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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. Keep in mind there is no guarantee that you will develop dumping syndrome as not all gastric bypass patients do. It is a common misconception pre op that dumping is a tool to be used to stay away from “bad” foods. Evidence also suggests the further out from surgery you are the less you experience dumping and the rate of calorie malabsorption is greatly reduced as well. The onus is on YOU as the patient to make healthy choices in your diet. You may consider starting to introduce healthier options into your children’s lives now as well before surgery. It’s not a healthy diet for them and you don’t need those foods in the House post operatively.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Food funerals?

    It is certainly not an abnormal behavior. The reality is that you will eat these items again though. I have eaten Doritos gasp! I have eaten a small bit of a brownie or a cupcake, oh no! The difference is after surgery you are most likely going to experience less tolerance and less cravings for these items. Once you start to lose weight, you will desire them even less because your progress and non scale victories will motivate you to stay on track 90 percent of the time. We are human though, and food tastes good. We are meant to enjoy certain things in life, and in moderation I think food can be one of those things. I would try and stay away from that food funeral thinking. You’re going to set yourself up for having a hard time staying on track for your pre op diet. You don’t want to really gain twenty pounds before surgery anyways and I would not test the surgeon on his no gain policy with a large gain. Set yourself up for success preop, and you can definitely lose some pounds and have a smooth transition for after your surgery.
  3. https://web.duke.edu/surgery/2015bariatricmasters/session6_gerd_after_sleeve_torquati.pdf https://www.journalacs.org/article/S1072-7515(16)30941-3/fulltext https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4579881/ Regarding Gerd and VSG. Being morbidly obese itself is a huge risk factor in itself as well.
  4. KimTriesRNY

    Full liquids question.

    Yeah, that would have been a no go for me too.
  5. I agree with what others have stated, if your profile is correct and your BMI is 50 opt for bypass. Gastric bypass is a great option if you have been obese for most of your life, including childhood. Having well over 100 pounds to lose makes it a great choice for you, even with no other comorbidities. I have never dumped after my surgery and tolerate small portions of anything. Whether that is good or bad is an individual thing. If you need dumping to keep your eating in check you may not be successful in the long run anyways. None of this is to say that you could not accomplish this with a sleeve, but your chances of success may be greater with gastric bypass. Congrats on your approval and do let us know what you decide and how it goes!
  6. KimTriesRNY

    Being wasteful.......

    I overbought some things. Have a 20 pack of protein water I will never drink in the pantry unless it’s for a hurricane emergency. I do get sick of leftovers but I’m ok with that. I freeze some and try to make less but I do throw away food. Once I eat something four or five days in a row I’m sick of it. We live and learn through this process I guess! 😂
  7. KimTriesRNY

    Sick and eating is off

    I hope you feel better soon. I wouldn’t worry about a few crackers when sick.
  8. KimTriesRNY

    146lbs lost

    You look amazing and amazingly happy. Congratulations!
  9. KimTriesRNY

    Approx what BMI would waist size stabilize?

    I would guess one inch loss in your waist is attainable in two months to three months though.
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Non-food rewards

    I have bought many clothing rewards. It is hard not to if you’ve been shopping in plus sizes for years and years! I have also bought two new bags and a new watch. I have a vacation planned in March, and that should be pretty close to me at or beyond my goal. It is so important to reward yourself with non food items, whatever it is you love instead....you deserve it!
  11. KimTriesRNY

    Sucking it in

    Have you tried the higher waisted jeans which are now in style and are everywhere thank god?
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Post op 12 months

    If you are a gastric bypass patient just be advised that pepto bismol was on my list of medications to avoid. Certain medications must be avoided as they increase likelihood of ulcer formation in gastric bypass patients, and this is one of them. Just because a medication is over the counter does not mean it is safe for you after surgery and you need to check with your surgical team. Hope you feel better in any case.
  13. KimTriesRNY

    To Share the Journey (?)

    I keep myself to myself, and my health matters are my own business. There are thousands and thousands of these videos on youtube and plenty of pics on Instagram. You may be happier in the long run by keeping your private business private. There is lots of judgement that remains regarding weight loss surgery. I only told a few closest family members and my very best friend. Have not regretted my decision to be tight lipped.
  14. KimTriesRNY

    Face to Face Friday!

    Ok. First pic about six months pre op. Second pic was last week. I am about 30 pounds from my primary doctors goal right now and just shy of ten months out.
  15. KimTriesRNY


  16. KimTriesRNY

    Swimsuit worries

    Loose skin is likely to happen. The more weight you have to lose, and where you carry your weight coupled with genetics will play a role in how much will be there. In six or seven months, you may not have a terribly large amount. I noticed more of my skin wrinkling up once I lost over 120 pounds. If you are confident enough to wear a swimsuit now, you will be in April. You will be looking and feeling so much better you will not believe it! Maybe your sister is jealous of you taking control of your health? Siblings can be strange...
  17. @Matt Z Care to share any thoughts as you have also experienced eating with both of these surgeries? I have never had a band. Personally I have never had any issue with food after my bypass. I tolerate everything. As long as meat is not dry, I can handle it. I have never experienced frequent nausea or vomiting as others have. If I eat too fast or do not chew enough, I get intense pain in my chest. I learned very quickly not to do those things. I do realize I am lucky. I am thankful everyday for the blessing of my surgery and hope everyone that undergoes it has no complications in the same way as myself.
  18. KimTriesRNY


    Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match! Find me a find, catch me a catch! Night after night in the dark I’m alone So find me a match of my own!
  19. KimTriesRNY

    regain weight

    But you were able to lose 200 pounds you stated? How far out was the regain when it started? What type of changes in your diet and exercise habits accompanied the 100 pounds of regain? What is your diet like now? That being said, as a nurse myself, it is not in any way shape or form the nurses place to discuss with you any abnormal results of your test. That is the responsibility of the doctor/surgeon and that nurse was way beyond her bounds. You can obtain a copy of your medical records by requesting them and you may have to pay a fee, but this would enable you to read and see exactly what was stated in the actual report. If the surgeon said your pouch was normal size, don’t be quick to jump to the conclusion that your regain is a fault of the surgery failing you. Regain is very common. Be honest with yourself about your diet and intake, track it for a few days. Request your report from the procedure if you need that to move on and be sure. Best of luck to you and let us know what happens.
  20. If you can tolerate food even though you do not feel hungry it is good to get protein from food. You can eat small portions of Greek yogurt...I like Oikos triple zero. You can eat small amounts of cottage cheese, tuna pouches, etc. Glad your complications are over and good luck returning to work.
  21. Good Luck. I am not sure if posting links to go fund me is allowed here but we all know the struggles of being obese. I hope you find a way to get ahold of your health.
  22. KimTriesRNY

    Gastric bypass

    I have not had early dumping but have had a few episodes of late dumping which occurs for me about 90 minutes after eating. For the most part I tolerate all foods in moderation although I do not eat bread barring occasional flatbread or wraps. Rarely I eat homemade baked goods, on a special occasion. Many people that have gastric bypass will not dump, and for those that do the effects may lessen as the surgery matures.
  23. KimTriesRNY


    Many, many times this!
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Onederland Is Amazeballs

    Congratulations! Must feel completely amazing to see that on the scale!

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