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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by admrn

  1. Hello, Im an October sleever and down 50 lbs from surgery. At first, I was on top of things , watching protien intake,water intake, calories and so on. I was excited about life and my new journey. It has been 4 months and I have fell into a depressed state. I still go to work each day and get along in day to day things but my interest in hobbies and my excitement for new things have changed. I dont feel interested in anything. Such as my new diet, getting my protien or Water in , hobbies ect. anymore .I honestly think the surgery had something to do with it. Help ....has anyone else experienced this????

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Absolutely know how you feel. This is just a phase you have to get thru. You can do it. Keep your eye on the prize. You will be able to eat real food soon enough. A piece of turkey and cucumber is not worth messing up your sleeve. Follow your plan and the real food will be waiting on you at the end. Good luck.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. My Rhemitoidoligist said he was dead set against getting the surgery. Mind you i was diagnosed with Rhemitoid arthritis 2yrs ago and have been on two different medicine since. I went ahead with the surgery down 36lbs and off both meds as of now. And havent missed them. I go back to him Jan 5 and hope Im down a few more pounds and see the look on his face when he reads my blood work results. Cause Im feeling great these days. And Im sure the more weight that come off, Ill feel even better.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Thank you so much for your words. They did put it in perspective for me. Wow sometime you need someone to say those words to u. My problems seem very minimal to compare to a cancer patient or wounded warrior. I will take those words and stop complaining and be happy I have my health and a tool that gonna make me even healthier. Thanks again, you opened my eyes and the saying is true......"there is always someone else who has it worse than you, so be thankful for what you have".

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I had my surgery 10/16 36 lbs down . HW 303 CW 268. I was so excited for this surgery researched it for nearly 3 yrs before taking action and these first 2 mths Ive had so much energy and spunk , Its been great!!!! But Im finding myself going back to my old ways saying oh I ll just eat fast food tonight. Thinking it wont hurt me cause I cant eat much of it. Instead of making something healthy at home. I do ALOT of walking at work so when I get home I set down instead of walking the dogs like I had been doing right after surgery. Its been getting colder so I just use the weather as an excuse. Instead of taking advantage of gettting as much exercise in as possible. Its just scarring me that Im falling back into my lazy habits only 2 mth out. And I was so excited for this surgery ,I just thought my enthusiasm would have lasted a little longer. Anyone having these feelings? I need advice to get back on track and out of my slump.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Absolutely, felt the same way. When ever I felt full like that I got up and walked around the backyard. Had my protien drink in hand and when I finished a lap I would take a drink. Took about 5 or 6 laps to finish my 11oz. Premier protien shake but it went down smoother ( not so full feeling) and I got some walking in as well. Did this for 1st couple weeks and I feel it really helped. I understand the overwhelming feeling of knowing you have to get all those fluids in and physically cant. Hang in there. I will get better day by day. Good luck with your journey.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Hello... Im am 3 mths post op and can eat "regular" food now. No restrictions. And I feel like Im going back to my old fast food ways. Even though Im not eating much, Im trying foods from some of my old favorites like KFC, Sonic, mexican restaurant's, Taco Bell. Instead of making healthier meal cho,es and I get mad at myself and think how can I sabatoge myself like this after getting this second chance do over in life. Anyone else having this problem???

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I just researched some of the medicine I am still on and the say they cause weight gain. I am 3 weeks post op and now scared to death these meds are going to slow me down in my weight loss journey.My goal is to be off all my meds as the weight comes off but until then is it sabotaging my weight loss? Does anyone else have this concern?

  9. 12 days post op and have weighed everyday. The scale has not moved not one pound. It has done a number on my emotions and I wish I hadn't. Reading lot of post help me realize, it happen to many. But weighing daily plays mind games with you forsure. I actually took measurements before surgery and again yesterday, and I have lost several inches. Which is a good thing. Good luck in your journey.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app

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