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Posts posted by Mattymatt

  1. 7 hours ago, Max Caulfield said:

    Hi! So I am new. I had the sleeve done March 6th so I had my 1 week post-op appointment today. I was down 16 pounds. My start weight when I began this process (which involved 6 months of pretending to do Weight Watchers to get insurance approval) was 514. I lost 14 pounds over seven months having changed nothing. But I was already in eating disorder therapy for a decade and worked on Intuitive Eating and had stopped dieting in 2007 (this is why I was only pretending to do WW, which my doctors were aware of and fine with, because dieting is a massive ED trigger for me and it's also utterly pointless because it does nothing for me). Anyway, I had to fight the voice in my head saying, wait with everything I just went through in the past 10 days I've only lost 16 pounds? That doesn't seem like very much.

    I understand this is irrational. I truly do. BUT... what I also realized is, I have NO clear idea of what to expect from this surgery in terms of weight loss in week one... I have a general idea over the course of six months to a year of what's considered average or common, but I don't know if 16 pounds might be a stellar first week... or if it's kinda crappy.

    So... what do you guys think?

    My most major fear going into this was that I was changing my life irrevocably and it wouldn't work. Dieting never has, and so I've always feared this wouldn't, either.

    Thanks in advance. Also, please be gentle with me... I know I'm overreacting and that one week is not enough evidence to suggest this won't work, even IF it was a crappy weight loss for a first week post sleeve.

    If the numbers continue to upset me, I plan to stop knowing them (and my doctors are all okay with this, too). I'm not aiming to be thin from this surgery. I'm hoping to get to about 350... and I'll be satisfied. I am not a typical WLS patient in pretty much any respect.

    I don't honestly know if this forum will be a good place for me, since I am easily triggered and need to avoid that. But tonight I decided to create an account and see how it goes.

    Thanks for reading. <3

    I think you will find that you've set a goal that you will breeze by. Also, there is no "typical" bariatric surgery patient. Each and every person is unique with unique circumstances that have brought them to the journey. I highly recommend that you watch this YouTube video. It will show just how much weight is a very individual problem

    The surgery changes more than just your stomach size. It causes biochemical changes that work a little differently for each and every person. The key thing is patience and perseverance. Follow the program religiously, track your intake, and exercise. Let things happen as they're happening. 16 pounds after 1 week is a lot when you consider the average weight loss through diet and exercise alone is only 1.5 - 2 pounds a week. So you just about blasted through that average!

    I am new to the weight loser's bench myself and the biochemical changes that I spoke of have already started happening. I began being aware of them when I began my first few walks around the hospital. My first walk was around dinner time on the floor so there were all kinds of smells. For the first time in my life, the smells were only pleasant and did not trigger a desire to eat. I was merely content to enjoy the smells and keep moving. I noticed that I had not only lost the feeling of hunger, but for once in my life, felt very neutral about food.

  2. 7 hours ago, Heatherd86 said:

    Hello! My name is Heather and my surgery date is 4/20, yay! I am a little lotta nervous, but have been wondering about Vitamins. At my last appointment, the doctor told me I needed to start taking them. I am fine with taking all the Vitamins I need now (B12, Vitamin D, etc), but how does everyone take their vitamins after surgery? A friend told me that she uses Patches, does anyone else do this? If so, where do you buy them from?

    The dietitian with my program recommended a really great chewable Vitamin called optisource. It has a good texture and nice orange-citrusy taste. The nice thing is that it is easy. All you do is take 4 a day. I know that Walgreens sells them.

  3. 5 hours ago, ALFxRNY said:

    Starting to get excited because I’m almost done with all of my appointments required before insurance submission! My upper endoscopy is in a few hours (I should be sleep), cardiology clearance on Monday, psych evaluation in April, nutrition appointment 6 of 7 the very next day. My very last appointment before submission is a nutritionist appointment in May. My surgeon’s office told me to call them as soon as I am done with the appointment. I’m looking at a June date (or hopefully late May). Sorry for being long winded, just can’t believe how fast it has all flown by. Best wishes to everyone on their journeys

    Your patience and hard work getting to this point has been rewarded. Before you know it, you'll be on the loser's bench! :-D

  4. 3 hours ago, Apple203 said:

