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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Fried Chicken

    I ate a fried chicken strip in my salad. It did not bother me nor was I led down the road of eternal food damnation.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    12 days post-op. Depressed and struggling

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having a rough time. It may seem daunting to return to work, but you may find that in the end it makes you feel a bit better. You will actually feel quite a bit better in two weeks than you do right now I bet. By that time, even if your job is stressful and you are feeling depressed, you may be ready to go back to your normal daily routine. You will be able to interact with your coworkers which is great if you’ve got a few work buddies, and you’ll keep your mind busy on work and off of food you can’t eat. I was really nervous going back but once I did it was kind of nice to get back to my regular routine. People were happy to see me! I was tired the first few weeks but it passed and things went back to normal. I hope you feel better soon either way.
  3. KimTriesRNY

    It’s hard to believe...

    Fantastic news!
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Pre-op meal planning

    Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook for Dummies is a great book chock full of information and recipes that is very useful both pre and post op. There aren’t a lot of pictures if you are in to that but tons of other useful info. You can purchase it on Amazon.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Hard time getting to solid diet

    I’m sorry but this could be dangerous advice to give to someone. At seven weeks post op, my diet progression from my surgeon said that I should be able to eat salads, cooked vegetables, ground meats, well chewed pieces of soft meat, cereal, etc... Original poster is stating they are in pain just trying to eat some purée food, which most of us start post op at three to four weeks. There is a difference between wanting to lose weight quickly and encouraging someone to put their health and life at risk. Original poster could have symptoms of ulcer or structure. Please get checked out original poster to make sure you are ok.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    Hard time getting to solid diet

    No, it’s not normal. You should be able to eat by seven weeks. You should contact your team and let them know you are having problems.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    Am I eating too much?

    Use a free app like my fitness pal.
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Am I eating too much?

    You may try cutting your carbs for faster loss. I know my doctor wants me under 50 grams a day, and plenty of people aim for 25 grams or less. It looks like you eat a good bit of processed or prepackaged foods as well. You might consider preparing and cooking more of your own food. Now that we can’t eat a lot, all calories are not equal and it’s vital to get that good nutrition in! I don’t think the calories are an issue. Most of us simply don’t lose weight as quickly as we want to.
  9. KimTriesRNY

    Water Intake

    I like vitamin water zero. The orange flavor and xxx flavor are not bitter to me at all. After surgery I found a lot of the drink packets with artificial sweeteners had a bitter aftertaste that I didn’t notice before my surgery. Nestle makes a bottle wattle with a light flavor that is nice too. Pure life I think it is. I also drink tea and regular water. I do still have issues meeting my fluid goals, I have to work at it everyday to drink as much as I can. Just keep at it!
  10. @Creekimp13 You’re getting close to goal!
  11. KimTriesRNY

    I’m not sure what surgery to do?

    I chose bypass for myself because my starting BMI was above 50. My surgeon thought either procedure could work well for me and did not try to steer me in either direction. He performs both types of these surgeries and has done them for years with very few complications. He did caution me against choosing bypass with the intention that dumping syndrome would stop me from eating sweets. Dumping syndrome does not affect everyone that has gastric bypass, and he said that as a bypass matures it can stop as well. I have never dumped since my surgery. There is also evidence that as a bypass matures, the malabsorptive properties of the surgery are compensated for by the body. In the end, it is possible to “eat around” both of these surgeries and that is many times what leads to weight regain and failure. People on here that seem to be successful long term, regardless of surgery type, are those that have followed a sensible diet and incorporated permanent lifestyle changes. In the end you have to research what you feel comfortable with, and choose what’s best for you.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Liquid Tylenol

    I bought mine at Walgreens.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Weight Loss

    This is highly variable based upon how much excess weight you have, your age, your past medical history, etc. You can drive yourself crazy comparing your weight loss to someone else’s. Many people can lose 30 pounds the first month with 20 pounds the next two or three months. Some people have lost 100 pounds in three months. It’s such an individual thing. Even medication can play a role in how much wright we lose, or if we are post menopausal. Do your very best, and you will be more than thrilled I am sure!
  14. KimTriesRNY

    GALS who started their journey over 300 lb+<br /> +

    That’s fantastic!
  15. KimTriesRNY

    GALS who started their journey over 300 lb+<br /> +

    It is definitely challenging having close to 200 or more pounds to lose. Most of my adult life I hovered in the 270 range and gained and lost the same 20-30 pounds over and over again like many of us seemed to. I was able to lose small amounts of weight but never able to keep it off long term. The last few years before my surgery I felt stuck in a stressful job and discovered I was hypothyroid and this added over 100 pounds to my body. I was utterly and completely miserable. My highest known weight was 389 pounds and my consult weight was 384 pounds. My surgical weight was 369 pounds. Sometimes I do think about how things would be if I hadn’t let myself get so far down that road. Maybe I’d be close to goal if I would have had surgery at 270 vs 370 but this is defeatist thinking that is not helpful. I am really trying to focus on moving forward and not dwelling on the past. I am halfway to goal and if it takes me two years to get there then so be it. Getting to goal would mean a loss of 194 pounds for me, and that’s an enormous accomplishment.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Calorie intake

    Regular dehydration can give a horrible headache regardless of all this other stuff mentioned. Check your fluid intake. I still get nasty headaches if I don’t drink enough water, it’s unfortunately weekly or twice weekly for me still at almost six months out. Whatever fluid you can drink, get it down.
  17. KimTriesRNY

    Cruising, Week 9

    You look like you’re having a great time! Enjoy!
  18. KimTriesRNY

    When "Family" doesn't understand

    It’s so tough when you give to the other person and you aren’t supported back. Mental health problems are not an excuse for bad or obnoxious behaviors but it seems like sometimes they are used that way unfortunately. I hope your situation improves.
  19. KimTriesRNY


    However soon your surgeon clears you for vigorous exercise. A simple call should clarify any concern regarding activity. Good luck!
  20. KimTriesRNY

    My skin is pale now.

    I’m cold all the time too.
  21. KimTriesRNY

    Frustrated by progress

    You are still healing and must give your body time. It can be a frustrating process constantly weighing yourself so soon after surgery, and even beyond that. The temptation to compare what we are losing to what everyone around us is losing is so strong. But we are all a bit different, with different histories and different problems. If you follow your program you will be successful. I’m losing quite a bit slower than I expected to, but I’m miles above where I would be without this surgery and that’s what I’m trying to stay focused on. Stalls will happen and we must push through as our bodies adjust to what we are doing.
  22. KimTriesRNY


  23. KimTriesRNY


    I had dermabond as well with no seepage. I would think if it’s just regular steri strips you may have slight drainage for a few days. If it continues or increases, certainly call the office to be sure all is ok.
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Snacking at the Movies

    I like pork clouds

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
