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LAP-BAND Patients
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About keepinfaith

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/23/1983
  1. Happy 29th Birthday keepinfaith!

  2. Happy 28th Birthday keepinfaith!

  3. Hey we were banded 2 days apart in the same year I hope and pray everything goes the way you want it dh 27 and i 26 have been ttc were giong into our 15 month now and it is a long road I am currently 3 days late and af has been regular for a year now I have taken 2 preg test and both neg so I dont get my hopes up I write it up to as me gainning a few lbs and my cycle is screwed up again bc I have never had a reg cycle untill I lost weight and was put on infertility med and I have been off of the about 2-3 months I finally just threw my hands up and come to find out my ob may have not did all the test to find out whats going on so dh is insisting and I am to on finding another ob so Im calling monday may all of your hopes and dreams come true babydust also preseed is wonderfull its lubercaint thats great for ttc it doesnt hurt the swimmers go to babyhopes.com thats a great website u can also email me at nlacy1983@netzero.com bye
  4. Congrats I pray all goes well and you have a speedy recover with wonderful out comes.
  5. keepinfaith

    Surgery in 12 hours

    good luck in the morning it will be a life changing experiance for you I was 24 when I had mine done and weight was 343 morning of surgery I also comend you on the weight lose of liquids you did great good luck and may god bless you like he has me hope you will keep me updated on your progress my email is nlacy1983@netzero.com bye.
  6. Hi everyone my name is Nickie 26 and I have been banded for 2 1/2 years the first year was great did great and since then Ive really been off of the wagon I am ready to get back on that wagon stay on it and continue to change my life my question is what do I need to do do I need to start all over if anyone has any advice plez let me know or email me at nlacy1983@netzero.com and plez tell me what to start with all advice will be greatly appreciated God Bless you all on your journey
  7. keepinfaith

    Thinking/praying about the band

    I comend you on praying about it that is what I did and have been banded 2 1/2 yrs and I am 26 yrs old I have also been over 400lbs to dont think of it as a device controlling your eatting bc if u really want to eat something u will find a way and I dont recommend that bc that is where I am now Im off the wagon and may not be no help to you but just wanted to let you know that I will also be praying for you and the lap band has given me my life back and more may God Bless you on your journey.
  8. Hi everyone my name is nickie 26 and dh Tim is 27 have been banded for 2 1/2 yrs I did great the first year but since then its not been so hot I love the band would not take nothing for it bc it has given life back to me but still not where I want to be I have been struggling with my weight my entire life but my health started to decline in 2003 when my mother who was 50 passed away of colon cancer and I was only 19 since then I have had neumerous health problems and was almost bed ridding for almost 2 years due to my weight and the problems that it has caused me I have a very dear and wonderful husband who has been right beside me all the way and most of all the Lord has gotten me thru it all right now we are in our 15 month of trying to have a baby and my weight is starting to creep back up I have even went as far as diet pills again and I know they dont work I am an emotional eatter and eat out of bordem right now I just need to get back on the wagon bc we are wanting a baby very badly we have been married 8 yrs next month and I know if I could lose some more weight that it would help tremendously and help how I feel about myself right now I hate myself but am the thinnest I have been since I have been married so if any of you have and helpful advice it would be greatly appreciated thank you for letting me vent and introducing myself please email advice at nlacy1983@netzero.com God Bless you all on your journey
  9. Hi guys this works for me just about everytime something gets stuck I get a coffee cup and pour some tea in it put the cup in the microwave for 2 mins becareful when you get it out it is very hot take you a small spoon and sip on it I also have a bottle that I can throw away bc it will make you slime alot. hope it works for all of you.
  10. ok I go tommorrow for my 6th fill and today I am sore when I eat I have had trouble here lately I got my 5th fill about 4 wks ago and only lost 1 lb bc I did not fill restriction and could eat alot and now I feel more restriction and this is a little personal but I have had trouble going to the bathroom so took some pills and still not working how can you tell if it has slipped and what will work for my other problems thanks.
  11. I had my 5th fill almost 3 wks ago and nothing has happened I am starving all the time and just about eattng all of them times to uggg my fault I feel like I have no band and I know when I go back that I will probley have gained weight and I am always so hard on myself when I fail I feel like a failier at this right now I have a 14cc band and only have 6.5 on my 4th fill I lost 14 lbs that month had good restriction but since then it has been down hill I dont want to gain back any weight help plez.
  12. keepinfaith

    Very Concerned NEED ADVICE PLEZ!!!

    ok I just called the Dr's office to see if I could bump up my appt. to mon. and they told me know they were booked mon and to just keep my appt for wed ugggggg I am as school teaching and could eat a horse I mean no restrision uggggggggg all I want to do is eat wanted and earlier appt. so I wouldn't do to much damaged grrrrrrrrr feel like the worlds biggest loserrrr:frown::thumbs_up::frown:
  13. keepinfaith

    Very Concerned NEED ADVICE PLEZ!!!

    no he didn't that I know of I do not think my dr. does that I think he goes on what he had put in the last time, I am going to him wed. as scheduled but I am eatting everything I am so terrified that I am gainning weight I look in the mirror everytime I pass by it and tell myself look you have gainned weight, I do my best about eatting but when I think that I am gainning weight I want to eat more I know that I am an emotional eatter but I have no restriction could I have lost more weight with eatting what I feel like is so much????
  14. Hi everyone it has been awhile for me but everything is going ok my question is I was banded March21,08 as Oct. I have lost 57lbs very happy and I have had 5 fills which is now 6.5cc in a 14cc band but my 4th fill was my best I lost 14lbs in a month with it when I got my 5th one my Dr. tried to put in 2cc and couldn't well he tried 1.5 still wouldn't work finally he was only able to put .5 cc in very upset and not I have no restriction at all I stay hungry constantley like I have no band I have came off of my Depo shots thank the Lord so I don't know whats wrong why could he only put .5 cc if i lost 14lbs with #4 plez help.
  15. Today I went back to my dr. for my 10week check up and I knew that this would eventally happen but why today I gained 4 lbs and don't know what to do I don't know what I am doing anymore and my dr. does not take the time to sit down with you and explain stuff it is he is in and out in 2 mins. lately when I wake up when my husband comes in from work which is about 1:30 am I am very sick at my stomach and then all of a sudden I am starving like the kind of feeling I am going to get sick if I don't eat so I asked him what was wrong and he said that he didn't know that my body isn't suppose to be awake at that time of night and that i needed to sleep then walked out of the room. what do I do.

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