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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by willbefine

  1. willbefine

    Post Op Low Grade Fever..Anybody??

    Yes. The same thing happened, but I had a fever of 103. Then came the diarrhea. My Doctor said (and I've found quite a few posts regarding this) that perhaps it is cause by an imbalance of good vs. bad bacteria that occurs temporarily from "messing around" with your stomach. I lost 15lbs in 4 days (all water, it came right back) but then it went away as quickly as it came
  2. willbefine

    My first NSV! Share yours as they happen!

    Tuesday I went to my kick-boxing aerobics class. Afterwards, my instructor came up to me and told me that it looked like I had lost weight. I was so inspired, I almost went and got on the treadmill to do another hour of cardio (but I aint crazy...I know when to say when!):thumbup:
  3. willbefine

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    I went to bed, then I got up because something was bothering me. In my posts, I repeatedly referred to myself as a "beliver" and made reference to a generic "God". I think I may have done that in an attempt to not offend anyone. I need to clarify that I am a Christian. I believe in the death, and resurrection of Christ, and the resulting gift of salvation. I fully understand that this differentiation is not important to anyone but myself, but I needed to make it. ANYWAY, this time, I am really going to bed...soon as I get the little blue fairies tucked into bed, and get Santa Claus to roll his big butt over to his side of the bed. Per FANNY To me, it is like trying to have an argument with someone who is arguing with all sincerity for their belief in the little blue fairies who live at the bottom of the garden, or that Santa Claus really does live at the North Pole.
  4. willbefine

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    Yeah...Yeah..ok Fanny...but have you seeeen my little one...Hannah. She is amazing!!! Wonderfully MADE, I'm tellin you. I TOLD YOU I COULDN'T DEBATE WORTH A DARN. NOT EVEN GOING TO TRY. However, tomorrow, seriously, I will read the article. I have to go to sleep. Good night...and God bless...or, well, good luck to ya or whatever the athiest valediction may be!
  5. willbefine

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    oops, posted this in the wrong thread tee hee hee
  6. willbefine

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    In High School, the quarterback(while drunk) once told me, "If you lost weight....I'd do you". Although he was cute and popular, I knew he was trash, and I didn't want or like him before and certainly not after the comment he made. I was 17 and still trying to work up on my first kiss(had no interest in letting anybody "do" me.) But it still hurt. He is in jail now(tee hee hee, tee hee hee hee)
  7. willbefine

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    I didn't used to believe in God, then I had my daughter. Then, NOT believing in God seemed as illogical to me as believing in God had once been. I could not look her in the eyes and deny that she had been perfectly and wonderfully MADE. It became, for lack of a more eloquent word or phrase...obvious. Although I'm sure I will be accused of mistaking my an emotional experience for a spiritual experience, it really wasn't very emotional at all. I just knew. And it was like, "Damn, how could I have missed this!" Now, of course I learned in philosophy, my freshman year in college, that you can't PROVE God. I'm not that great at debating, so I won't even try. But just out of curiosity, where do you guys stand on the idea of intelligent design? I once heard a comedian say regarding evolution, that he just couldn't believe that because a trillion years ago, some lizard grew legs and crawled onto dry land, that NOW there's a guy named Lou hailing a cab in Brooklyn(tee he he) By the way McMadame, suggesting that Gadgetlady and perhaps all other believers are not "grown up" was unecessary and rude . Whereas some believers have no doubt, extended an invitation to you to believe based on a "you're going to hell" platform, her invitation came from a place of genuine belief and a desire for you to experience God the way that she (we) have. Shame on you.
  8. willbefine

    Support from friends....

    You are right...to H*** with her. She is a Hater, and will only get worse as you blossom into the person that God intends for you to be. Haters....I love that word,by the way. What term did we use before Hip-Hop gave it to us? Anyway...I'm rambling, but I'll leave you with this. It is my favorite work-out song that really gets me pumped up. I'm going to paste a link to a song/video on youtube for a song called "Hate on Me" by Jill Scott. The words are fantastic, and speak to people just like your "friend" [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw3Z8Oa7E3Y]YouTube - Jill Scott "Hate On Me"[/ame]
  9. willbefine

    It works !!!!!!

