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Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

  1. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    I have additions to the โ€œparanoid I am never going to lose weightโ€ stage (which, incidentally, is a recurring stage - at a minimum you get this stage at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and I dare say there will be more. There is the โ€œOMG I can eat anything, did he really DO the surgeryโ€ stage. This is quickly followed by the โ€œomg I am losing weight so fast because I canโ€™t eat much and how do I eventually stop this weight lossโ€ stage. I have gone through the โ€œpretty miserable that all I can eat forever is Haloumi and yoghurtโ€ stage, as well as the โ€œhell I am so lucky at my food because my favourites are Haloumi and yoghurtโ€ stage. And of course the โ€œwhy is no-one commenting on my weight lossโ€ stage, and itโ€™s cousin the โ€œit is embarrassing how everyone is commenting on my weightlossโ€ stage.
  2. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    The Fluff fan club is stirring, wondering, hoping all is well and sending love.....
  3. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Considering a lap band - scared after reading this forum!

    I have to agree with some of the earlier posters - I wouldnโ€™t recommend the band to a friend. I was diligent and followed the rules to the letter. It worked great for about 5 years, then the port broke (some kind of manufacturing fault, a bad lot, hundreds broke all around the world). After the replacement, nothing worked. I knew the rules, I followed the rules, I inflated, I inflated, but there was never again that โ€œsweet spotโ€. Some here have suggested the blame is on the patient - if you donโ€™t make your lap band work it is your own fault. Not so. For many, it just wonโ€™t work. In fact, my lab band surgeon told me research now suggests that 80-90% of lab bands are not doiing their job after 10 years, which is why many surgeons wonโ€™t do them any more. In fact in New Zealand I think you canโ€™t get one put in now. if it works, great - but the 90% of patients arenโ€™t all idiots or lazy or cutting corners - if you choose it, you are taking a bigger risk of failure than other choices... and it is rapidly becoming โ€œold technologyโ€.
  4. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    Hey Fluff It is 6.30am, outside a tropical cyclone rages, I have been up monitoring the city - and thinking of you. Hope the recovery is beginning. oh yes, and have you heard - sip sip sip, walk walk walk... ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    Blimey! I would say โ€œthoughts and prayersโ€ but it might be too soon... ๐Ÿ˜‚ Instead, I just say โ€œgood luck my friend, and may the surgeon me happy, healthy and wiseโ€. mwa ๐Ÿ’‹
  6. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ


    Funny. I am not really craving sugar, but this photo made me all โ€˜wantyโ€™. (That is like needy but I try and stay in control!!)
  7. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    How best to show support.

    One more thing, cos I am still so delighted you are on this forum asking this - clone yourself. Too many women here saying โ€œmy hubby not supportiveโ€. More guys like you would go around nicely...
  8. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Out With the Old--In With the New!

    Ever since I have been here, fluff, you have been an inspiration. Eyes on the goal, I have admired you, and I have thought โ€œhow the hell can she keep this up for so bloody long before they give her the surgical tools to help?โ€ And now, you are on the thresh hold. All of us who arrived later and you helped as we waltzed by and got The Tool before you - now you join us on the losersโ€™ bench. I am so stoked, you will be on my mind a lot over the next few days. โค๏ธ (Heart emoji)
  9. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    How best to show support.

    I love it that you are here, asking this. GREAT step! Yep, she will likely be a bit sore, but also very tired. And also, may well want to talk a LOT about her stuff - weight loss by the oz, food cravings/food prohibitions, things other people here are saying. I suspect it gets boring, but I LOVE my partner for listening attentively every time! Listen to her new food regime - and make sure a) the old temptations are out of the fridge/pantry, and the new โ€˜treatsโ€™ like maybe light cranberry juice, or unsweetened yoghurt, or blueberries - her favourites, are in the pantry/fridge. and love her, and remind her you loved her at the start of this journey too...
  10. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Has any one had discomfort when rinking cold water

    Me too - for several weeks I had to put some hot into my glass of water to make it a bit tepid. Cold water gave me quite a pain, even room temperature - but like you, it was fine in a Smoothie! Thankfully, now that has passed...
  11. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    New swimsuit

    10 weeks post surgery youโ€™ll be down for sure but... weโ€™ll, it might be your bust, it might be your bum, or half and half! I dropped a pants size in 4 weeks, but have only just this week seen shrinkage in my matron-tits down a bra size!
  12. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Stress eating

    If I am stressed, and want to eat - Itry distraction of course, but if that doesnโ€™t work, I eat a sardine. Yep, a sardine out of a can (sardines in oil - blot the oil off, but sardines in spring water are too dry for me). That fills me up til mealtime - and I take it off my next meal allowance. Works a treat!
  13. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Pain 4 inches long , 6 inches below incision - help

    I think - call your clinic. A new pain is reason for a discussion with them, even a phone call....
  14. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Eating too much

    Hi there It would help if you tell us more - what sort of surgery? How much are you eating in a sitting? How often? What kind of food? Have you stuck very closely to your surgeonโ€™s post surgery eating plan? All these things will affect the answer... Also. I find by reading that we vary a lot. And things change over time. I had a bypass, could eat very little soon after but within a week or two, felt I could eat quite a bit. But now, 9 weeks post surgery, I think things are tightening up a bit...
  15. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    6 weeks with gastric by pass.

