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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    bias against weed.. so tired of it.

    There is evidence that smoking marijuana is harmful to lung tissue so it is understandable that some health care professionals would frown upon such practices from a health perspective whether it is legal or not. That is as far into the topic as I’m going. If you are a grown adult and it is legal and you are consuming within the bounds of the law then so be it.
  2. Really good reading. Thanks for sharing Creek.
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Pre-workout with Caffeine

    It seems to vary from surgeon to surgeon. My surgeon doesn’t mind us having a few cups of tea or coffee but you should follow your program and listen to your body if you are already having problems. Caffeinated beverages might not be a great idea if you’re having issues meeting fluid requirements either.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Digestion question

    I’m not sure what you mean by this question but I will offer my experience. If I eat a meal with dense protein, chicken, salmon, pork, etc, I stay full for hours and have a hard time drinking water even after waiting the 60 minutes. Other foods like yogurt and vegetables seem to leave a bit quicker and I’m not hungry but don’t have that full feeling quite the same either.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Baby foof

    I did buy a few jars of honey crisp purée apples. They were low in sugar and delicious. I did not try meats or vegetables.
  6. Hopefully the only thing you will regret about your surgery was telling your coworkers. Never base medical decisions based upon opinions of acquaintances. None of us made this decision lightly and for many of us we have spent much of our lives obese and tried diets and failed over and over. We are here to support you through your surgery and beyond.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    very little weight loss

    It’s difficult but try not to compare your results to someone else. When I get discouraged over my “slow” loss, I am starting to try to compare myself to myself. When was the last time I lost 5 pounds in one week? When was the last time I lost “only” 10 pounds in a month? When was the last time I maintained 100 pounds lost for a week or two without starting to gain back, or eat fast food? Maybe your answers will surprise you and you will see your own self as more successful rather than comparing yourself to someone else’s success. May we all reach our goals in our time!
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Gallbladder, Haital Hernia and bypass??

    I had a small hiatal hernia that was repaired during my bypass. Normally if you have an ulcer that shows up on EGD the doctor will discuss that with you. Many times if you have a large hernia it can cause reflux, so that may be why you were prescribed the medication. Unless you have active gallbladder issues it seems unlikely that the surgeon will remove your gall bladder. I have not heard of a gall bladder causing kidney stones. When people lose weight rapidly after WLS they can tend to develop gallstones and need their gallbladder removed if it becomes bothersome or infected. I think this is about 25% of people or so. Let us know what happens!
  9. KimTriesRNY

    Artificial sweeteners

    I put Truvia in my tea and tolerate it just fine. I think it’s a matter of finding what will work for you. Artificial sweeteners didn’t bother me at all pre op but now some things with them I can’t eat because of them. Yogurt is one. Triple zero makes yogurt with no artificial sweeteners. You really have to read the labels and choose carefully if they bother you. I find some flavors more offensive than others as well. Good luck!
  10. KimTriesRNY

    I’m stuck in the final hurdle

    You look great!
  11. Red Lobster I have eaten at successfully. You have to be strong enough to keep your hand out of the darn biscuit basket though. They have a great selection of wood grilled items....chicken, scallops, shrimp. Any blackened fish or baked fish is not high calorie at all. They always have vegetables you can have for sides as well.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Looking for another surgeon!! Ugggh

    Agree with Creek here. My surgeon was very forthcoming about bad outcomes he had previously when he spoke to our group. He answered questions about common complications and about what his actual numbers were. If you like the surgeon, sometimes it is worth that conversation that makes you feel awkward. Watch a bypass surgery and you can see where the organs are. You cannot see heart or lungs during this surgery.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Finally hit my goal

    Hubba hubba..... Great job, very inspiring!
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Cigna Open Access

    I have a Cigna plan. Once my requirements were met my approval was back in two business days. According to my surgeon there are much worse insurance carriers to deal with.
  15. KimTriesRNY


    Unfortunately I am five months out and still have this issue. I do my best but I can’t drink near what I could before surgery. I am better now than a few weeks post op but still struggle. Do what you can. I have been plagued with persistent urinary tract infections since my surgery and I know my lack of hydration is a big part of that.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Today’s lunch picture!

    Looks delicious! Nom nom nom!
  17. KimTriesRNY

    Questioning everything

    I think many of us that made the decision to have surgery have lost weight only to regain and have issues maintaining the loss. As a nurse coordinator for a bariatric program I am sure the lady that made that comment sees a lot of patients that do struggle pre op to lose weight....whether it is through too many “food funerals”, medical issues, or plain just not taking the pre op diet seriously in the beginning. She was maybe surprised to see someone lose that much because it is rare, but a good rare. Just playing devils advocate here. At any rate keep up the good work. Any professional in bariatrics is glad to see you succeed before or after surgery I hope!
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Baggy clothes are the best

    Wow! That’s a big difference! Good going!
  19. KimTriesRNY

    Some Advice Please!

    So glad to hear his surgery went smoothly. Prayers the recovery goes just as well!
  20. KimTriesRNY

    Going back to work?

    If you have the time off and can swing it I would at least take one week off, two weeks is even better. Some people get really nauseated and have a hard time keeping fluids and such down post op. Even at a desk job I wouldn’t want to be dehydrated, nauseated, and miserable. I have a physical job and had full six weeks off. No regrets.
  21. KimTriesRNY

    No regrets guys!

    Wow! Truly inspiring! I agree with the other poster as well....for amount of weight lost you really don’t seem to have a lot of excess skin. Thank you for sharing and motivating us!
  22. KimTriesRNY

    What tracking device do you own?

    I’m surprised about the Fitbit. My sister had a Fitbit one that lasted three or four years. It’s a discontinued model now I think. You could clip it on your bra or clothing so it stayed hidden.
  23. I have heard of these cases, but I think they are actually pretty rare. I do work in a hospital and could tell you some similar stories where patients had one thing after the other happen post operatively, but it’s not exclusive to gastric bypass. There are risks to any invasive procedure. I am so sorry you have been through this and I hope you are able to heal and be on the road to good health soon. Hopefully your complications will resolve and you will be done with hospital stays soon, I know it can be depressing and discouraging to be in the hospital so much. Gall bladders commonly do go bad after bypass due to rapid weight loss. Picc line infections are unfortunately too common as the line requires meticulous maintenance practices to remain infection free. The high dextrose content of TPN increases risk of infection there as well. We are here to support you.
  24. Amazing work.....*fans self* Congratulations!

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