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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. Dee is right, the higher your starting size the more weight you will need to drop to drop an actual size. You will notice once you get down to the lower end of plus sizes, or higher end of misses, say 16-18, you do not have to drop as much. Ten or fifteen pounds makes a much larger difference in size than it does above say a size 22. To me, this is similar in the way that the more weight one has to lose, the longer it takes for people to notice and comment. I am on my second closet clean out now at over 130 pounds down so it does get pricey, although it is fun to buy new things. Get as much use out of things you can and only buy things that are deeply discounted as you lose!
  2. KimTriesRNY

    10 weeks post op

    Wow! Losing weight on a cruise? Great job!
  3. KimTriesRNY

    8 Months post RNY and stalled 2 months

    If you are not currently, start tracking every calorie you are eating in an app like my fitness pal. It is possible you are eating too much, as a snack here or there does add up. The average person underestimates what they eat by 20 percent if they are not tracking so it’s a good place to start if you are not doing this. You will lose weight slower closer to goal but two months seems like a long time at less than a year out.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Milestone Rewards?

    Thank you!
  5. I believe either surgery would work for you. If the idea of the bypass is off putting to you, there is no reason to pursue it as realistically your weight is not that dramatically high. I would think differently if you were over 300 pounds. Many times diabetes type II is brought on by excess weight and either surgery would certainly help with that. ‘If you have GERD or frequent heartburn steer clear of the sleeve as that does seem to be a problem we see on here. The best surgery in the end is the one YOU are most comfortable doing!
  6. I had a small hiatal hernia repaired along with my bypass. I never knew the hernia was there before my EGD two months pre op. I don’t believe my recover was any different than anyone else’s but things went smoothly all the way around for me.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    8 Months post RNY and stalled 2 months

    You may need to share what you are doing to get some responses. What is your diet? Are you tracking your intake? Do you exercise? If you are asking for advice these are things people will want to know!
  8. KimTriesRNY

    Milestone Rewards?

    At 100 pounds lost I bought myself a fancy new purse. Last weekend I bought another. The weekend before that I finally bought a new snazzy watch because I could slide mine off without unfastening it. This week its my birthday and I’ve bought some new tops, a pair of earrings, and I plan on getting a massage and a haircut. Let the gifts keep coming! We deserve it!
  9. I agree with Matt. Also, as a revision surgery you are likely to not lose as quickly someone who is having a bariatric surgery for the first time. Let your body heal and follow the program and you will see results!
  10. You got smaller, they got bigger, everyone’s beard got longer. Congrats all around!
  11. KimTriesRNY

    Non Plain Water Drink Choices

    I second the vitamin water zero. I also like propel. Nestle makes a lightly flavored water as well that is not artificial tasting if it is available in your area.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Fruit on the liver shrink diet

    My pre op diet was all liquids. I have heard of some people eating lean meals once a day, so I know these diets vary widely. I would think it would tend to lean more towards vegetables than fruit though for best effect.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    Today was a big milestone

    Wow! This is incredible! Thank you for sharing!
  14. Hemi sounds awesome. Funny story, I was driving a 2017 completely loaded Kia Sportage and someone ran two stop signs, hitting me in the drivers side wheel, front quarter panel, etc. Long story short, my rental car ended up being a Charger R/T. I tried to find something I liked better, but couldn’t. So I bought one.
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Pain meds

    Of course I have, I think we all have. I think it’s a normal part of this process. We are all going through a lot of changes and have a lot of emotions to deal with. Add into the mix all the hormones going crazy with the weight loss and it can be hard to predict what mood you will be in from moment to moment sometimes. My post wasn’t meant to be harsh, although I am a person that tends to be rather blunt. If you need to rant and rave, join us over in rants and raves. We all need somewhere to vent when we get down. I truly hope you are feeling better soon.
  16. Ugh that is tough. I work in the hospital and there is always cake, doughnuts, and candy around. This week someone brought in packages of full size Cinnabon for heavens sakes! I always keep Greek yogurt, cottage cheese...if you can find Muuna it’s yummy...cheese sticks, and such for snacks. Granted I am post op and it is much easier to not stray now. The more you stay away from the sugar though, the less you will crave it!
  17. KimTriesRNY

    Pain meds

    Original poster was referring to acute pain post operatively after surgery....not sure how this helps answer the posters question. Hope you feel better today.
  18. Currently driving 2017 Dodge Charger R/T. The love of my life.
  19. KimTriesRNY

    "morbidly Obese" since childhood

    I would not say I was morbidly obese in childhood but definitely was overweight becoming obese as a teenager and progressing to morbidly obese as an adult. I was at a normal weight for a few months in my very early twenties but was unable to maintain that and it was very fleeting. My weight has been a struggle my entire life.
  20. KimTriesRNY

    First month 28 pound down

    That’s fantastic Work!
  21. KimTriesRNY

    GALS who started their journey over 300 lb+<br /> +

    Don’t rule out gastric bypass. I know sleeves are more popular right now but it’s worth researching and deciding if you are comfortable with a bit more aggressive procedure. You can be successful either way, but make the right choice for yourself!
  22. KimTriesRNY

    Obese since early childhood

    I have also been obese since childhood. I remember being on and off diets since the age of ten or eleven. I do get hungry but not in the same way as before surgery. I am not constantly thinking about what things I am going to eat and my cravings for most foods are gone. I do still occasionally crave things but the compulsion to give in and buy them is much less and easy to resist at this point. I felt bypass was right for me as I have been obese my whole life that I can remember.
  23. KimTriesRNY

    Pain meds

    Two days. I switched to liquid Tylenol after that.
  24. I wish I had lost more weight before surgery. Starting over 300 pounds is tough. The less you weigh at surgery, the quicker you will get to goal. Use the time you have left wisely. You won’t regret it.

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