after surgery

    I was told eight weeks in my information. You need to clarify this with the surgeon. He needs to give you an actual answer. I started slowly introducing smaller medicine, smaller than a regular m and m, after that time. I’ve not had trouble since but never had problems swallowing pills. I still use chewable vitamins.
  6. I’m trying to be pleased about it. It’s frustrating when you still have another 100 to lose, but focusing on moving forwards instead of dwelling on the past is more important. I’m losing about three pounds a week, sometimes zero, sometimes five or six so it all averages out. My biggest supporter in this is my twin and she is super proud of me and how well I’m doing so far. Its time to focus more on activity now I’ve gotten some weight off I’m more mobile and can move better. Love hearing updates from all you December peeps!
  7. My hair is starting to come out too.
  8. KimTriesRNY


    Yup. My new normal. I take 400 mg of colace daily and still don’t go regular. I take dulcolax on my days off. I don’t like miralax because I can’t ever get a clean break.....I know many that swear by it though.
  9. KimTriesRNY

    Pain Medications

    Boy this is a tough one with all the abuse of narcotics going on today. If the doctor is aware of the procedures you have had hopefully this is being taken into consideration when he prescribes something. If you don’t feel that’s the case you can seek another opinion from a different doctor but then you look as if you are doctor shopping meds unfortunately. I don’t have any experience with extended release pain medication after bypass. I have only take opioids for two days post op so I’m not much help here. Hopefully someone else comes along with better help for you. Good luck and hope you get the help you need.
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Shrinking my liver

    Hopefully you will be fine. The only way you will know it’s not fine is if your surgery is not completed. Statistically speaking, you should be okay. Get your head in the game, remember why you are doing this for yourself. You can do five days. Lots of us did two weeks. This. Lots of people go on “food funerals”. It’s very common. But we are only human and the chances of you say never having a bite of pizza, or another chocolate chip cookie for the rest of your life....well it seems unrealistic and unreasonable.
  11. KimTriesRNY

    Shrinking my liver

    Five days is better than no days. Stay on target for the time you have left. Goodbye meals are a myth. You will be able to eat these foods again, just in small portions and hopefully with less desire some months from now. If you were on a preop six month diet that you followed fairly well and lost some weight you will probably be alright. A lot of this depends on if if you carry weight in your abdomen or hips and thighs to begin with. If you watch a bariatric operation, you can see the liver hanging down and see why it would be an issue if it was too large. Stay on task the time you have left. There have been people that have been cancelled, although it seems rare why risk it?
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Hunger Gone?

    I’ve had bypass and yes indeed I do get hungry. I do not yet experience the same amount of cravings I did presurgery, and when I have the urge to buy something off plan, I am able to ignore it right now. But yes, hunger is normal. If I go too long without eating I feel as hungry as I used to, but can’t eat much. Some people say they never feel hungry, I’m just not one of them I guess.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Onederland FINALLY! Progress Pics

    Fantastic work! Congratulations to you!
  14. Yep. Try and find a regimen that works. The struggle is real.
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Disgust about starting weight

    Some people can lose weight but will always have an ugly personality. What a hypocritical jack hole.
  16. I always retain water during my cycle. Completely normal. It comes off a day or two after. It does usually mean only losing 3 weeks a month on a good month, less if I’m starting to stall though.
  17. Hey guys! I too am a bit over three months out now. Weight loss is definitely starting to slow down here too. I can eat more than I thought I would be able to....4 ounces of ground chicken or turkey, a cup of soup or chili goes down well, I tolerate salad very well too. I am not tolerating whole chicken unless shredded. So am not going to try steak or pork yet. My post op visit is the 21st with the surgeon. Was hoping to be under 300, not going to make it. I guess I’ll see what he says about my progress. HW 389 SW 369 CW 309 Surgery date 12/02/17 Gastric Bypass
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Fart ripping

    Gas smells worse after my bypass surgery. I have chewable gas x with me always.
  19. KimTriesRNY

    Disgust about starting weight

    Ironic. You are one of the rudest posters on this forum I have seen.
  20. KimTriesRNY

    Disgust about starting weight

    This was posted by the original poster in rants and raves, exactly where one comes to discuss things that are bothering them. Your reaction to the poster comes across as very aggressive. Is there another area of the forum here that you suggest the poster could share her feelings freely? A bit of levity is warranted in this area of the forums. Just my two cents.
  21. KimTriesRNY

    3 months surgiversary pics

    Amazing work! Congratulations!
  22. It’s two pounds. It’s temporary. Keep to the 800 calories. Keep exercising. Keep eating the right things. You will not gain weight.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Trouble urinating

    If urgent care is open go there ASAP. Do not take AZO until after you have sent a urine specimen, if they want a culture this medicine can skew the results. If you were discharged 4-5 days ago that UTI has been brewing for awhile and you need antibiotics before it gets worse and gets into your kidneys or blood. ‘Surely there is someone that can drive you to ER or an urgent care?
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Violent moods swing?

    My moods are definitely more labile now. I think a lot of it has to do with not being able to use food to cope with my emotions. I am forced to feel sad, or feel angry, and the emotions come out whereas before I was able to eat them away. Its definitely a learning process and it May take some time for the emotional part of this to level off. Lots of us were emotional eaters and used food for comfort and then post op we physically are unable to do that. We have to deal with that emotional aspect now. Good for you for seeking help.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
