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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Editor57 got a reaction from KimTriesRNY in Perspectives on Losing Fast & Slow   
    To follow up on my comment from June 13. Two days later I saw my surgeon, whom I love, but who can be pretty tough. I'm down a total of 93 pounds from when I first walked into his office in June 2017. My BP was at a level not seen since I was in college (I'm nearly 61 now). My already good cholesterol had dropped another 30 points. When I said that I was pleased, but thought it would move faster, the surgeon actually pointed at a chart on the wall and said, "We're not here to you can get to some number on that chart. We're here to you FEEL BETTER." And then, for maybe the first time ever, I heard these words from him: "I'm very pleased. Very pleased." Couldn't have been a bigger boost to helping me realizing that I'm working it correctly, sometimes it's a slow process and losing ANYTHING is better than standing still or worse, gaining. I mentioned a baseball game in my last post. I went, walked from the car to the ballpark and went up and down the stairs to the seats. I FIT in the seat and had legroom. I'm going to another game next week. It was amazing. So to everyone who is frustrated about the slow loss or the stalling. Hang in there. It works. Most important, it's WORTH it.
  2. Like
    Editor57 got a reaction from KimTriesRNY in Perspectives on Losing Fast & Slow   
    To follow up on my comment from June 13. Two days later I saw my surgeon, whom I love, but who can be pretty tough. I'm down a total of 93 pounds from when I first walked into his office in June 2017. My BP was at a level not seen since I was in college (I'm nearly 61 now). My already good cholesterol had dropped another 30 points. When I said that I was pleased, but thought it would move faster, the surgeon actually pointed at a chart on the wall and said, "We're not here to you can get to some number on that chart. We're here to you FEEL BETTER." And then, for maybe the first time ever, I heard these words from him: "I'm very pleased. Very pleased." Couldn't have been a bigger boost to helping me realizing that I'm working it correctly, sometimes it's a slow process and losing ANYTHING is better than standing still or worse, gaining. I mentioned a baseball game in my last post. I went, walked from the car to the ballpark and went up and down the stairs to the seats. I FIT in the seat and had legroom. I'm going to another game next week. It was amazing. So to everyone who is frustrated about the slow loss or the stalling. Hang in there. It works. Most important, it's WORTH it.
  3. Like
    Editor57 reacted to MIZ60 in Perspectives on Losing Fast & Slow   
    When I sit here and reflect on how much better I feel than I did on April 18 when I started the preop diet I can honestly say that I have no worries on how long this process is going to take.
    Before April 18 I had excruciating back pain that limited my activity. Going to the grocery store was a nightmare for me and other activities were just eliminated. I tried a few medications and even had injections from a spine physiatrist with no improvement. My wheezing and shortness of breath (despite 3 daily asthma/COPD medications) was so bad it was hard for me to walk across the street to the mailbox. My pulmonologist was frustrated with the situation as was I. I was a prisoner in my home and feeling really overwhelmed, sad and resigned to the situation I was in. I have been unable to work for over a year. I honestly did not expect the surgery to help any of this.
    As of today I have lost 33.8 pounds. My back pain has COMPLETELY resolved and I am able to do whatever I want without pain. I am OFF all three of the asthma/COPD medications since 2 weeks post op and have used my rescue inhaler exactly 3 times since. I am able to walk 1.25 miles in about 25-30 minutes every morning in the Texas heat and humidity. If these changes had not happened to me I would never believe them.
    I still have about 100 lbs. to lose to reach my goal. I do not care how long it takes. This surgery is the BEST thing I have ever done for myself. Sure, I get jealous when I see people losing faster than I am but I can only experience my own journey.
