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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY


    You didn’t really specify what your pre op diet is so your responses may not be very helpful. Pre op diets are extremely varied. Some of us were on two weeks of liquids, some of us were allowed raw vegetables, some of us were allowed one low calorie but high protein meal per day with protein shakes. Some people only had two days of a liquid diet pre op. You may get more responses/ideas if you specify what exactly you are allowed to eat on your own pre op diet.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Liquid diet

    Drop the carbs (fruit) if you are having problems making the goal. Stick to your shakes and your high protein meal with vegetables if that’s the option you chose. If you stick to your diet, cut carbohydrates, and exercise, you will lose five pounds easily in 8 days even if it’s water weight it will not matter.
  3. Mine has really starting shedding. It has not starting becoming noticeable in any one distinct area as of yet, but I can tell I am losing at least 3-4 times more each time I wash and comb my hair. As to how much worse it will get before it stops, who can say. I do get my protein, I take my vitamins too. I was aware of this before my surgery, something like over 90 percent of ppl have hair loss. I’m a bit over 4 months out. I noticed about two weeks ago it began. If I have to have thinner hair for awhile to get healthier I guess that’s another part of the price to pay. I hope everyone keeps their hair but I’ve heard it pretty common no matter what you do.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

    Good luck! For today, please don’t look at anything negative on the internet about your surgery. Now is the time for positive thoughts as you take this big step in your journey. Be well and hope you have a safe and speedy recovery!
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Wahoo! BMI < 40

    Congrats Matt. Every small step towards the bigger goal should be celebrated.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    Help! Stuck in a rut!

    You’ve lost a ton of weight in a short amount of time. Just do what everyone is saying, keep on your program and the loss will follow when your body is ready for it.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    Changing Tastes

    I see black cat has returned...meow...
  8. I had IV toradol every 6 hours scheduled while I was in the hospital. I had two doses of IV dilaudid while I was there as well. They were giving me IV Pepcid as well I think in the morning. I feel my pain was tolerable, I was up walking frequently, tolerating water the second day. When I got home I took a few doses of the Percocet but they made me too nauseated so I stopped and switched to regular Tylenol liquid.
  9. KimTriesRNY

    75 lbs down status & pic

    Looking fantastic!
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Post-op lactose intolerance

    What about the turkey snack bites from Old Wisconsin? I like them with a cheese stick for a snack but of course you could substitute something non dairy.
  11. KimTriesRNY

    Cookie sang to me

    You bought them before surgery. Mistake made. Can you take them to your work and leave them in the break room or lunchroom for others to gobble up? They’ll be gone in an instant. I have a hard time with sweets myself. I do not buy them now as I know I have always had problems with self control regarding them. I am constantly running into them at work where people are always bringing in candy, cupcakes, cookies, and the like. Administration throws pizza parties weekly. But we are human, and saying we will never have a bite of cake again, or a small bit of pizza, well that seems unrealistic. Having that treat say in a restaurant where you can plan to not overindulge and have a whole box may be the better idea.
  12. KimTriesRNY


    I love your lipstick!
  13. Nope. Not one bit. Unfortunately or fortunately I am pretty sure I am a non dumping gastric bypass patient .
  14. I use my fitness pal so I’m looking at my middle of January log here. Six weeks was when I was first cleared for salad and protein bars, so I see lots of salads on here lol. My days are very similar though. Same calorie range, same foods. Lots of chicken burgers, turkey meatballs, fish, cottage cheese, salads, yogurts, etc. The only food I tried so far I was really intolerant of was diced ham at six weeks. I’m not intolerant of any food I have tried since then. Quantity wise I’ve been able to eat two eggs since about 7 weeks out. I can drink a protein shake in a few minutes. I can eat 3 oz of say a chicken burger but 6 oz of soup or yogurt. I can eat one egg with two small turkey sausage patties. I can eat 4 oz of cottage cheese. If I try to eat whole pieces of chicken, I can eat only five or six small pieces no matter how well I chew it or what sauce it’s in. I have not eaten bread or pasta. I have eaten a few fork fulls of rice with some chicken curry I made. I am human, I did eat the top of a cupcake at Easter. Hope this helps lol.
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Almost a month

    I would stay away from high carb fruits and foods in general. The more carbs you eat it seems like the more the craving intensifies. Many of us struggle with sweets problems. I like Fluffy’s advice.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Vitamin Help in New York

    Centrum does make an adult chewable multivitamin. Some brands make liquid vitamins you can drink. I was advised in my program to not take Flintstone vitamins or gummies. Not sure how long you will be there or if it makes a difference short term.
  17. KimTriesRNY

    Feeling cold

    Seems normal. I noticed I used to be hot at work at all times. Everyone around me would be freezing, I would be hot. Now I noticed that’s evening out and I’m not as warm as I used to be.
  18. Four months post bypass for me. I aim for around 70-80 grams of protein daily, and under 50 grams carbs a day. My volume of food varies depending on what I eat. Breakfast I usually eat two eggs scrambled, one egg over medium with turkey sausage, or occasionally a packet of the weight control oatmeal. I am not a huge lunch eater I may eat a Greek yogurt for a snack, or have some turkey bites with some string cheese. If I’m not real hungry I’ve been having a slim fast protein shake with the caffeine in it. If I have lunch it’s usually a small salad, or chicken salad. For dinner I usually have 3-4 ounces of fish or chicken. If room I will eat some veggies. I like salmon and tilapia. I also make a lot of different chicken meals in my slow cooker that can be shredded as I tolerate that better than whole chicken still. In general I still tolerate soups, chili, and such very easily and I make these to take to work with me. Very dense protein is the most filling and I cannot eat much of that. A soup or chili that is meaty with some beans I can eat more of. I average 600 - 850 or so calories a day.
  19. KimTriesRNY

    Feeling devastated

    Congrats on this working out for you!
  20. KimTriesRNY

    1 week post op feeling terrible

    I didn’t feel good my first week either. Just as everyone else has stated, your job now is to get your fluids in and do your best to get some protein as your body starts to heal. I did walk everyday and shower everyday, but I remember in the beginning just showering took a lot out of me. Are you getting any walking in? Hope you feel better soon.
  21. Excuse me....I will be...uh...right back....
  22. KimTriesRNY

    Lindstorm Obesity Advocacy - Help

    I think you would need a letter from a physician stating why your egd did not show symptoms of reflux. An insurance company is not likely to change a decision based upon what we as patients tell them. Is there a way you can have the physician document your persistent GERD and why it is not showing up on the EGD and have them send that to your insurance? It may carry a bit more heft.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Scar Treatments

    My dent went away. Have you tried Mederma?
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Hospital bill

    I paid 480 for my room. My surgeon bill was 400 something, the anesthesia was 1000 something after insurance. I only paid room cost up front. Guess I made out ok hehe. I am sure it varies greatly depending on insurance provider.
  25. KimTriesRNY

    Hospital bill

    I did pay for my inpatient room cost during my pre op appointment for a 20 percent discount for paying in full right on the spot. Other bills for surgeon and anesthesia came three months later.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