    Hi all, I finally made it to the losers bench! Surgery went well, despite some problems with the hiatal hernia repair. Haven't talked to surgeon directly about that yet. Pain is low. Woke up with shoulder pain from gas, that was expected thanks to everyone accounts. First walk is within the hour. I have been surprised a few times when I wake up and I am sleeved, lo l, so happy it's done!!
    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

    Yay @Apple203! Way to go! Keep us informed. :-)

  5. 2 hours ago, DrunkenRage said:

    SW: 612

    CW: 247

    GW: 200

    Been following along on this app for a while now kinda in the shadows LOL!! I got a ton of useful info from the forums though that helped me so much so far along the way!!! I know I still have a while to go but I just wanted to share my progress so far after a little more then a year in after getting sleeved. I thank god every day for the second chance he gave me! I won’t mess up this time! Never in a million years did I would be able to lose 365 lbs EVER let alone in a little more then a year LOL!!cameraRollTempImage.jpg

    You sir, are inspirational! Keep going!!! I know a lot of us will be rooting for you!

  6. 31 minutes ago, BostonWLKC said:

    Good for you Matt. I still drink one for Breakfast - kills two birds :)
    Keep it up and congrats again

    HW 242, SW 236- (Bypass 12/20/17)
    GW#1- 199 [emoji736] (2/11/18)
    GW#2- 175
    CW 188

    It's been two hours later and I am still full to the brim. Holy crap - I feel like I've eaten a banquet. I am full!

  7. I will say this: Protein is incredibly filling. I just tried my first Protein Shake, an 11 oz. Premiere Protein vanilla, and I drank it over a period of about an hour. I am full to the brim. I was feeling good on Clear Liquids so I decided, even though it is a just a little bit early, to try some protein. Yeah, I be full .... I don't think I could get any more Water down at the moment so it is a good thing I am at my water goal for the day. Tomorrow when I officially go on protein, I am going to have to be extra careful. I really don't want to puke. The next several months are going to be a learning experience.

  8. 4 hours ago, ToughButFair said:

    I know the question of whether or not a sleeve can stretch is a hotly contested and debated topic here, but I'm afraid something stretched or went wrong.

    I'm 4.5 months out, and as of a couple weeks ago, I can eat a LOT more than I used to be able to. For lunch today, I had a whole boneless skinless chicken cutlet. Had to be at least 5-6 oz.! And its not like I'm cheating or forcing it down. I'm hungry a lot, and I don't get full unless I eat these large portions. Even then I'm often hungry again within an hour or two. I drink my recommended Water every day so it's not just thirst.

    I know I'm still eating less than I used to, obviously, but did I do something wrong? Did I stretch out my sleeve? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

    That boneless, skinless chicken has a negligible amount of carbs. It is mostly fat and Protein. Did you eat it too fast and not give your body time to detect satiety?

  9. Well in the morning I had a very soft scrambled egg and it stayed down. So I'm pretty sure it was most likely the crackers. I'm just not a fan of textures and the pureed stage has been hard for me. I literally just want to stay on liquids to avoid the mushy foods. [emoji23]

    This is very understandable. I don't like mushy texture either. Before surgery I once tried some canned chicken mixed with brown mustard. That was good. I think I could easily handle that once it's time for puree.

    Sent from my Z981 using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. 1 hour ago, VanessaKaye said:

    They are keeping me until 15th. Did anyone have any problems drinking anything after sugery?

    HW: 443

    CW: 390

    GW: 180

    I was surprised that I basically did not have any trouble drinking after surgery. Each person is going to be a little different and have a problem area specific to them. I know I should be up and walking but the incision pain is too great right now. At least I don't have gas pain. Good lord, I had to sneeze and nearly screamed. However, I'll take pain over nausea and vomiting. I don't feel like walking right now. I tried but couldn't get my shoes on. I'll try again later today.

  11. 1 minute ago, frust8 said:

    And are you doing pretty good, Mattymatt? So,proud and happy for you and your future!

    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    Hey @frust8! Yeah, I am doing okay. First night home was rough because my bed is low and isn't as nice as the adjustable hospital one. I don't have a recliner so the bed was the only option. Now that the anesthetic has completely worn off, yep, I got pain but it's manageable without narcotics. Kept waking up to use the bathroom and then stayed up for 30 minutes to drink an 8oz bottle of Water because I don't want to get behind on hydration. Matty is NOT going back to the hospital if he can avoid it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
