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  1. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to CKDavis in Hi I am 62   
    I had my sleeve yesterday. HW 255. SW 235 GW 165. Sipping and already walked 1 mile this morning. Excited for a new phase in life.
  2. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to Biddy zz 🏳️🌈 in RNY in TWO DAYS!!!!   
    48 hours after op, and just sipped 30ml Water - it all went down, which is a good sign. Pain pretty much gone- up doing little walks every 3 hours.
    Way easier than I 8magined!
  3. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to Healthy_life2 in Wls body shamers smh   
    No problem vent away!
    Is it just me or are the majority of the people in this world are superficial and judgmental? I can't invest my time and energy in negative people.
    You said it well. We are having the same struggle mentally and physically. My hope is supportive people will continue on the site.
    Any forum you goto you get trolls...They are looking to argue and get attention. For them, negative attention is better than no attention at all. I wish people wouldn't take the bait and respond to them.

  4. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to xoxococojay in Wls body shamers smh   
    I'm also seeing tons of the "you only lost how much weight in X time" comments. It's not a race and any loss is progress.

  5. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to xoxococojay in Wls body shamers smh   
    I completely agree with you, and i'm glad you kept yours a secret to avoid the negativity.

    I'm only 5'1 and according to the BMI, anything over 130 is over weight for me so imagine what it takes to be considered morbidly obese, not much.

    I think everyone should be supported for trying sooooo hard to take control of their life back.

  6. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to xoxococojay in Wls body shamers smh   
    Venting*** sorry
    So i'm in several other online support groups right. And i've started volunteering at my local surgery center support group too.
    But lately in 2 of my other online support groups i've been seeing a ton of negativity and body shaming smaller sleevers/ by passers. It's so rude to me.
    I just feel so bad for anyone that has to go through that. Someone recently posted something about people being in the 200's not needing wls, and that they should not post their before and afters.
    First off, aren't we all having the same struggle? Both physically and mentally.
    Secondly, nobody really knows another person's reasoning behind their decision. If your insurance is paying for it, it is because they are obese and possibly have other co morbidies. So i'm all for any and anyone feeling like they need to make a change to keep the weight off and get healthier.
    I just think some people should attempt to be a bit more open minded or just not say anything. This post i'm referring to literally started a cyber war, which is so crazy to me. Nobody would ever judge someone for being much larger and deciding to go down the wls route...just saying.
    I think everyone should feel welcomed and supported.
  7. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to redhead_che in QUICK WLS   
    Oops. Might help for me to reply instead of quote I have no idea what the answer is to the low BMI question, but I will say my BMI was 34 and my surgeon told me that made me a “perfect candidate” and I would do “exceedingly well” because of my lower BMI. Surgery was 11/28 and I’m down 22lbs. I think that’s pretty darn good for a “low BMIer”

  8. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to Holls06 in QUICK WLS   
    I had my consultation on October 12th, EGD on Nov 1st, Insurance approved Nov 20th and my surgery is scheduled for Dec 29th. So about 2 1/2 months. I would have had it sooner but my first EGD they found an ulcer, so i had to do a repeat on Dec 2nd. And it was gone so i was able to schedule my surgery!!
  9. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to three79 in Guys who started over 400 lbs.   
    My highest weight was 401, so I just qualify for this thread! I am 2+ days post sleeve and so far no complications. The first 48hrs were ROUGH but then suddenly the clouds parted and I feel great!

  10. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to BlueCrush in Guys who started over 400 lbs.   
    I found this thread a motivation, so I figured I would add to it now that I'm officially post-sleeve.
    I started off at 406 during my initial consult back in June. My insurance required a 6 month diet program, in which I lost 88lbs pre-op. My official surgery weight was 318 on 12/11/17, and as of this morning, I'm at 313.8.
    Almost to TWOderland!!!
  11. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to SIPS in Seattle in 4 month checkup   
    Today I had my 4 month post surgery checkup. I am no longer in the obese category! Per my doc’s PA I have lost 62% of my excess weight. She said that their goal for all patients is to make it under a bmi of 30 and I am now 28.73. Woohoo for just being overweight!!
    Can’t wait to see what month 5 brings along with the new year. Let’s do this!! ‍♀️
  12. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to Editor57 in Feel like a liar   
    My PCP discussed the surgery with me for 10 years before I decided to pursue it this spring. And I found the process so arduous that I had to tell the guys I work with. From there it wasn’t a big leap to being open about it, down to talking about it on Facebook and Twitter. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life (I’m 60) and for the past four years the world has watched me struggle with orthopedic issues. The reaction has been very positive and supportive. Sure, there are always a few who say and ask really ignorant things, but that’s their problem, not mine. Many more have thanked me for sharing the journey. I was sleeved on Tuesday (Dec. 12), released the next day and drove to CVS today. I feel good. Struggling a bit to get in all of the Protein and Water, but today was better than yesterday. And when I return to work, I won’t have to explain the water, the weird eating.

