So here is the crazy thing. The pain/diarrhea started shortly after I had a pulled pork sandwich. The only food that has bothered me in 13 years was pork tenderloin years ago which I no longer eat. I have had pulled pork numerous times without ever a problem. I am confirming that this was the culprit because I had a pulled pork sandwich for lunch/dinner yesterday and it happened again. I am suffering the same intense pain for 24 hours. I think it's very odd that this food is affecting me now when there has never been an issue before. I did see a doctor yesterday as well.
Thank you so much for the reply! That's the issue, I started off with diarrhea for 24 hours and now nothing. So no blocks as everything was moving through quite fine... RNY May 2004, 100 lbs lost and maintained
I had my RNY over 13 years ago and have been blessed with not a single post op problem or complication less gall bladder removal one year post op. For the last 48 hours I have had constant abdominal pain in the umbilicus area. It doesn't get worse or less after eating. Pepto (my friend for years [emoji5]) and Alka Seltzer are no help. I feel (and look) bloated. I thought it was a stomach bug but feel that this is different. Any ideas from anyone out there?