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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Guilt in wanting VSG

    A 14 year old that follows a moderate eating plan with physical activity will likely lose weight quite quickly I think. Enough to where the two of you could motivate each other to stay with it and get healthy together.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Excessive school gym class for absence

    90 burpees? Is this Russia? Are they in a super secret spy school? Wow.
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Too Tall For a Gastric Bypass?

    Where’s Sam at? He had a bypass and I think he’s 6’4”. Never heard of this before.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    What Have You Lost???

    I like this combo....the worlds largest ball of tape plus a house cat. Meow.
  5. I have ordered the oatmeal protein cookies a few times. This week I ordered the protein peanut butter bar. I’ll see if I can link in an edit. https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/protein-bars/products/bariatricpal-high-protein-bars-peanut-butter
  6. KimTriesRNY

    canceled surgery 3 times

    You’re not ready for this surgery. Seek some counseling for your other issues and the stressors first. Address your relationship with food. If you can’t follow a diet for two weeks I just don’t think now is a great time for a huge lifestyle changing surgery requiring a vitamin regimen, alcohol abstinence, social support, and coping mechanisms that don’t involve food. Maybe you could revisit this in a few years when you have matured and are more stable.
  7. It’s noticeable for sure. You look great. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, the comments get annoying...
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Taking meds

    Yes. It can be an uh, bitter pill to swallow In the liquids it’s the worst. It gets easier though. You just need to remember anything that is a sustained or extended release medication cannot be crushed so you need an alternative.
  9. KimTriesRNY

    Insurance denied ?

    A great many of us were approved on first submission to insurance. If you have all your requirements met, and your paperwork is sound, and your insurance company doesn’t have a reputation for unnecessarily denying the procedure, certainly why worry yourself sick and read a lot of worst case scenario posts. This forum is so much more than about what comes before surgery though. It’s the support in here that comes after surgery that is so valuable. There’s many people in here in all stages of surgery to connect with.
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Insurance denied ?

  11. I have not tried their soups, seems very pricey. I make lots of my own soups in a slow cooker. Very easy. I have purchased a few protein snack items, and while expensive I have found them to be tasty and I order them occasionally for work snacks for a change from usual snack items I have on hand.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Insurance denied ?

    I hope so too. I hope everyone that finds themselves at this point is. You seemed incredulous as to why people are nervous waiting to be approved. Just was trying to make a point it’s not an easy road for everyone.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Taking meds

    You will need to crush all crushable tablets. Capsules can be opened, as in the gabapentin, and the powder dissolved with the crushed tablets in some liquids. Protonix is not crushable (any pill form I have seen). You will need a substitute for that med or a liquid form if available for a few weeks. Once on purée you can put the crushed medicine in a bit of pudding or applesauce instead of fluid which will be easier. This should be covered in your pre op class before surgery as well.
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Insurance denied ?

    Sometimes people are nervous because they have tried at losing weight and failed many times. Surgery is a drastic and last step option for many of us that made this decision. There is an emotional component to it that is part of being human other than “well my paperwork looks ok, so I should be approved lickety split.” Many insurance companies, even if they cover WLS, have denied coverage for people for seemingly minute details and if you hang out here long enough I’m sure you’ll read some stories about it. Just because an insurance company covers an expensive procedure doesn’t mean they want to for everyone, and in fact in some states they are mandated to by law, so there are lots of hoops to jump through.
  15. Wow! I don’t believe my eyes! That guy finally got his act together?
  16. I have not experienced a stall yet. This is going by the definition of three weeks of no weight lost. I definitely have had a week or two here or there with no loss...but normally it’s just one week. Keep in mind I started at a much higher weight than you though. I eat under 50 grams of carbs a day but maybe more importantly I’ve noticed my grams of sugar is almost always less than 10, sometimes as low as 3 or 4 for a whole day. Calorie wise I range between 650-900 depending on how busy or active I am. Protein I’m usually between 65-90 grams each day. I expect to be stuck at a few weights that have been set points in the past for me and suspect that I haven’t yet because when I had my surgery I was the heaviest I had been in my entire life. Don’t get too discouraged. Change a few things up in your diet if you are eating the same things over and over. Maybe try having a higher calorie day once or twice a week. Try a new exercise. You will get there!
  17. KimTriesRNY

    Vitamin patches

    I did find this on the unjury website which I never thought of. Weight of patch vs. weight of supposed vitamins and minerals in patch. Interesting to read. https://www.unjury.com/blog/serious-questions-patchmd-vitamin-supplement-claims/
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Vitamin patches

    Oh no....I just ordered the calcium patches because I’m already sick of taking so many calcium pills. What is the source you are copying this article from?
  19. KimTriesRNY

    From 470 to 235 (with photos)

    This is amazing! You look so happy now! Do share your routine and diet with us!
  20. I’ve had some cravings here and there as well, but it is admittedly much easier to ignore them when actively seeing good results in the weight loss department. I guess the real struggle will be saying no to those old favorites once progress slows or a long stall comes along. Praying for the strength when my time comes.
  21. My understanding is that over the course of time, there is some dilation of the sleeve that will result in a gradual increase in portion size over the course of a few years. I think someone...maybe CreekImp?...Posted some info about it once. That being said hopefully you will follow your new diet guidelines and continue to eat healthfully. I ate out once so far. I had a few bites of salad, some grilled shrimp, some grilled scallops. No bread. It can be done you just won’t be able to eat huge portions of say fries and pasta.
  22. KimTriesRNY

    Feeling Hungry & Freaked out

    No. It’s not possible that your pouch is stretched. If you were on a liquid diet before surgery it has been weeks since you have had solid food. It’s ok to be hungry. Not everyone experiences the “I’m never hungry again” feeling that you hear about, I certainly didn’t. Just follow your guidelines. You are fine.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Protein First

    Consider pairing some fruit with a bit of protein or fat to aid in staying a bit fuller is my advice. Im trying to keep my carbs under 50 grams a day so there’s not a lot of room for fruit but if you can work in some lower sugar berries or pears, why not?
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Rapid changes in bra sizes!

    Yes. I’m losing lots of boob here. If i reach goal, I’m not afraid to supplement with implants. I’m tall and don’t want super small boobs.
  25. KimTriesRNY

    Surgery did not go well [emoji22]

    I’m so sorry to hear this. What is the plan from here though? Are they going to remove the mass and do an open bypass? Did they even say? Sending you healing vibes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