  13. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from browngirl89 in Face to face   
    What a difference! Very pretty. Keep up the good work!
  14. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from FluffyChix in 60+ years in age   
    All great reasons for wls! You're only two and a half weeks away. Are you on a preop diet?

    This will be one of the best decisions you've ever made. You can do this!!!

  15. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 60+ years in age   

    You have been through so much. Why were you denied RNY before? It seems to me you have enough comorbidities to warrant insurance coverage.

    I look forward to getting to know you better.


  16. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 60+ years in age   

    You are amazing! I'm hoping to join you in your success. I've got the orientation and phone appointment in the second and third weeks of January so I'll know more then. Can't wait.
  17. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from GreenTealael in QUICK WLS   
    Wow! I can really see the difference. You look fabulous, fit and trim!!!


  18. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to Roadrunner 1 in Sleeve Buddy need - Surgery date 12/4   
    Hi Sunbunny,
    How is your recovery going? I am in Fl also and my stats are somewhat close to yours except for height. I started out over 400 lbs. I'm also close in age. It may be tough to do a number of things while you're recovering, so try to be patient as you go through the process. If you have any questions drop a message anytime. Also getting close to getting under 300 for the first time in at least 10 years or more.
  19. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from nurse1 in Looking for Kaiser patients   
    I'm way at the beginning of my wls Quest. My doctor approved my request to be a wls candidate so I'm now waiting for instructions. This is all through Kaiser Northern California. I'm looking for people that have had their wls with Kaiser. What were the steps you took to get the ball rolling? Which wls did you have? I'd like to know what the preop is like. I'd like to find out which surgery you considered. Basically just on an information search while I'm waiting. Thank you in advance.
  20. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 60+ years in age   

    You are amazing! I'm hoping to join you in your success. I've got the orientation and phone appointment in the second and third weeks of January so I'll know more then. Can't wait.
  21. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from ProudGrammy in 60+ years in age   

    You have been through so much. Why were you denied RNY before? It seems to me you have enough comorbidities to warrant insurance coverage.

    I look forward to getting to know you better.


  22. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from Maggie1955 in 60+ years in age   
    I thought it would be good to have a thread for the senior set to help encourage each other during our journey.
    I'll start:
    My name is candy - I kid you not - and I'm 64. I have my orientation with Kaiser on 1/6/18 with a phone appointment with a surgeon the next week, 1/13/18.
    I'm very excited to start my wls journey. I'm 5'7", current weight 220, BMI 34.5.
    I have degenerative disc disease exacerbated by my weight. I also have GERD, general arthritis, costochondritis (inflammation of the rib joints in my chest), arthritis at the site of back surgery, Type 2 diabetes, peripheral neuropathy in my feet. There could be more but that's all I can think of at the moment.
    Let me know who you are and how old with all your stats. Maybe we can be a support group.
    Sent from my LG-V410 using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to SIPS in Seattle in What? Sexting?? Is this really what there is to look forward to?   
    I hate getting unsolicited pictures. It’s all guys wanna do, send you a pic. No thanks. This pic is totally how I feel.

  24. Like
    CaliforniaCandy reacted to SleevieInNewJersey in What surgery did you choose and why   
    After meeting with my Surgeon and doing research we both agreed on VSG. My understanding is that Co-morbidities, specifically Diabetes plays into this equation. Luckily I have none of the previously mentioned so Sleeve seemed right.
    I would point out that while RNY does add the malabsorption, I read in several articles that after 2 years that advantage subsides considerable and you need to be careful w/ calories.
    Good luck with your Journey.
  25. Like
    CaliforniaCandy got a reaction from Apple203 in Considering WLS, Kaiser Insurance   
    Hi to Di and Whiskey.

    I'm also going through Kaiser Northern California.

    I haven't had my appointment yet. I know people will think I'm nuts but I'm working on gaining 5 pounds so I can get my BMI up high enough. I'm currently 5'7", 210 lbs, and I recently turned 64.
    There are other Kaiser members around. I started a thread "Looking for Kaiser members." Several people responded so you might want to look for that thread.
    Hope to talk to you again.

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