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    Editor57 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Perspectives on Losing Fast & Slow   
    Weight loss has always been an incredibly slow process for me and I have been disappointed this hasn't been faster. But as long as it keeps going down, I'm OK. And I did say to my surgeon, "What are you going to say to me when this doesn't work?" and he laughed, turned to his PA and said, "Have you ever seen this NOT work?" The agreed no, they hadn't, so I just set my mind to keeping my eye on the goal and accepting the small victories. I had to work hard to remind myself it's not all about the scale. It's smaller pants, another notch on a belt, a wolf-whistle in the parking lot (my co-workers think they are very funny, LOL), somebody not recognizing me in the grocery store, shoes no longer being tight ... plus big things like less orthopedic pain, sleep apnea that has nearly resolved itself, etc. I lost 30 pounds before my surgery in December on the liver-shrink diet and am down about 55 more since the surgery. I started this whole process last June and the way I look at it ... if I hadn't, I'd be 85 pounds heavier, probably more, and barely able to walk. Tonight I'm going to a baseball game for the first time in three years. So I'll take slow over nothing!
  5. Like
    Editor57 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Perspectives on Losing Fast & Slow   
    Weight loss has always been an incredibly slow process for me and I have been disappointed this hasn't been faster. But as long as it keeps going down, I'm OK. And I did say to my surgeon, "What are you going to say to me when this doesn't work?" and he laughed, turned to his PA and said, "Have you ever seen this NOT work?" The agreed no, they hadn't, so I just set my mind to keeping my eye on the goal and accepting the small victories. I had to work hard to remind myself it's not all about the scale. It's smaller pants, another notch on a belt, a wolf-whistle in the parking lot (my co-workers think they are very funny, LOL), somebody not recognizing me in the grocery store, shoes no longer being tight ... plus big things like less orthopedic pain, sleep apnea that has nearly resolved itself, etc. I lost 30 pounds before my surgery in December on the liver-shrink diet and am down about 55 more since the surgery. I started this whole process last June and the way I look at it ... if I hadn't, I'd be 85 pounds heavier, probably more, and barely able to walk. Tonight I'm going to a baseball game for the first time in three years. So I'll take slow over nothing!
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    Editor57 got a reaction from TxAlpha06 in Losing inches but not weight   
    I had surgery Dec. 12, 2017. I've lost a total of 85 lbs (some from the liver-shrinking diet beforehand). The scale has been a frustrating place ... but I'm down four jeans sizes and the belt I started wearing two weeks ago is down another notch. So that's what I'm doing ... taking the inches and not worrying too much about the scale.
  7. Like
    Editor57 got a reaction from TxAlpha06 in Losing inches but not weight   
    I had surgery Dec. 12, 2017. I've lost a total of 85 lbs (some from the liver-shrinking diet beforehand). The scale has been a frustrating place ... but I'm down four jeans sizes and the belt I started wearing two weeks ago is down another notch. So that's what I'm doing ... taking the inches and not worrying too much about the scale.
  8. Like
    Editor57 got a reaction from TxAlpha06 in Losing inches but not weight   
    I had surgery Dec. 12, 2017. I've lost a total of 85 lbs (some from the liver-shrinking diet beforehand). The scale has been a frustrating place ... but I'm down four jeans sizes and the belt I started wearing two weeks ago is down another notch. So that's what I'm doing ... taking the inches and not worrying too much about the scale.
  9. Like
    Editor57 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Perspectives on Losing Fast & Slow   
    Weight loss has always been an incredibly slow process for me and I have been disappointed this hasn't been faster. But as long as it keeps going down, I'm OK. And I did say to my surgeon, "What are you going to say to me when this doesn't work?" and he laughed, turned to his PA and said, "Have you ever seen this NOT work?" The agreed no, they hadn't, so I just set my mind to keeping my eye on the goal and accepting the small victories. I had to work hard to remind myself it's not all about the scale. It's smaller pants, another notch on a belt, a wolf-whistle in the parking lot (my co-workers think they are very funny, LOL), somebody not recognizing me in the grocery store, shoes no longer being tight ... plus big things like less orthopedic pain, sleep apnea that has nearly resolved itself, etc. I lost 30 pounds before my surgery in December on the liver-shrink diet and am down about 55 more since the surgery. I started this whole process last June and the way I look at it ... if I hadn't, I'd be 85 pounds heavier, probably more, and barely able to walk. Tonight I'm going to a baseball game for the first time in three years. So I'll take slow over nothing!
