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Old Clem

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Old Clem

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  1. Old Clem

    Down 165 lbs since March 28, 2017

    Looking good gal, keep up the good work. Cheers Clem.
  2. Sydney, Sth West, NSW, Nanny State Australia.
  3. Been there and done that also, I was very nervous on surgery day, woke up at 9 am in recovery and walked to my private room 1 hour later. I must be the luckiest man alive as I have had zero problems with anything. (felt like i've done 50 sit ups) I think we all must over-research Dr Google and build up a crescendo of 'what ifs' .........but alas some a luckier than others.
  4. Not once and I'm 8 days post op. I think if you eat too fast it will happen, just take the eating really slow and savour the food. The temptation to bog in and eat fast is there but when you feel that full discomfort just have a rest and wait for the food/puree/drink to settle down. Cheers.
  5. Howdy, long time lurker who had the sleeve on 19th Oct 17.

    Australian born in 1953 and piled on the weight from about the age of 45.  Yo yo diets just did not last long enough and I enjoy all the crap food that got me here.

    That being said 7 days post op and I feel great again. Only 1 night in hospital and home the next day.

    I'm a lucky man with  great support from family.

    So far that's about it. Cheers!   

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FluffyChix


      Congrats!!! So happy to hear your report. Yep! Supportive family makes it so much easier! Glad you came out of hiding! :) ;)

    3. Flying


      We're out on medicare?

    4. Flying


      Does anyone know of a person on medicare that can tell me what the approximate balance I would end up paying?

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