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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY


    I eat small amounts of rice on occasion with my chicken curry. I like jasmine rice. I don’t eat it a lot because I’m sticking to a lower carb diet.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Awesome Birthday Present

    Congratulations! What a wonderful present!
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Liking original post

    I think it’s the number of responses/recent responses that sends a post to trending, not the number of likes. I’m not for certain though. I’ve never thought about it.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Arm pain after VSG

    Glad you are doing better.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Liking original post

    I do. If I read the post and like it I push the little heart icon. If someone responds to a posters question and I like or agree with what they have said I push the heart. If I really love what they said, or I think they have the best answer to a question I push the trophy icon. I don’t use the confused icon. I use the laughing one if something is really funny. I think you get points in the store for the hearts and stuff, but I’m not for certain.
  6. KimTriesRNY

    How long was you in the hospital after gastric bypass?

    I was there for two nights. I was discharged a bit late in the day because they gave me an extra liter of fluids before I left as I was a bit dehydrated. My surgery was on a Saturday and I left Monday around 5 pm.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    2 Months Post Op

    Sounds like you are doing fantastic! Good to hear from you!
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Arm pain after VSG

    I would go today. Swollen, reddened limbs can be symptoms of a blood clot after surgery. It’s more common to have in the legs but I wouldn’t wait to get it checked out. A simple Ultrasound can check for clotsin your arm. Either way seems very unusual.
  9. KimTriesRNY

    8 days Post Op

    I get hungry, but not as hungry as before surgery. It can take a few more hours to feel hungry as well. My stomach will grumble a bit still if I’m really hungry. It can be a challenge to get liquids in for some people for some time, just do your best to drink what you can all day and this will slowly improve with time. I still struggle to get 64 oz in on a daily basis. Remember, if you were obese before surgery your body has plenty of fat to burn so you will not starve. The point of the surgery is to decrease intake and use fat stores for energy.
  10. KimTriesRNY

    how to lower a1c

    An a1c of 8.5 can roughly correlate to a blood sugar average of 190-200 over the last three months. If you know what your goal a1c is work hard to keep your blood sugar below that number. I would stick to a high protein diet and limit all starchy carbs like bread pasta and rice until your numbers are in control. Do not get too discouraged it looks like you have made great progress and it can take three months for the full progress to show on an a1c.
  11. KimTriesRNY

    New here and very nervous...

    Gastric bypass was my first surgery. I’ve had no ill effects so far at over seven months out. It is normal to fear a major operation and be a bit nervous. Focus on positive things. Stay away from negative postings.
  12. KimTriesRNY


    If it bothers you or negatively affects your mood to see your weight not decrease every day, I would stop weighing yourself daily. You just had surgery. Focus on healing. Follow your program and diet and the weight loss will follow.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Gas x strips-where to get them

    I don’t know that they make these anymore. I couldn’t find them when I had my surgery. Only place I found was on Amazon for 40 bucks for a box , no thanks. I use chewables.
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Talk to me! I'm new :)

    I wish I had done this, as painful as it would have been at the time. Even my surgeon at my last appointment asked to see a before photo of me so he could compare the difference so far!
  15. I have no regrets. I have smelly poop but oh well. I’ve never pooped myself or anything like that. I have gas sometimes but control it if I need to with gas x. My biggest issue is constipation, but I had that issue pre surgery it’s just worse now. We are all different . No guarantee any negative gi effect will happen, or won’t happen.
  16. KimTriesRNY

    No Stupid Questions? Weighing Food

    I weigh my portions cooked....chicken, fish, etc. Some other items like shredded cheese or certain veggies I weigh in grams.
  17. KimTriesRNY

    6 months sleeve-anniversary

    Wow! You look beautiful!
  18. KimTriesRNY

    A year and a half post-op...

    Are you wanting to still reach your goal weight? Are you tracking your food and hydration? Are you still making healthy food choices or have some pre surgery bad habits started to creep back up that may be preventing further weight loss? Have you checked in with your surgeon or bariatric team?
  19. My worst so far is my arms. I can tell I will have lots of extra skin there. I am tall so that helps some as I had more skin to begin with. I’m starting to see some small wrinkles in my abdomen and inner thighs. Surgery wise I can see the boobs and arms will be prioritized. I would much rather be at a healthy weight with loose skin than morbidly obese. If you think you would want surgery after weight loss to remove skin, start saving when you have the weight loss surgery!
  20. KimTriesRNY


    The topic is posted in the rants section for a reason. Many of us post daily numerous times being as helpful as we can to others, but the “rants” is a place for just that, ranting. If you are easily offended or disappointed in opinions of strangers on the internet you may want to stay out of the rants part of the forums.
  21. KimTriesRNY

    Delicious, Fast, Nutritious meals!

    I wonder how the veggie pasta tastes? Does it sit in your pouch ok after you eat it? Looks yummy.
  22. If you are on a lower protein diet due to renal failure or kidney disease you need to follow the advice of your medical team and not people on the internet. It is frustrating to not lose weight but certain diets must be followed for patients with medical problems bariatric surgery notwithstanding. Please follow guidelines from your doctor/medical team if you are unsure. You do not want to harm your kidneys in the process.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Fast food

    Panera all day. Tons of fresh healthy salads.
  24. I can hardly reach 64 oz of water a day let alone a gallon. My surgical team is fine with 64 oz as a goal. Is this 128 oz you keep recommending something that was recommended by your surgical team or a research team of some sort? If I eat three meals a day and I am unable to drink for an hour after each meal that’s three hours I can’t drink. I find many times it is two hours before I physically feel like drinking after I eat a meal. How are you physically capable of drinking so much? I am baffled! I’d like to drink more, I keep my water with me always but I just physically cannot drink that in one day.
  25. KimTriesRNY

    Anyone else gone from lapband to RNY

    There are many lap band to RNY threads on here if you search. I know people enjoy hearing direct responses but for the people continually typing the same thing day after day it can get tiring. I am not a lap bander but as a RNY patient I can tell you I do not tolerate bread. I can have a few crackers and a small amount of flat bread but regular bread or biscuit type items are out still. I am not aware of intestines being removed during the surgery. There is a portion that is bypassed. Good luck to you and I hope you get some more responses.

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