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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to jess9395 in Longest Sleeve Patient?   
    I'm four years out, does that count?

  2. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to temkins in Longest Sleeve Patient?   
    Seems like you have your surgery today - so a bit late to ask that type of questions, huh?!
    just kidding
  3. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to LylaLovesCoffee in any November 2017 sleevers?   
    I go to the hospital in a few hours. My surgery isn't until 4 pm CST. I'm up all night anyway so this is good timing for me. Good luck with yours, may your nausea be calm or something like that.
  4. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to rayb70 in any November 2017 sleevers?   
    Today is the day. On my way to the hospital. Let’s do this. Today starts my new life.

    HW 361
    CW 351.5
    SW ??(Surgery 11/8)
    Goal Weight 200
  5. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from Maryvsg87 in any November 2017 sleevers?   
    November 8th for me. My surgeon only requires a low carb diet that I started last Wednesday. Now that the day is getting closer, I am so incredibly nervous and overwhelmed. I know I want to do this, just so terrified of the unknown. I hope this is normal!
  6. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Nataliesmom in Sleeve tomorrow morning   
    Surgery tomorrow morning getting nervous.
    Hw 385
    SW 344.9
  7. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Leese_A_New_Life in any November 2017 sleevers?   
    This is exactly how I am feeling! I'm glad I am not alone. I am definitely going to have the surgery, because I know I deserve to be happy and healthy (and look good). It is just getting over these initial feelings. I'm sure we will do great and will be successful, but I know how you feel! Good luck. I'm going in on 11/17!
  8. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Sosewsue61 in Strictures/Stenosis?   
    We all get that anxiety, it's normal just don't let it become a runaway train. Good luck!! See you on the sleeve side soon.
  9. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to GassyGurl in Did your hiatal hernia repair make your GERD symptoms go away?   
    I felt great! No issues. A little tired around week 3 (I took 2 naps in a week), but the nurse said my body was figuring out where to look for fuel. I was cutting grass, doing yard work, cleaning like normal.

    Sent from my XT1254 using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Polly Pocket in Did your hiatal hernia repair make your GERD symptoms go away?   
    I'm having a hiatal hernia fixed when I have my surgery, too.
  11. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in Strictures/Stenosis?   
    Thank you @Sosewsue61, I actually think I needed that little kick in the butt. I need to stop obsessing over what can go wrong and start being excited about what can go right! With surgery 2 days away, my anxiety is just really getting the best of me. In life there are times where one has to just take a leap of faith... I think this is one of those times for me.
  12. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to GassyGurl in Did your hiatal hernia repair make your GERD symptoms go away?   
    I had a pretty bad hernia and was miserable (massive chest pressure) preop. I've felt great post op. I took a ppi for 6 weeks, then switched to a h2 blocker. Every now and then I get heartburn after eating, but Tums takes care of it.

    Sent from my XT1254 using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from SeaSounders♥ in Did your hiatal hernia repair make your GERD symptoms go away?   
    I've had GERD symptoms the past year since my last pregnancy. My throat always feels tight and I get reflux and a cough occasionally, especially after coffee. Surgeon said I had a small hiatal hernia he'd repair during surgery. Just wondering if anyone had this done and if it made your symptoms disappear?
  14. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Rubyfit4life in How long before approval letter expires?   
    My approval letter has an expiration date written on it. I got approved in October only valid until January. Maybe call your insurance company to check. That would suck to have to go through everything again.

  15. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Bj49 in Did your hiatal hernia repair make your GERD symptoms go away?   
    I had GERD really bad before surgery. I also had hiatal hernia repair done. Right after surgery I still had problems, but it has been 2.5 months since surgery and my re-flux is much better. When the weight drops it usually gets better.
  16. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to trailtramper in Strictures/Stenosis?   
    I have watched hundreds of videos by doctors and patients and haven’t heard of this outside of bites or gulps that are too large, except for one person. I know her personally. She had the Lapband, but she had swallowing issues her entire life. It got worse with the band, so the had to loosen it.

    My mom had to have her esophagus stretched after getting a piece of steak caught in it recently. She has not had weight-loss surgery. The cause for her is being overweight, so I wonder if that might have been the precursor instead of the surgery.

  17. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to Sosewsue61 in Strictures/Stenosis?   
    That is an extremely small study with so many variables - you did not include all these. The majority had type II diabetes and that significantly affected the presence of the dysphagia, also they did not review the techniques these 3 surgeons used - which could also affect the outcome of the sleeve. And the significant use of anti-inflammatory meds and opioid pain killers - so like I said too many variables. And also patient compliance with following post-op instructions was not considered either.
    You are 'buying' trouble by trying to find silimarities to yourself in inconclusive studies. You instead need to consult with your surgeon and ask about his/her statistics - how many complications and what kind, any strictures, any leaks, etc etc. There are very few significant complications with this surgery.
    Good luck and chill out.
    Correlation is not causation.
  18. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to trailtramper in any November 2017 sleevers?   
    I think it is normal to have those thoughts. I always go back to the comment I hear and see repeatedly “I only wish I had done it sooner.”

