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LAP-BAND Patients
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About willbefine

  • Rank
    Not So Big-Mama
  • Birthday 07/15/1971

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  • City
    Fort Worth
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  1. I am scheduled to be banded NEXT FRIDAY! Yippee. I have to start my liquid diet on Friday, but I haven't found a shake that I like yet. I'm looking for something that tastes as close to a chocolate shake as possible, but with great nutritional value. Has anyone tried EAS shakes. How do they taste, say, in comparison to Slimfast (which I hate).


    My second concern is, I am concerned that I am not sensitive enough to the "full" sensation. I so use to eating 20 minutes PAST that sensation, that I am worried about overdoing it, being sick and throwing up. Is the "full" sensation withthe lapband pretty obvious. hope that's not too stupid of a question. Im not so scared about the surgery, as I am about managing the band. Ive got two small children (4 months and 2 and a half) and I cant afford to walk around sickly all time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
