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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About colormehappy

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  • Birthday 12/24/1982

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  1. My nutritionist has me at 1000 a day. I’m about 4.5 months post op. I do pretty heavy exercise so it works for me.
  2. It more or less happens to everyone. I had surgery on 6/2 and my hair is falling out like crazy too. It should stop before the year mark.
  3. colormehappy

    Tips for surviving the pre-op diet

    On mine I could only do 3 protein shakes a day, plus calorie free clear liquids. Broth, sugar free popsicles and jello, etc. It was rough. Lots of people get to do proteins and veggies though.
  4. colormehappy

    Gastric sleeve pouch reset

    Sleeve and pouch are used interchangeably.
  5. colormehappy


    I was told the opposite of @bailey3, that regular vitamins didn’t cut it for Bariatric patients. I take Bariatric Advantage calcium chews and multivitamin with iron, but they’re expensive. A nutritionist in a Bariatric FB group I’m in highly recommends the Bariatric Fusion ones. Much cheaper and it’s calcium and multivitamin on one. I may switch to them when my current vitamins run out.
  6. colormehappy

    Tips for surviving the pre-op diet

    If you can get through Day 3 it’s much smoother sailing. Pickle juice saved my life. It helped a lot with my headaches and also sort of bolstered me through tough spots in the day. I just sipped it here and there.
  7. colormehappy

    Caring for children post op

    I had surgery in June and have a 4 and 6 year old. I was lucky my husband was home but I didn’t need any major help. My biggest issue was fatigue and I took a nap every afternoon for the first week while he supervised them.
  8. I think this is highly dependent on your surgeon. I woke up from surgery and was given my thyroid medication, antidepressants plus an acid reducer to swallow within the first couple of hours. ETA: Gah, sorry. I just noticed this was a super old thread that was bumped.
  9. colormehappy

    Calories Week 6, 7, etc.

    My nutritionist upped me to 1000 calories a day at 6 weeks. I was spinning 5x a week plus chasing two little boys and a puppy and I was feeling lightheaded and super hungry. 3 1/2 months out now and down 55 pounds so I feel like it’s been ok despite my initial fears.
  10. colormehappy

    Losing Weight Too Fast?

    I reference this chart frequently! I think weight loss is always super fast in the beginning because you lose water and inflammation. I lost 12 pounds my second week post sleeve and since then it’s slowed down to about 2 pounds a week with the occasional 3-4 pound week thrown in.
  11. I’m not much further out than you, only 3 months. But I can tolerate most things at this point. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I underwent surgery to improve my health but not to never enjoy foods I love again. I think it really comes down to WHY you’re eating. Is it emotional? Are you filling a void with food? I split a cookie with my toddler yesterday and didn’t feel bad about it. I tracked the calories and they fit into my macros. I also exercise almost every day of the week. I sometimes take a bite of my husband’s burger and then eat my salad. I personally think there’s a balance, but I’m also not a veteran yet.
  12. colormehappy

    New Member

    Did you just feel like you weren’t losing enough with the sleeve?
  13. colormehappy


    My surgery was 12k for self pay. But I had a complication and needed a second surgery for a gastric bleed 24 hours post VSG. My insurance won’t cover it because they consider WLS “elective” so now I owe the hospital another 30k. Yay American healthcare.
  14. I'm 3 months post-op, just short of 50 pounds down. I've always loved exercise, but I've really ramped it up as I've lost weight and felt better. Currently I'm spinning 4x a week, lifting 2x a week, and hitting 10k steps a day without much effort (I stay at home with two young boys and a puppy, so I'm always moving.) My dietician has me at 1000 calories a day, but I'm HUNGRY. It's legit hunger too, not head hunger. The exercise is better than antidepressant I've ever taken, plus I'm feeling super strong and energized, so I really don't want to cut back. But I'm also eating more calories than I "should" be at this point, so I sort of feel like I'm at a loss. I'm planning to call my dietician tomorrow but was just curious of anyone has dealt with something similar?
  15. Totally normal. I “gained” 10 pounds post op, mostly from fluids and swelling. It was all gone within 10 days.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
