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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Mstlawrence

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/01/1987

About Me

  • Biography
    Ready for the next step
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Reading, teaching, painting my nails, shopping, baking, decorating for holidays
  • Occupation
    Sourcing Analyst/Private Tutor
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  1. Mstlawrence

    November sleevers here

    Hey All! I went into surgery at 299, and today I'm at 250! Almost hitting the big 50--likely in the next couple of days. Feeling AWESOME! Lots of energy, feeling focused. I'm back to the gym 5-6 days a week, sleeping better, not dependent on coffee anymore. I can't believe how great I feel. Hands down the best decision I've ever made!
  2. Mstlawrence

    Any MyFitnessPal Members Here?

    Wow, this is great! Thanks everyone! Let's see who else we can connect with in the MFP community!
  3. Hey All! Just curious to see if there are other MFP folks who might want to connect on there for support as well? I know the community encouragement goes a long way in terms of motivation and success! Feel free to add me: mesaint
  4. Mstlawrence

    Hormones Going Nuts?

    I definitely think going off and then going back on birth control for the surgery played a big part. I feel like I had things in check in terms of moods and whatnot before (I'd been on BC for years with no interruption), but I feel like it's the mixture of the pills and also the extreme changes my body is going through. It just seems, I don't know... amplified? I mean, a 40lb weight loss in a month and a half has to make an impact, right??
  5. Hi All, I've noticed that since I was sleeved, my hormones have been ALLLLLL over the place. It's really not fun. Has anyone else experienced this? Anything you've done about it? Thanks!
  6. Mstlawrence

    November sleevers here

    IT SO DOES! Ha! Thank you! I know about stalling, but it's been like... three weeks. Harumph. We've got this though
  7. Mstlawrence

    November sleevers here

    Feeling like I lost a lot of weight very quickly, and now it's a slow crawl. I had my surgery on 11/20--anyone else experience this?
  8. Mstlawrence

    Low Carb Wonton Wrappers

    Anyone know where to buy some good low carb wonton wrappers for air fryer stuff?
  9. Mstlawrence

    November sleevers here

    I wouldn't say it's crazy strong, but I'm definitely hungrier more often. I got mine done on 11/20, and I've noticed an uptick for sure. I find that once I start eating, it goes away really quickly. Like, I'll make a delicious meal that I really want to eat, take two bites, and pack the rest for lunch! I admit though, I got nervous when I felt hungry because I kept hearing that I just wouldn't be hungry at all, and I thought something was wrong. Not at all--just part of the process
  10. Mstlawrence

    Help! Office Potluck!

    But that's so exciting! Once the weight starts coming off, you won't care about that potluck food at all
  11. Mstlawrence

    Help! Office Potluck!

    AMAZING! Thank you! This will be perfect
  12. Mstlawrence

    Help! Office Potluck!

    You know, I had that thought almost immediately after I posted it, so I checked the list (which was put up by my group while I was out for my surgery... we're planners, ha) and someone's already doing pulled pork. Harumph. It sounds great, but not making it myself and not knowing what the sauce is on it will probably rule that out :/
  13. Mstlawrence

    Help! Office Potluck!

    Deviled eggs would be good! But oh what I wouldn't give for some raw veggies and dip...
  14. My team at work is very... food-centric. I knew this before, and I've been doing a phenomenal job sticking to only eating what I bring. I'm almost four weeks post-op, and I didn't tell the majority of people at work (except my bosses), as I really feel like its no one else's business. But I knew it would happen sooner than later... there's a potluck scheduled for next week! Any ideas on what I can bring that I'll be able to eat but that everyone else also might enjoy? Ultimately, what I don't want is a bunch of questions about why I'm not consuming the way I used to or bringing something that everyone else won't enjoy... help!
  15. Mstlawrence

    Chocolate After Sleeve?!

    I haven't even heard of that! I'll definitely give it a try! Thank you!

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