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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ItsJustMeToo

  1. I hovered right around 35 BMI. Friends and family insisted that I was "too small" for surgery. I considered it off and on for about 10 years, and finally decided to do it (sleeve), and just not tell anyone so I didn't need to deal with the judgement. Only regret I have is not doing it sooner. My weight loss was slow going at first. At the two year mark I'd lost about 50 pounds and while I was super happy at that weight, I had expected to lose a bit more. Year 3 I've lost another 20 pounds and am actually "working" to stay at this weight. I could easily lose more if I wanted to be slimmer.

    No insurance coverage. Paid for everything out of pocket.

  2. I'm in the same boat. All my coworkers are male, and we eat together every single day. I went with gallbladder. Thankfully I had mine removed a few years ago so no worries about what to do if I really did need it removed. I started dieting before surgery and was super open that I wanted to lose a certain amount before a big trip I was taking. Though they would comment on how little I was eating, no one ever questioned anything.

  3. I think, as with anything, different doctors will have different protocol and frankly, sometimes their protocol isn't the only way, or the best course of action. Pretty much everyone I know with a chronic illness is reading about and joining support groups for their condition, and often they're the ones coming to their doctor with suggestions, alternative protocol, etc. WLS is no different. We share and seek guidance from others who are going through the same thing, because we want to make informed decisions or simply because we need the support.

  4. I haven't told anyone except my husband and it's been a complete non-issue. My coworkers sometimes tease about how little I eat, but I work with all men, and they're big guys. They know I'm trying to lose weight, trying to be careful about what I eat, and that I'm physically way tinier than they are (even before surgery). I don't let their teasing bother me.

    I do think twice when ordering at restaurants. The portions are HUGE and it does end up seeming like I didn't like my food or just picked at my food. When my husband is with me, we'll share his meal and I'll get a Soup or side salad. Friends/family who eat with us just think we're being cute, it doesn't occur to them that I've consumed a considerably small amount of food. When I'm by myself, I'll look for something that seems like it will be on the smaller/lighter side. I avoid things like salads because I can't eat to make even a dent in the salad, lol. I'll usually do something like a single taco plate, or a small Protein (chicken) with side veggies, etc.

  5. I went back after two weeks, and have a physically demanding job. It took me a few weeks to feel 100% as far as meeting the physical demands of my job. I could do it, but was a bit slower. I completely agree with the hydration recommendation. Even now I find that it's important to focus on hydration or I struggle to keep up with the physical and mental demands at work.

  6. My husband is the only one that knows. People are judgey about WLS in general, but low BMIers get extra levels of judgement. No thanks. I know it's not popular around here, but I figure it's no one's business and there's literally no reason to share with others. My husband came along for all my pre surgery stuff and he (and this message board) were all the support I needed.

  7. Never considered anything but the sleeve. I know others who have had success with it, when reading about it realized it would be a good fit for me, and my doctor agreed.

    I've experienced Hair loss. So far not noticable to others, but I hate it and am anxious for it to stop.

    I eat whatever I want, just significantly less. I may be the tiniest bit more sensitive to spicey food, and slightly less tolerant off eggs, but I've had my gallbladder out and the new sensitivities could be related to that. I can still eat both, just have to be careful.

    Love my slimmer body and how nicely my jeans fit. I feel great.

  8. My starting BMI was 35.5. no co morbidities, but a family history that concerned me. I self paid through Blossom Bariatric. Three weeks from first appointment to surgery. I did have a full day where I met with a counselor and nutritionist, and had to show a history of previous attempts to lose weight. Perhaps the wait is longer without that history.

    I lost 40 lbs in the first 3 months. I was very strict in observing my diet and exercise routine. I've been less careful since (I'm 8 months out now) and have only lost an additional 10 pounds. I'd like to lose at least 15 more, and know that would be easily accomplished with strict adherence to diet and exercise.

  9. My gut says that an unhappy marriage and/or the feelings of renewal having left (or planning to leave) an unhappy marriage can be part of the decision to have surgery. Not that having had surgery creates a wedge in the marriage, but that surgery becomes part of the rebirth in the aftermath of an unhappy marriage.

    For what it's worth my husband is loving the confidence and boost in physical well being and ability that surgery has afforded me.

  10. On 1/10/2018 at 7:26 PM, low bmi sleeve said:

    Hows it going so far do you have ant regrets. i had my last nut visit yesterday so i will hear soon if ii am approved and now i am nervous .

    It's going well! Only regret is not doing it sooner. There are some things I'm disappointed about, or still figuring out, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I still have cravings, food preferences haven't changed at all, and I experience hunger in 'typical' ways, but now, I'm satisfied with just a few bites. My pee smells strong/gross, I'm gassy (might be my food choices, or maybe the new normal?), and I've had a few bad experiences with poultry getting stuck (not to the point of throwing up, though!). Aside from those things, I feel pretty much normal, just with a teeny tiny stomach, lol.

    I seem to be at a stall at 20# lost, but that seems pretty typical, and I'll be honest and say I haven't been perfect (at all) about following a strict diet. I'm sure things will pick back up.

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