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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Journey2FeelGood

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  1. I was sleeved on 13th too! How are you feeling?
  2. Journey2FeelGood

    Post surgery side effects

    My eyes were bloodshot, but I did not throw up. Just lasted a day , maybe 2. By the time I came home from the hospital they were clear.
  3. One week post op today.  Down 18 since pre opt diet and 10 since surgery  :)  So far so good.  Liquids going down pretty easily now.  First few days,  I had to take the tiniest sips for it not to hurt.  Ready to move on to Protein shakes (Phase 2) tomorrow.  Hopefully,  I will have enough will to make it 2 more weeks on a liquid diet!   

    1. Sosewsue61


      Hang in there! I am close behind you.

    2. Starsmore


      You've got this!!

  4. Journey2FeelGood

    Who else has their surgery in October?

    October 13th.. tick tock 3 more days to go!
  5. Journey2FeelGood


    October 13th!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
