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About lisamd

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  1. My surgery is this Monday October 16 and the hospital is 7 hrs from my home. The Mayo Clinic Dr told me no driving for at least 3 weeks and on trip home (son driving me) get out and walk for 15 to 20 minutes every hour because of blood clots. He said to take his advice very seriously
  2. lisamd


    That's awesome. I'm 61 and due to have surgery this Monday October 16. RNY WITH HIATUS HERNIA REPAIR. Scared
  3. Hope you are ok. I have my surgery on Monday and I'm pretty scared. Mayo Clinic is supposed to be the best so I'm confident with the dr and hospital it's me I'm worried about. If it's gonna happen it usually does with me. Ugh. Trying to think positive.
  4. lisamd

    Surgery oct 16. Scared

    Thank you. I just wish I had some family support. My family think this is no big deal. I'm having hiatus hernia repair at same time I was diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus which is precancerous cells in the esophagus. I was shocked when they told me they wanted me to do the gastric bypass. I need to lose weight but the real issue for my surgery is to prevent me from getting full blown esophagus cancer. My surgery is in Jacksonville Florida at the Mayo Clinic and it's a 7 hr drive from my home. I'm freaking out about the ride back home. They said I can't drive and my son promises he will rent a car and come get me and drive me home. I hope he keeps his promise!! (Always been very close to him until I got diagnosed now he won't talk or call me. I'm heartbroken).I have to stop every hour and walk 15 to 20 min to prevent blood clots. That makes the trip even longer. I'm not sure what I'll be able to take on the road to eat(drink) I'm bringing cream of chicken soup and some other items full and clear. Allergic to most artificial sugars makes matters worse. Stress is killing me. I hate that it's so far away. Guess I'll have to talk to the nurses and care team. It bothers me that there isn't a medical support team close to me. I mean I can't just jump in the car and drive 7 hrs if something goes wrong. Very nervous.
  5. lisamd

    Never Fear! Mentor Here!

    Worried scared surgery next Monday
  6. lisamd

    Never Fear! Mentor Here!

    I'm scared. My surgery is next Monday October 16.
  7. I'm so nervous. Would love mentor in Naples fl

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