  10. Like
    Editor57 reacted to Foxbins in Are you happy with your sleeve   
    7 1/2 years since surgery and I'm still a size 6. This surgery is amazing.
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    Editor57 reacted to Creekimp13 in Are you happy with your sleeve   
    Incredibly happy:) Wish I'd done it years ago.

  12. Like
    Editor57 reacted to Foxbins in Need encouragement that not everybody gains back all of the weight they lost after gastric sleeve   
    I'm seven years post-op. It's true I can eat more than I could at one or two years post-op, but I still have restriction. I can eat about a cup and a half of food before becoming uncomfortable. I will say that grazing all day long will put the weight right back on. I tend to eat when I'm anxious or bored, so I had to learn how to cope with those without eating. Once your weight is stable, keep weighing yourself and for heaven's sake, take steps to lose two or three pounds rather than letting them pile on until you are looking at 50 to lose. It really is kind of an eternal vigilance sort of thing.
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    Editor57 reacted to Diana_in_Philly in Need encouragement that not everybody gains back all of the weight they lost after gastric sleeve   
    Almost 2 years out, 115 pounds down and still losing. Working on switching up to lose body fat and build muscle - so I'm not super concerned about the scale number right now. Haven't had plastics yet - that will account for another 10-12 pounds.
    I eat 100-120 grams of Protein a day and drink about a gallon of water/unsweetened beverages at day. I work out 6 days a week. I fence competitively. I work with a personal trainer. I have learned to eat carbs again- which I only do when I am fencing multi day tournaments because my body needs the fuel.
    My body fat is around 31% which rocks for a 56 year old post-menopausal woman. I went from a size 24 to a size 6.
    Your sleeve is a tool. But the biggest, bestest, most badass tool is you brain. Get you head in the right place and don't accept failure as an option.
  14. Like
    Editor57 reacted to Creekimp13 in Going on 2wks post op, feeling great, 64+oz fluid, 1000 calories   
    I can't eat most things yet. I'm eating off the approved list, and a little bit into the next list (pureed/soft)....taking everything slowly, only eating what's comfortable. Doing my 70 minute rule.
    Am enjoying:
    Mashed potatoes
    cream of wheat
    baby meat sticks
    bean/pea Soup
    canned chicken
    sweet potato
    cottage cheese
    canned green Beans
    fresh greens in my nutrabullet....set to liquefy with a little apple or prune juice for regularity
    Premier Protien...One caramel shake a day used as Creamer in my Decaf coffee
    I'm walking about 6-7 miles a day, have incredible energy, am sleeping 7-8 hours a night, and am off most of my meds.
    I'm eating 1000 calories a day, and getting at least 80g of protien. Sipping drinks nonstop.
    Weight improves daily. Am pooping daily.
    I read so many stories on this site about people who have problems....thought I'd add my positive experience to the stew.
    No nausea. no pain. Feeling like a million bucks. Healing up great. Enjoying my diet, and looking forward to being able to tolerate more Proteins and veggies. Am dying for a salad...but know that's weeks away.
    Some lessons I've learned:
    If foods feel uncomfortable or gets stuck for a minute....you're not ready for them. Put them away for another week or two and try again cautiously.
    If you feel uncomfortably full......get up and walk...it helps shake things loose.
    Anything new....try a tiny little amount and WAIT 15 minutes. See how it feels. Listen to your body cues.
    Eating super sugary food makes me sick. Sugary things are good for a bite...not a bowl, even a small bowl. Mom's Christmas cookie was NOT a good idea. A nibble would have been ok. Eating half a cookie...not so much. I was dumb and rationalized I was eating oatmeal, and the cookie was oatmeal....can't hurt, right? Wrong! Be very carful with heavily refined sugar products. The cookie triggered some nausea and I felt really crappy for a bit. It passed in 20 minutes, but I'd rather not repeat that.
    I love oatmeal and cream of wheat with almond milk and splenda.