    Congrats Indigo. You are a real inspiration. I was banded 4 weeks ago, and have been having a hard time. I'll have a few good days, then totally BLOW. Sometimes it is hard to pick myself up, but I know I have to. You really made my day. I am SO inspired to have a good day tomorrow. Can't make promises about day after tomorrow, but tomorrow, I'm going to let you success inspire me. In fact, I'm going to have a perfect day not only for me...but to TOAST your success. Once again, Congrats and may God continue to bless you with success.
  10. Milf2b, Oh my gosh...your experience almost matches mine identically. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that I wrote your post. I was banded 4 weeks ago today. I too got a virus immediately after. The day after surgery I developed a 103 fever and really bad. dia....well you know. I lost 15 pounds in 4 days. By the following week, I too wanted to eat my arm, leg, etc. I have a beautiful 5 month old baby, who I affectionatly tell all the time..."Mama could just eat you up." 9 days post op....she started looking at me suspiciously as if SHE THOUGHT I MEANT IT. Anyway, I gained 10 of those 15 pound back immediately. Although they say you have some restriction after sugery, as soon as the swelling around the band want away, I felt as if I had NONE. As it turns out, I didnt. I had my first fill yesterday, and the techs were AMAZED that I didn't have ANY. This explained why I was ravenous, and I felt so much better. Three days after my fill, I will be on mushy foods. I had about 1 1/2 egg for breakfast... and amazingly, I am more than satisfied. Supposedly, there is a little swelling because of the fill, but if this is the norm...this rocks. I, like you have a hard time reaching out, however, but I have learned that I have NO HOPE of success if I do not. Shame and guilt have always been the most destructive forces in my battle to lose weight. Shame makes me try to hide my mistakes...when I hide them, it makes it impossible for me to forgive them, and move past them. Anyway, hang in there til your fill, or fills . Good luck and God bless.
  11. willbefine


    I love the way you express yourself. I'm sitting here at my desk, fighting a sugar craving(which makes me pissed off) and you made me smile. Re: these sol-called friends They are really going you hate you when you reach goal. I hate to say it, but is true. You may lose some friends but oh well, look at what you've gained. I don't know what kind of music you are into, but I'm going to paste the lyrics to a song by JILL SCOTT, as well as a link to the video. The name of the song is "Hate on Me" . It basically speaks to people who are jealous of you for just trying to be the best you that you can be. HATE ON ME LYRICS If I could give you the world On a silver platter Would it even matter? You'd still be mad at me If I could find in all this A dozen roses Which I would give to you You'd still be miserable In reality, I'm gon' be who I be And I don't feel no faults For all the lies that you bought You can try as you may Break me down but I say That it ain't up to you Gone and do what you do (Chorus) Hate on me, hater Now or later 'Cuz I'm gonna do me You'll be mad, baby (Go 'head and hate) Go 'head and hate on me, hate on 'Cuz I'm not afraid of it What I got I paid for You can hate on me Ooh, if I gave you peaches Out of my own garden And I made you a peach pie [ Hate On Me lyrics found on Complete Album Lyrics ] Would you slap me high What if I gave you diamonds Out of my own womb Would you feel the love in that, Or ask "why not the moon"? If I gave you sanity For the whole of humanity, Had all the solutions For the pain and pollution No matter where I live, Despite the things I give, You'll always be this way So go 'head and.... (Chorus) Hate on me, hater Now or later 'Cuz I'm gonna do me You'll be mad, baby (Go 'head and hate) Go 'head and hate on me, hate on 'Cuz I'm not afraid of it What I got I paid for You can hate on me You cannot hate on me 'Cuz my mind is free Feel my destiny So shall it be See the video at: [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=Qw3Z8Oa7E3Y]YouTube - Jill Scott "Hate On Me"[/ame]
  12. In January of 2004, I was having what I thought was a really bad period. By the time I made it to the doctor, I was told that I was having a miscarriage. I understand what you are going though. I too have PCOS, and was told that it is the #1 cause of infertility, so I thought, what if this is my only chance. I I instead, choose to believe that somehow, God was just making my body ready for what was to come. In Feb. of 2004, we found out that we were pregnant again. At 5 months I was hospitalized for bleeding and put on bedrest for a week. At only 27 weeks I delivered. Hannah was in the hospital for 72 days, but is a perfectly healthy 2and 1/2 year old. Last April Fools day, I showed my husband the old pregnancy test and told him I was pregnant (he...he). 15 days later after a missed period I found out that I was (April Fools on ME!). I was able to carry to term(had to be on bedrest for almost 5 months and take hormone injections) but Zoey was born, healthy and happy weighing 6.3 pounds. I know it doesnt seem like it right now, but there is hope. PCOS is not a fertility death sentence. i told my Dr. that I was sueing her for mal-practice because she told me that it would be hard for me to conceive again! When I miscarried, afterwards, I suffered from postpartum, even though no baby was produced. My body didn't know that, and the chemicals produced were the same. I was able to miscarry naturally_ but i would follow the advice of your doctor and do whatever he or she thinks will better prepare your body for the baby OR BABIES you WILL have one day>
  13. I am scheduled to be banded NEXT FRIDAY! Yippee. I have to start my liquid diet on Friday, but I haven't found a shake that I like yet. I'm looking for something that tastes as close to a chocolate shake as possible, but with great nutritional value. Has anyone tried EAS shakes. How do they taste, say, in comparison to Slimfast (which I hate).


    My second concern is, I am concerned that I am not sensitive enough to the "full" sensation. I so use to eating 20 minutes PAST that sensation, that I am worried about overdoing it, being sick and throwing up. Is the "full" sensation withthe lapband pretty obvious. hope that's not too stupid of a question. Im not so scared about the surgery, as I am about managing the band. Ive got two small children (4 months and 2 and a half) and I cant afford to walk around sickly all time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
