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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Kindness is a Movment

    It’s too bad you feel this way. I’m unable to attend my monthly support group meeting most months at my local hospital due to my work schedule. I joined this site and started browsing the forums shortly before my surgery. I have learned so much from the other members here, and when able have tried to share things that may in turn be useful to others as well. Have other members here had different opinions? Why sure. That is what part of makes this a nice place to get advice and suggestions. You are going to get multiple different outlooks and opinions on topics that are posted. Have there been a few members that seemed a bit overly malicious as AshAsh stated? Yes. But on the whole, this is a community of people all struggling with a common problem and we all want to be healthy in the long run. I think anytime you are posting on the internet you have to understand that if you ask for stranger’s advice, you may receive it in a more straightforward manner than you are used to. If you cannot emotionally handle the advice or opinions, you probably shouldn’t be asking for them or posting about it in an online forum. That being said, I have mostly only seen people trying to help each other. I’m glad this site exists for those of us unable to reach out in real life to other bariatric patients.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    The basic need

    Whoops. I’m sorry. I’m on the phone app which I don’t usually use. Can’t really see what room I’m in. *backs out with head down in shame quietly
  3. KimTriesRNY

    The basic need

    Good luck but keep in mind it’s a major no no for any health professional to date a patient.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Not Obese Anymore

    That is fantastic news! I know it seems so crazy when we drop out of a BMI category to a less obese one we are thrilled, but I think most of us are that way!
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Stopped losing after 8 weeks

    Maybe 800 calories is too low? That’s a deficit of at least 1300 per day. Either way I know it’s frustrating to be at such a long stall. I hope your RD has some insights for you. Hope it breaks soon for you!
  6. KimTriesRNY

    post op pain with fluid

    Are you drinking cold fluids? If so try warmer or room temperature fluids and see if that helps the issue. I have seen people complain of this before and it was temperature related in some cases.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    Hospital must haves

    I brought slippers and my own pillow. Bring comfy loose clothing for when you go home too!
  8. KimTriesRNY


    I agree with Orchids here. Although this seems like a setback, use it to your best advantage. Two months is going to fly by no matter how you spend your time!
  9. Very common. If I don’t stay on a regimen I won’t go and I’ll have the same problem. It may be worse for those of us that tended towards constipation before the surgery. Good luck, lots of good advice here.
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Surgery and Medications

    ODT is an orally disintegrating tablet. It dissolves in the mouth and does not need to be swallowed or crushed.
  11. KimTriesRNY

    5 week stall

    If you are buying food from restaurants and eating lots of frozen foods you may be eating more calories than you think. It’s very difficult to count calories from restaurants. It’s dependent upon who makes it. If you aren’t making it and measuring it then you really don’t know exactly what you are eating calorie wise. My advice is start cooking at home and cut down on packaged and processed food if those are your go to food items.
  12. No doubt about it, the pre op diet is tough. There is no getting around it, if you are on an all liquid diet for the two weeks prior to surgery you are hungry and irritable. The first three or four days are the worst. Unfortunately by breaking your diet after the five days you really were over the hump at that point. I would certainly go back on your diet right away. This is your last great opportunity to lose some pounds before surgery along with shrinking your liver. The last thing you want to do is eat a bunch of fast food every day. Many people lose 10-20 pounds just on the liquid diet. Prove to yourself you can do this.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Perspectives on Losing Fast & Slow

    I’m a bypass patient and my loss is pretty slow. I’m at 100 pounds lost in 6 months and I’ve seen people at my starting weight lose 100 pounds in three months. I do get discouraged. Statistically speaking it’s tough to read things like only 20 percent of patients that started at my weight make it to goal. My family is so proud of me right now though. And I try to think of where I was this time last year, how miserable and hopeless things seemed, and you know what. I don’t care if it takes me two years to lose this weight. I don’t care if I lose weight slower than any other bypass patient. The bottom line is will it be the fastest I’ve ever lost 190 pounds? And the answer to that is yes.
  14. You are not guaranteed to dump if you have gastric bypass surgery. I’m not sure why this is such a common misconception. And we have a few sleevers on here that have experienced dumping. Do not base this decision based on dumping, whether you find it desirable or not-you may not end up with it. Both surgeries require vitamin supplements for life. It is possible to eat around either surgery eventually by eating frequent high calorie foods that are quickly digested. If you have a starting BMI greater than 50, you should strongly consider gastric bypass. Both surgeries require follow up care for life regarding lab work. Recovery from both surgeries seems about the same. Do you have any other medical conditions? Are you diabetic? Do you have reflux? All of these should be considered along with your BMI, and diet history. Do your research and you will choose what is best for you.
  15. KimTriesRNY


    I was walking twice a day, slowly increasing my time up to 30 minutes twice daily by about two weeks post op. I would walk once in the morning and once in the early evening.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Weird question...

    Agree with above poster. Many of these terms are medical diagnoses. They are what they are. If your BMI falls in that range, it is usually coded as such for medical/insurance purposes as well.
  17. Focus on letting your body heal. It may be laparoscopic but it is major surgery. You could do yourself a huge favor by just putting that scale away for a few weeks.
  18. KimTriesRNY

    Belly Binder...needed or naw

    Not needed. I would wait and see how you feel.
  19. KimTriesRNY

    Kratom, anyone?

    Be careful. It has been known to cause seizures and may not be quite as harmless as it seems. Very few drugs have no side effects and the scary thing about “herbal” supplements is many times they have not been studied the same way as prescription medications and lots of interactions may be unknown.
  20. KimTriesRNY

    How often do you eat?

    One meal a day? Gosh people in jail and prison get three meals a day! I eat three meals a day if possible per my guidelines. Sometimes I only fit in two and a light snack. I do not force myself to eat if I’m just not hungry. My surgeon was more three meals no snacks type of plan. My goal is 80 grams protein daily. I do not have a calorie goal but I’m trying to get to 1000. I average 700-850. I realize guidelines vary widely but one meal a day sounds extreme to me.
  21. All I can say is every day it gets a bit better. Walk walk walk. Get your fluids in. Nap when you need to. How you feel now is not how you will feel a week from now, or if you can imagine a month from now. Hope you feel better soon.
  22. And you will see amazing things in time. Follow your program. It will happen!
  23. Put the scale away for two weeks. You just had surgery. Let your body heal a bit. Be kind to yourself for just two weeks and forget you own the scale.
  24. KimTriesRNY


    I do agree. I wish sometimes people would search for the topics that have already been posted. I get wanting someone to post to your concerns but there are hundreds of posts about stalls, which surgery did you choose and why, pre op diets, sleeve to bypass revision, etc. Use the search!
  25. KimTriesRNY

    Getting started

    If you do not already have a surgeon picked out, your doctor may refer you to one. You will need to consult with a bariatric surgeon about moving forward. It never hurts to call your insurance company yourself, they can give you the exact requirements you would need to qualify for the surgery. For instance many of us needed to have monthly visits regarding a supervised diet program, psych consult, EGD, sleep study, etc.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