    Greek yogurt is 12g of Protein a tub...try the whipped, it's awesome.
    You can get instant oatmeal with extra Protein.
    Canned chicken isn't as awful as I feared. Particularly in homemade Soups with Beans.
    Decaf coffee doesn't taste like coffee....but it's not bad. I think of it as something similar to coffee...but not quite coffee. LOL
    This isn't meant to be advice to anyone else....this is simply what's been working for me. I just wanted people to know that not everyone has a rough hellish experience. For some of us...the surgery is very easy on us and the changes are very tolerable:) Best wishes to each and everyone....on a safe healthy good outcome:)
  15. Like
    Editor57 reacted to MarinaGirl in Not sure what to do...family doc against bariatric surgery   
    Great article on why bariatric surgery is the most effective tool:
  16. Like
    Editor57 reacted to Catden in Hard time with Protein Shakes   
    Braiatric Advantage has several flavors to try. I mix one packet with one cup of Water and a few ice cubes in the nutri bullet and it is an easy on the go Breakfast. Also have tried premiere Protein Shakes and Syntrax Nectar flavors. The Syntrax does not seem to mix well so I tend to not use it as much. Premiere Protein also has a clear Protein Drink. It only comes in two flavors (orange mango and raspberry) but it is nice to have as a change.
    It is good to have options so that you are not drinking the same thing every day. BORING.....
  17. Like
    Editor57 reacted to GreenTealael in Post-surgical issues   
    I'm also Almost 7 weeks out
    Have you tried clear Protein Drinks or Protein waters? Also adding ice or Water to those super sweet Protein Shakes really helps...
    And not a popular opinion but you may have to buckle down and survive one swallow at a time.
    Speady recovery
  18. Like
    Editor57 reacted to Frankette in Post-surgical issues   
    I can only stand the shakes when added to coffee. I had to wait 2 weeks per docs orders but now I add Premier Protein to Decaf coffee in morning and drink on it for an hour or more. Also have one after dinner as a snack while watxhing tv. The coffee really cuts the sweetness of the shakes.
  19. Like
    Editor57 got a reaction from FluffyChix in Feel like a liar   
    My PCP discussed the surgery with me for 10 years before I decided to pursue it this spring. And I found the process so arduous that I had to tell the guys I work with. From there it wasn’t a big leap to being open about it, down to talking about it on Facebook and Twitter. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life (I’m 60) and for the past four years the world has watched me struggle with orthopedic issues. The reaction has been very positive and supportive. Sure, there are always a few who say and ask really ignorant things, but that’s their problem, not mine. Many more have thanked me for sharing the journey. I was sleeved on Tuesday (Dec. 12), released the next day and drove to CVS today. I feel good. Struggling a bit to get in all of the Protein and Water, but today was better than yesterday. And when I return to work, I won’t have to explain the water, the weird eating.

  20. Like
    Editor57 got a reaction from FluffyChix in Feel like a liar   
    My PCP discussed the surgery with me for 10 years before I decided to pursue it this spring. And I found the process so arduous that I had to tell the guys I work with. From there it wasn’t a big leap to being open about it, down to talking about it on Facebook and Twitter. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life (I’m 60) and for the past four years the world has watched me struggle with orthopedic issues. The reaction has been very positive and supportive. Sure, there are always a few who say and ask really ignorant things, but that’s their problem, not mine. Many more have thanked me for sharing the journey. I was sleeved on Tuesday (Dec. 12), released the next day and drove to CVS today. I feel good. Struggling a bit to get in all of the Protein and Water, but today was better than yesterday. And when I return to work, I won’t have to explain the water, the weird eating.

  21. Like
    Editor57 got a reaction from KatXoxo in Cold feet a day away from Gastric Sleeve surgery   
    I’m incredibly laid back about medical issues, but I was nervous and snapped at my poor surgeon in pre-op the morning of surgery. I think it’s normal. It’s a life-altering procedure and it’s not an easy process. We laughed about it afterward.

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