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Everything posted by KimTriesRNY

  1. KimTriesRNY

    Feeling Down

    Sure. I still get hungry and I do enjoy eating but it is not the same. I used to spend lots of time wondering about what I was going to eat, planning my snacks, shopping for junk food, etc. Now I do not. I do on rare occasion eat small amounts of homemade goods like cakes or baked items, which has always been a favorite of mine. But I don’t buy ready made items like that anymore because it’s not worth it and it doesn’t taste good enough now. I eat out every now and then but choose mostly sensible items. I think once you start losing weight and you lose a good bit you find other things to enjoy than food. Your surgery may change your tastes a bit too so that helps as well.
  2. KimTriesRNY

    Feeling Down

    It is normal. It will pass. You may especially feel regret if you were an emotional eater, as physically at this point you are likely not able to do this. I had a little phase where I seemed to cry really easily. In a few weeks you’ll feel great.
  3. KimTriesRNY

    Is cucumber a clear liquid?

    If you can chew it, it’s likely not a liquid. Unless it is jello. Which starts as a liquid....
  4. KimTriesRNY

    I am SO HUNGRY.

    We all struggle through the clear liquids. It is tough, there is no doubt about it. Get some clear protein water. I would stay away from sugary candy, I don’t think that helps with the hunger or cravings and will likely make you feel worse. You can make it through.
  5. KimTriesRNY

    Most important..

    I had a grabber reacher thing that was invaluable to me. It helped me not bend and twist for those first days home from the hospital.
  6. I have not had this, but as a nurse we see this all the time. Any abdominal surgery can cause this to happen. It could happen a month later or ten years later or never. Some people seem more prone to recurring obstructions than others. Thankfully you seem to have been taken care of quickly.
  7. KimTriesRNY

    Post op

    Normal. Keep sipping your fluids. You will increase in time.
  8. KimTriesRNY

    10/29 Surgery

    You will need zero days of “round the clock care”. After surgery you will have limits on bending and twisting activities. You will have a weight limit of what the surgeon does not want you to lift. So depending on your home situation you may need help with some basic things around the house. Congrats and good luck!
  9. KimTriesRNY

    Couping With Tight Days Pouch Days...

    Intolerance of fluid after seven weeks could be a sign of a stricture. I do have days where it seems I can eat a bit more, but this seems extreme. I would be concerned enough to ask the surgeon for an EGD.
  10. KimTriesRNY

    Liquid diet started today

    Go on you two, you got this!
  11. KimTriesRNY

    Hard time getting protein in! Help please!

    Are you eating slowly? Chewing foods thoroughly? During mealtimes these are things that can cause discomfort. Are you drinking during meals? That can definitely cause pain and should be avoided. Have you tried cottage cheese or eggs? I would stay away from potatoes.
  12. KimTriesRNY

    Should I switch to RNY?

    This. I think this is so true. Regardless of the surgery you choose, I honestly feel this is what does it. You are either ready to make the changes and succeed or not. Some of us experience vastly decreased hunger, some of us not. But the actual amount of healthy food you can eat...it is so small. This coupled with modest exercise, you will succeed. If you find a way to eat around either surgery though, and expect to still have it work you will be disappointed. Go with your gut, make the right choice for you.
  13. KimTriesRNY


    Yes. I used it after my surgery. It was preferable to crushing up the Tylenol pills and the Percocet I was prescribed made me so sick I couldn’t take it. I took liquid Tylenol for a few weeks for my surgical pain, headaches, cramps, anything. I bought it at Walgreens and Walmart right by the regular Tylenol. There was no cold medicine in it. To me, anything was better than crushing meds.
  14. KimTriesRNY


    They do make a liquid Tylenol.
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Should I switch to RNY?

    Anyone can gain due to bad habits. It doesn’t matter what surgery the person had. Lots of sleevers here had good success. You do see a lot of people posting about regain, but most times this is due to noncompliance with diet and exercise and has nothing to do with whatever surgery someone had.
  16. KimTriesRNY


    Regular strength Tylenol is 325 mg, extra strength Tylenol is 500 mg...this is per tablet or capsule. There is a limit to what amount of acetaminophen/Tylenol can be taken safely daily without causing harm to the liver. This was actually recently lowered on most package inserts to a dose of 3,000 mg a day, down from 4,000 mg a day. You can even find this information right on the Tylenol website.
  17. It is a risk that you could develop a hernia after surgery. Surgery or not, pain such as this that keeps getting worse needs to be investigated promptly. I’m a little surprised the nurse at the office wasn’t concerned, at least referring you to come in for a check really quickly or visit the ER if they were too busy. In any case I hope you’ve gone to the ER at this point. Let us know what happens and I hope you feel better soon.
  18. KimTriesRNY

    11 months post op

    Those shoes tho!
  19. https://www.ridgeviewmedical.org/services/bariatric-weight-loss/enewsletter-articles/the-skinny-on-drinking-with-meals-weight-loss-after-wls For myself personally, I find it uncomfortable to drink with meals. My surgeon has us wait a whole hour after meals. I have followed the guideline without difficulty. You may not have problems now....
  20. KimTriesRNY

    Can it be done?

    You may be able to get a decent quote by going to same surgeon for all procedures, however my understanding is a reputable surgeon will not do a tummy tuck and a Brachioplasty/arm lift at the same time. You see a lot of tummy boob combo and arm boob combo but not a lot of all three.
  21. KimTriesRNY

    Barely, but it counts!

    Of course it counts! It always is exciting to see that new number! I get excited just to see a new second number now lol. Congrats! 🎉
  22. KimTriesRNY


    I enjoy the stair climber. Our gym has the ones that are like mini escalators. Nothing makes me sweat like that thing. I am decreasing my time on the treadmill and slowly increasing my time on it. If you have them, they are great!
  23. Good luck! See you on the other side! 🙌
  24. KimTriesRNY

    Difficulty with Pre Op Diet

    It is tough to lose the weight under that pressure with a time constraint, and as others have said, most of us have struggled to lose modest amounts of weight for years and years before coming to the decision to have weight loss surgery. That being said, even if it took you an extra month to lose the weight the surgeon wants you to, that’s still only four months and many of us here waited six months or much longer even for a surgery date so you still would be in good shape. And it would still likely be less time than joining a new bariatric program. Focus on lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits, and stay away from processed foods and soda. Incorporate some modest exercise into your week. These are changes you will need to implement post op anyways. You can definitely lose a few pounds and show progress to the surgeon in another two months just by making those changes. Best of luck!

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