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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Post-op fears

    I’m almost six months out. I have never vomited, not even post op. I have never had diarrhea from the surgery. If you are concerned about food intolerances the best thing to do post op is to try one new food item at a time when reintroducing solid foods into your diet. This is best done at home in the beginning, not out at a party or date. When going out in the beginning months just stick to what you know you can eat and tolerate and you won’t have an issue. Most of us post surgery have constipation as a problem. If you’re worried about gas, carry gas x chews with you. That’s what I do. Most people look younger when they lose weight, not older. If someone is older, and they already have a lot of lines on their face and they lose a lot of weight, they don’t have the fat on their face to fill that out anymore. If you are under 40 this likely won’t be an issue for you. Try to focus on the health aspects and try not to spend so much energy worrying about what not might even happen. Sure, we might end up with some loose skin here or there but the health benefits will be worth it.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Please Help Me, I have a Stricture

    Well I don’t have any experience with this but I wanted to say that I hope your procedure goes well and it works for you.
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Trying again

    Many programs/surgeons may require you to lose a certain percentage of your excess weight throughout the supervised diet period if that is a requirement. If not required to lose weight, you may at the least be held accountable by the surgeon to not gain anymore weight during this time frame. Not adhering to preoperative program guidelines certainly can make it seem as though you are not taking the program very seriously. Everyone has a choice in what they do to their body. This surgery means a lifelong commitment to a healthy diet. You need to take specific vitamins, have regular check ups with a physician, and not doing these things can result in serious consequences. I’m not trying to be the negative person of the group, but these are things to consider. Were your family members successful with their bypasses?
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Universal flip off

    I wonder if it’s something to do with the surgery that causes this. It seems like it happens to a whole lot of us. I feel your pain. I’m having a doozy here myself.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Needing to Vent

    I had bypass with a hiatal hernia repair. I had surgery in December. I’ve had no complications as of yet. Although there are no guarantees you will not be in the small percentage of people that have post operative complications, most people will have serious health complications due to obesity. It is a hard decision to make, but for me it was harder to stay morbidly obese.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    This is going to shock you...

    This is great. I hate how sometimes I’m in a good mood and I step on the scale for my weekly weigh in and if it’s not what I’m expecting, or what I need it to be for my surgeons next goal then my mood is in the dumps the rest of the day. Maybe I’ll be able to put my scale away some day too.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    When did you join a gym?

    Lol. This vote is all or nothing so far.
  8. KimTriesRNY

    2nd Day Post-Op

    I’m happy you are doing so well Kay!
  9. KimTriesRNY

    MattyMatt...are you out there?

    Hope you and black cat are ok.
  10. Glad to hear you are on the mend! Hope you got lime jello.
  11. KimTriesRNY

    Crushing pills gag

    Please if you are unsure which medications can or cannot be crushed seek the direction of the pharmacist or doctor. Many medications that are not extended release or sustained release are crushable, and after gastric bypass or sleeve surgery are crushed for a time as per the direction of the surgeon. In the hospital we crush medicines everyday for people that can’t swallow pills due to various reasons. This includes pain medicines, blood pressure medicines, etc.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Crushing pills gag

    Crushed pills are disgusting there’s just no getting around it. If possible, can you put the pills in a small bit of unsweetened applesauce? The issue I remember having with mixing with protein drinks was the bits of crushed pills always sank and it was so difficult to take them. Alternatively you can try to dissolve your crushed meds in a small amount of very hot water, then mix with a small amount of a different drink. They must be crushed super fine for this to work. Although still nasty tasting it is not chunky. Most actual prescription pills are not chewable, it’s vitamins that are chewable in some cases. You may be able to get a liquid solution for some prescriptions in the short term though. Best of luck.
  13. KimTriesRNY


    Maybe those of us in this group aren’t familiar with the abbreviation? Are you referring to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth?
  14. Don’t forget your liquid Tylenol.
  15. I was smart and knew better than to weigh myself because they had given me double fluids before discharge because I was dehydrated. Just don’t weigh yourself for one week, two is even better.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Before and After (photos)

    Wow! You look amazing and so much younger! Thank you for sharing!
  17. KimTriesRNY

    Down in the dumps, wls diet sucks!

    Just post. Visit a group in person if you can. Cruise some inspiring photos on Instagram. Lots of feelings surface after surgery as well so it’s good you are trying to come up with ideas now.
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Some Advice Please!

    So happy for you and your family that everything went so smoothly. I am sure we will all be thinking of you on Monday when it is your turn. Best wishes that your surgery is a success as well.
  19. KimTriesRNY

    Home from my revision

    Glad to hear your surgery went well. Keep up your walking and drinking your fluids. Keep us posted!
  20. I know, I know. I really am trying to be patient. It’s tough when I have another 90 pounds to lose to see the scale crawling down so slow. I try to remember I have lost over 100 pounds from my high weight and remain positive. I will get there, just not as quickly as my surgeon thinks I should be able to.
  21. KimTriesRNY

    Update: i had the sleeve May 10th

    So glad to hear an update. Heal well and I hope you recover quickly!
  22. Wow @Biddy zz you look wonderful! What an inspiration! I am fighting a slow down here as I reach a point where my weight was at for a long time it seems. Only lost about five pounds the last month and maintaining motivation is a struggle.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Made it to 1nderland

    You look great! I love your green pants!
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Birth control issues?

    I was told iud is best but I am a RNY patient.
  25. Eat before you go out, at least a high protein snack. You’ll be less hungry and less tempted to graze on empty carbs. You can eat healthfully at most restaurants, choose grilled foods or baked seafoods, sirloins, etc. You have to be willing to exert some self control. Maybe eating sensibly at dinner, but having a small piece of birthday cake as a treat. I would just avoid the mentality of well it’s my birthday and mother’s day so I’m going to eat what I want all weekend kind of thinking.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