    Tell us a bit more - maybe fill in your profile so we can see your start weight, how much you have lost, your goal? My experience - the stalls are often when my SIZE drops - like I go down a pants size. I kinda feel like maybe my body is shifting things around - fat off my bum and back to protect my liver - to deal with the weight loss. So these days I embrace a stall, knowing Iโ€™ll be seeing a clothes difference soon... But the scales will start to drop again, just stick to your plan, eat your protein, drink your water...
  16. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Green Smoothies

    What is in a green smoothie? Mine are pretty much all green now because I sneak spinach in there, to keep my veggie intake up...
  17. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Pre op diet

    Did you stop coffee cold turkey by any chance? I did - and got headaches - but I figured that was better than headaches post op!
  18. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    After surgery- what is it like?

    When you wake up you are pretty woozy. I canโ€™t really remember much until the next day. Not really even who visited! It wasnโ€™t too sore but you have meds if needed. Mostly they want you to sip water and your insides are swollen so it is hard - but it gets better pretty quickly. Day 2 was a bit tender. People with laparoscopic surgery often get gas pain - the surgeons use air blown inside you to separate your organs. Until your body absorbs this it causes odd pains - getting up and walking slowly about is the key to sorting that. Anticipate anxiety - maybe even thinking about cancelling - as it gets closer. Many of us think that - but it passes and you join us back here, on the losersโ€™ bench!
  19. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Finally here.

    Fantastic! Good luck with the โ€˜sip sip sipโ€™ and โ€˜walk walk walkโ€™ as you recover!
  20. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Am so tired of people who ask every ten minutes why they're not losing weight

    I reckon these are consistent themes over and over because not too much usually goes wrong except this list - and mostly we worry about this stuff. So, same old over and over - but with new people needing new reassurance, new hope, each new month. And I reckon we Post without first doing a Search because we want real warm-blooded real time people to respond - otherwise we could just google โ€œwhy the hell arenโ€™t I losing weight after my RNYโ€ and just get research, or quacks selling gluten free water that will cure us, or surgeonsโ€™ websites. But I think for many, waiting three days to get a few personal replies to a (repeated) thread is actually more rewarding than finding an old thread with 37 replies. And as boards get new folk, old folk drift away, they are pretty self-renewing over time. Except the โ€˜old handsโ€™ who like to stay - and I love that, but maybe the Rants and Raves Board should give those posts a red background so we donโ€™t scare the new hope-seeking folk !!
  21. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Bruising - anyone else

    OMG Fluffy, you READ that and STILL want surgery! Thanks - will add iron and continue the B12 drops (which are ok tasting, makes a change) because they work together. Another lot appeared this morning, so think I will see my GP. Only my arms, I have noticed, but still pays to get them checked. Maybe an early round of blood work wouldnโ€™t go amiss...
  22. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    Bruising - anyone else

    Hi all 8 weekโ€™s post surgery. I have noticed in the last fortnight that I am getting regular bruising appearing on my arms in particular - clusters of bruise dots. I have the fourth or fifth lot now - the older ones are still disappearing. Not big - maybe clusters the size of thumb from the center joint to tip. I have always bruised a bit easily, and I am fairly active around the place, but I am keeping an eye on it - is this a post WLS โ€˜thingโ€™? I am eating about 750 calories a day, with 50-60g protein - less veggies than usual, but if hungry I snack on cherry tomarto just to try and get veggies in. Taking good vitamins daily, and just started sub lingual B12 drops cos I read that B12 deficiency causes bruising (started only today, but just noticed bruise cluster on my upper arm...)
  23. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    No-No Foods

    Sardines were GREAT! 1/2 tin, with a lettuce leaf, three cherry tomatoes, some red bell pepper and a teaspoon of may - odd breakfast but tasted fab and I was โ€˜fullโ€™ for ages! AND I have just made a protein shake I love! 1 scoop of balance physique vanilla, handful of frozen edamame beans, handful of mixed frozen berries, 25g plain Greek yoghurt and 1/4 cucumber - with water and ice cubes, blitzed. Fantastic!!
  24. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

    No-No Foods

    Eggs are hit and miss. Muesli sits in me like a rock. Bread swells and then I canโ€™t eat anything, so I wasted a whole meal on a bread roll, but craved salad! I find breakfast hard - I do so hate the flavour of pretty much every protein shake. Tomorrow I try sardines...
  25. Biddy zz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ


    What are hemp hearts? Here in New Zealand hemp โ€˜anythingโ€™ is likely to with get you arrested or give you munchies!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
