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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Some Advice Please!

    Certainly I hope everything goes smoothly for you, your husband, and your family. My point of view is only based on my experience based upon my fathers surgery and my experience dealing with patients in a hospital environment and is in no way meant to discourage you. I will be thinking of you and your husband tomorrow and praying things go smoothly. Do keep us posted and let us know how everything goes. It can be a stressful time, and the impact may not hit you until you see him post op in the CVICU. I am glad you have lots of family near and close to help support you both at this time.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Some Advice Please!

    Someone in their 40s may not qualify for home health. Many times insurance companies decide who receives/qualifies for this service after a hospital stay and someone the OP husbands age may not be guaranteed this service.
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Recovery Update

    A one liter abscess? That is crazy! Hope you feel better soon
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Some Advice Please!

    I feel the real issue here is not your surgery, but actually your husband’s surgery. My father had cardiac bypass surgery about three months ago. Now my father is quite a bit older than your husband, but he had no health problems other than high cholesterol. He’s a retired police officer, not obese, in the gym six days a week. It was very shocking for our family when this happened. Cardiac bypass surgery is a massive undertaking and I don’t care how healthy you are before this surgery, the recovery process is arduous. When a surgeon says the recovery will be “easy” many times it is because in their minds they are comparing that patient to one that has renal failure, diabetes, heart failure, or all three. So that’s all relative. Recovery includes numerous appointments, including months of therapy at an outpatient cardiac rehab center. I strongly suggest you research what your husbands surgery entails, andwhat his limitations will be after surgery before you decide to have your procedure. Yes, most of us come through without a hitch, but it would not be a great time to have you feeling nauseated, weak, and irritable. Your husband is going to need your physical and emotional support through this. I hate to be the downer of the group, but I think you should postpone your surgery. Seeing my dad go through cardiac bypass was shocking, and I’m a registered nurse used to seeing patients in difficult situations. Prayers for your husband that he makes a healthy and speedy recovery and has a successful surgery.
  5. Certainly. Anything just to moisten it a bit.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    Gastric Bypass & Hypothyroidism

    Interesting stuff...thanks for sharing!
  7. KimTriesRNY

    Normal BMI!

    Wonderful accomplishment!
  8. The liquid diet is tough, there is no getting around it. Being morbidly obese is tougher. Do what you must to get the surgery, it is worth it.
  9. Here’s an easy one: Take a can of pinto beans, some taco seasoning, a few tablespoons of chicken stock, and some cheese and put it in a blender. Purée until smooth. Enjoy. I ate this quite a bit after surgery and found it quite delicious.
  10. KimTriesRNY


    I take the Celebrate chewable multivitamin with iron. Natrol makes a 10,000 mcg dissolving biotin tablet. I use sublingual b12, a dissolving vitamin d , and a dissolving calcium as well. I found a lot of the chewable calcium citrate really intolerable. I take a b complex capsule and a chewable vitamin c tab too. Some of it is finding what works for you.
  11. KimTriesRNY

    Recovery Update

    How terrible your surgeon didn’t seem to take your concerns seriously. He should be ashamed of himself. Hope you heal well and get better soon. Please keep us posted!
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Food-based Celebrations

    I feel your pain. I was on my liquid diet during thanksgiving and there was food everywhere at work I had to avoid. Then to top it off I had to forgo thanksgiving dinner due to the same reason. Good for you for sticking to it though. You are proving to yourself that you can stick to it, and that is the right mindset to have prior to surgery. In a few months you will be able to have reasonable bites of a few favorites again, perhaps just prepared in a more healthy way. Stay strong. You’ve got this!
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Dumping syndrome

    I had bypass and do not dump. For better or worse it is up to me to not eat things I should not.
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Amazing NSV

    Smaller clothes are definitely one of the best NSV! Good work!
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Please Help! Early Stall

    I always feel the worst when I compare my rate of weight loss to others. Some people are going to lose faster, some will lose slower. Stalls are common. Stick to the program, you will lose weight.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Feeling like my life is over

    But your life isn’t over. You are only 30. As frustrating as it is with surgery there are potential complications, that’s why we sign consents to let surgeons operate on us. There are no guarantees that each of us will tolerate the operation the same. You cannot predict what will happen to you after surgery. There are many risks to remaining obese as well. The only thing you can do now is focus on healing and following your diet guidelines. Not all people that have complications have them forever, so don’t get stuck in a negative way of thinking that what you are experiencing now will last the rest of your life. Start on miralax for the constipation. Not pooping can make you miserable. Work on meeting the fluid goals. One day at a time. If you continue to have issues maybe it is prudent to have a second opinion.
  17. Not everyone goes crazy after. Some started that way. In all seriousness though transfer addiction is a known issue after bariatric surgery. Some people have addictive personalities and it is easy to trade that food addiction for an addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc. Some of us have emotional issues along with the obesity like PTSD, depression, or anxiety. It is not uncommon for people that have mental health disorders to medicate themselves with substances and if you take food away it can create a situation where the person does turn towards a different substance. It is never a bad idea for any bariatric patient with or without a diagnosed disorder to seek therapy throughout the journey to help cope with the changes we must deal with.
  18. I felt nauseated more from hunger on my clear liquid pre op diet. I do get hungry, but it’s not the gnaw my arm off hunger I used to get pre-op. I try to not get too hungry because it makes me more likely to eat too quickly. I am closing in on five months post op and I never had an issue with nausea. Everyone is different and seems to react to the surgery a bit differently.
  19. Hmmmmm. Nice. Will check it out next time I’m on the go. Panera has great healthy choices too around 300 calories. We have a PDQ place that serves chicken items....salads, bowls, sandwiches....they also have great healthy options if you are eating on the run. You do NOT have to go back to burgers and fries.
  20. Agree with above except calories. You should be able to lose on 1200-1800 calories easily at your weight. Especially if it is nutritious food. Any activity is helpful. Keep your carbs low, ideally less than 50g per day is what my surgeon wants me at. Track your meals and nutrients. You should be successful with your plan. I wouldn’t worry about coffee, just stay away from high calorie sweeteners or creamers. I drink tea every day and my surgeon is ok with tea and coffee, just no soda.
  21. KimTriesRNY


    This depends on whether you have a desk job or are more physically employed usually. The less physical your job normally the more quickly you will be able to resume work activities.
  22. Lol. This is great. I had a gazelle in the day too but I loved mine. I bought Slim Quick pills. Didn’t do a darn thing for me.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Must try!

    Are u able to eat only one? Looks yummy!
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Excessive school gym class for absence

    This is the first time I have seen a person say burpees are fun. Agree with poster that said she was an actual previous PE teacher. Amounts of these exercises seem excessive.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