  19. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to teacher475 in any November 2017 sleevers?   
    Ok me too! Exact same! On on pre-op diet now and feeling so hungry and deprived that I'm having cold feet. We must be normal if 3 of us are feeling this way. Maybe it's the hunger talking..lol
  20. Like
    CarpeDiem129 reacted to aquamar61 in Two days pre-op   
    Hello everyone. First day here. Having sleeve done on Tuesday. 12 days so far of the shakes and low glycemic veggies. Getting hard! Anyone have suggestions? Anyone have suggestions for early post-op?
  21. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from LylaLovesCoffee in Surgery in a few days and feeling very anxious   
    So this is my first main post although I've been "creeping" these forums for quite a while now. I'm scheduled for surgery on Wednesday, Nov. 8th. I know my surgeon uses a 36f bougie and I am also having a small hiatal hernia repaired. I have some reflux issues now, but other than that and my weight along with suffering from hypothyroidism, my health is fine.
    I have researched this for many months, went through the whole process, and now that it's happening, I'm so worried. I keep thinking about my husband and my babies and if anything goes wrong now or later regarding the surgery.
    Anywho, I don't know what I'm really looking for by posting this. Maybe some words of wisdom or a swift kick in the booty to get over myself. Really, I would love to hear about experiences who have gone through the exact same thing, surgery with the same bougie size as it seems like there may be some merit to bougie size and recovery and hiatal hernia repair. How are you doing? How was your recovery? Any advice at all?
    Just feeling a little overwhelmed.😩

  22. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from ILOVETEXAS210 in How many people have GERD and get a sleeve anyway?   
    @Mhy12784 hearing your symptoms, I randomly get a cough too. I didn't even think it was likely attributed to my GERD! I always thought it was allergies. This makes more sense. Based off your research, have you decided which surgery you're getting?
  23. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from BeTrue83 in Any North Carolina Sleevers???   
    Me! Eastern NC
  24. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in How many people have GERD and get a sleeve anyway?   
    @Mhy12784 Wow, that is certainly intense. He sounds very adamant. I wonder why he and his partner have such conflicting views. Remember, the one professional opinion was to do the bypass, was his only reasoning due to the GERD? I'm sorry you're in a debacle. I wish I could be of more help, but this is such a personal choice.
    I can tell you, for me, I immediately wanted the lap-band. This was before I did any research though really, I simply attended a seminar. Then, after my surgeon consultation, he suggested the sleeve for me because of the lap- band fillings and maintenance with my husband being military, moving a lot, having kids, it'd be a lot of appointments. It seemed to me he had a preference for the sleeve. So, I think all surgeons kind of have their own preference, although it's a professional opinion. He didn't even mention the bypass to me. In fact, even in the seminar he said he usually only recommended them for patients who had severe diabetes.
    After doing my own research and having friends who've had the bypass, the only conclusion I could come to that would lead me to choose the bypass aside from the diabetes was that it's been around longer and has more sufficient long-term data. I looked into everything. I looked into future cancer risk, side effects, long term complications, etc. for all 3 types of WLS. I like the band because I was so afraid of the permanence of the sleeve, but the band is out for me and after researching, I realize it has a lot of complications and higher rate of failure. So anyway, he conclusion I came to is that the sleeve can be converted to the bypass if GERD symptoms persist bad enough. I also don't like the malabsorption aspect of the bypass. Does the thought of removing 80% of my stomach terrify me though? Yes, definitely. But, they've been doing it for a long time, just not as a weight loss procedure. That is fairly new. What did help me was reading about people who live pretty normally without a stomach at all.
    I'm sure this didn't help much or if it made any sense at all, but I'm just trying to shed some light on my own thought process. Ultimately, the decision is yours. But I think a lot of surgeons have their own preferences. I just wonder if they're truly supported or if it's just a personal bias type thing. It's hard to tell.
  25. Like
    CarpeDiem129 got a reaction from LylaLovesCoffee in Feeling anxious   
    @LylaLovesCoffee It seems we certainly do have several things in common! I have GERD symptoms from my hernia. I get reflux and my throat feels tight a lot of the time. I'm hoping this will go away when it's fixed. I didn't get any of these symptoms until my last pregnancy so maybe I developed the hernia then. You're exactly right about surgery being like a rollercoaster, that's a perfect analogy... "here we go." Also, a rollercoaster is risky, but you usually come out on the other side feeling wonderful. I hope that's how this is going to be.
    @Apple203that's good advice. I don't really get panic attacks that often, more of a persistent state of anxiety. It can be very debilitating and frustrating because I'm very aware of it, I just can't always control it.
    I'm always just a worst case scenario kind of thinker. I hate it, but it's true.

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