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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by TakingABreak

  1. TakingABreak

    Vitamin Patches

    My question about the Patches is: I noticed there was a bariatric set (from this website). It has a multi-vitamin, Iron, B-12, and Calcium (therefore 4 different patches). The question is, I've read a lot of people who take multiple vitamins per day, especially calcium. How does this work? Does one (4 total) patch have all the vitamin needs for the entire day?
  2. TakingABreak

    Vitamin Patches

    How sticky are the patches? I'm really bad at taking pills/vitamins in the day time, but I'm really good at it before bed. Would these come off in my sleep? Rolling around, rubbing against clothes or blankets, ect?
  3. I'm not having surgery until January. I've read that some surgeons do these, and some don't. However, my question is.... Do they give them to you at the hospital? Or do I buy one myself?
  4. TakingABreak

    Dental work before surgery??

    I wouldn't think it would postpone your surgery. However, if you are running a fever it could be a problem. Try and stay calm. When we get inside our heads about things it can make things small seem really large. Good luck with surgery!
  5. TakingABreak

    Stress eating

    I know you mentioned you haven't been working out or walking. I can only imagine that doing those activities are the last things on your to do list with the stress you are feeling. However, exercise can be one of the greatest stress relievers and also great reflection time. My suggestion, get a buddy to go walking with. You can take that time to talk about what's going on with you OR you can talk about something unrelated. Give yourself a break from this hurt mentally and make exercising an even healthier activity.
  6. TakingABreak

    I'm a Picky Eater...

    Like already mentioned, using spaghetti squash in placement of noodles. You can also get a spiralizer and use it for making "French fries" and "noodles" with vegetables. Personally, I love making cauliflower rice (bird's eye has a brand that comes in a steam bag) and cauliflower mashed potatoes. Honestly, we don't even notice the difference anymore, especially in stir-fry. You just have to find the milder flavor vegetables. Edamame ALOT of protein in it and it has a very mild "veggie" taste.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
