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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. You guys are both darling in this photo!
  2. KimTriesRNY

    TMI - Pooping at work

    I work in the hospital too and the first few times I had to go I had to warn people not to go after me. It’s almost colostomy level bad now. All poop smells horrible but yeah this is for real a whole new level.
  3. KimTriesRNY

    2 weeks post op, gained 1 pound..

    You don’t need to blend it if it is already smooth.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    TMI - Pooping at work

    Lol. I hate having to poop if I’m not at home now!
  5. KimTriesRNY

    2 weeks post op, gained 1 pound..

    You need to strain all chunks out of it. I did eat small amounts of cream of chicken soup and regular tomato soup at first. It was nice to have something that wasn’t sweet to eat. I have a nutri ninja blender that will purée just about anything.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    2 weeks post op, gained 1 pound..

    Yes, it can mean a method of blending and pureeing a soup. It does not necessarily mean they want us eating cream based soup such as bisque, chowders, etc which are always much higher in calories and fat.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    2 weeks post op, gained 1 pound..

    Creamed soups can mean the method of preparation, not the type of soup.
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Severe nerve pain 2 weeks post op

    I had this too. My pain had went away then I developed this burning, tearing type pain. It lasted about 10-14 days and went away slowly. It made walking and standing up straight painful. At first I thought I had pulled something but I was very careful with my restrictions post op. It seems somewhat common after surgery as the nerves regenerate.
  9. KimTriesRNY


    I use the celebrate chewable multivitamin. I also have to take iron on top of what iron is in the multivitamin. I also take calcium, I use the dissolvable ones from bariatric fusion. A chewable or dissolvable vitamin D. Sublingual b12. Vitamin requirements may vary slightly based on surgery type and also if you are a female that is still menstrauting. Your surgeon may have further suggestions, such as not taking gummies or Flintstones, mine did. My surgeon also recommended chewable vitamins in the beginning followed by capsules if they were not tolerated. Tablets may not be as well absorbed if you are a bypass patient. Your surgeon should have specific information available for you.
  10. There is a difference between not losing weight and those that lost weight with a sleeve and regained. If your main problem was eating around the surgery to begin with, how do you feel bypass will be different for you? You stated you have a sweet tooth and you cannot stop. If you were not losing weight with a sleeve due to eating the wrong foods and overeating, what has changed? It is a common misconception that you will dump with gastric bypass. It is not a given. My surgeon told me only 30-50 percent of patients will dump, and this effect lessens as a bypass matures for many that do have dumping. If you are counting on dumping syndrome to keep your eating under control, you may be making a huge mistake. Good luck to you whatever you decide.
  11. KimTriesRNY

    3 wks post- food getting stuck

    You should contact your surgeon. It is possible to develop strictures after surgery that make swallowing food very difficult. Better to get checked out and have it be nothing than need to be hospitalized for dehydration or worse.
  12. Can you do some exercise videos indoors? They have walking videos that really don’t take a lot of room and are very low impact. After surgery it is difficult to get all the requirements for food and fluid in, but it sounds as if you are making good progress thus far. Are you able to add in cottage cheese? Pain for months after surgery is not the norm, and can be an indicator of complications.
  13. KimTriesRNY


    Hope you feel better soon! Sounds like you are in good hands!
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Letter of necessity

    You may have better luck if you have a template of sorts to give the physician. Then the physician can have a sort of “form” to work with, and change details and facts to suit your individual situation. This may be handy for you especially if your relationship with the doctor is fairly new. Many times it’s the office manager that actually fills these forms and letters out. Consider finding a template letter online or examples of other similar letters and bringing a copy to your appt.
  15. KimTriesRNY


    Every hospital is different as far as what is prescribed because it is the surgeon that is prescribing the medication for the patient. Every surgeon will have their own preferences of what they want their patients to have post operatively. As a patient post op, I had two or three doses of IV pain medication while in the hospital and went home on pain pills which I took for a few days before switching to liquid Tylenol. As a nurse working in the hospital, there is a huge push for all patients to be off of narcotics as soon as possible. They are starting to really put a lot of pressure on physicians that are prescribing these medications. Pain pumps for such a basic surgery are becoming a bit of an outdated practice as the push towards getting people off of opiates sooner is now the norm.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    Had my bypass surgery yesterday!!

    Sounds great! Hope you continue to do well!
  17. KimTriesRNY


    I quit cold turkey years ago. It was tough. I cleaned all cigarettes out of my house and car, but I only smoked outside. So I woke up the next morning and just had none. I spent the first few days mostly at home. But then went places where no smoking is the norm....movies, shopping...etc. Smoking is actually so frowned upon now you are basically a pariah even if you are outside smoking so it’s a lot easier to find places people are not smoking. The website whyquit.com had a lot of cold turkey info if it’s still around. You can do it!
  18. KimTriesRNY

    GALS who started their journey over 300 lb+<br /> +

    Well I am really enjoying reading this thread and reading everyone’s stories and updates! I hope the good news keeps coming. I am a bit over six months out from surgery now. Made my own personal goal of 100 pounds lost post op by six months. It seems a bit surreal how quickly the time has gone by. Six month check up is next week so I will see what my surgeon says. Changes are coming all the time. I can work a shift at work now and not feel like crying in pain when I get home. My mobility is better with every pound that comes off. Clothes that didn’t fit last month are getting loose already, it seems like the last 15 pounds have really made a difference. Looking forward to seeing where I am six months from now! Have a great day all!
  19. KimTriesRNY

    First visit to the hospital

    It’s an exciting and nerve wracking time for sure! Good luck!
  20. You have been through a lot over the past few years. Your three months will fly by and before you know it, you’ll be having surgery! I hope it goes well for you. I have seen lots of band to bypass postings around here so hopefully a few people post! Best wishes.
  21. KimTriesRNY

    4th day post op

    Make sure you are still using the incentive spirometer if the hospital gave you one!
  22. KimTriesRNY

    Need to GAIN weight

    I don’t have suggestions for a drink but I will say if you normally eat low fat, or reduced calorie items maybe try eating the full calorie version. So if you normally eat low fat cottage cheese, swap for 4% milk fat. If you normally eat no fat yogurt, find some whole milk variety. Add some healthy nuts in your diet if you tolerate them. Things like that could help you maintain maybe?
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Down 3 Sizes!

    It feels so good to get into smaller clothes! Nice work!
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Recent pics- May/June- 2018

    It is so important to reward ourselves along the way for sure! I went shopping the other day for a nice bag. I’m over the 100 pounds lost mark now so I was like I deserve a reward, right! Could not find one stinking thing I liked. Maybe I will go for a pedicure instead! Love that color blue on you.
  25. KimTriesRNY


    Wow! You look beautiful! Look at your smile!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
