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Wanda A

Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from MrsGamgee in Did you take a "Before" photo?   
    Thank you Karen, I just did a tank top and shorts. I would hate for anything more revealing to be accidently seen by anyone !!
    Today is day 1 of the Boost, doing ok, have a bit of a headache, but I am using peppermint essential oil, and that seems to be helping. I had a 'last supper' last night at my parents. My sister and mom made me a sort of advent surprise, with the most beautiful card. 42 small gifts to open, one for each day for the next 6 weeks !! That should help pass the days!! I opened the 1st one today along with my first Protein Shake, a bath bomb and a new sponge puff!! I see a relaxing bath in my future tonight !!
    I have been very selective with who I told about my surgery, only people that I know will be loving and supportive. So far, everyone has been wonderful, hopefully that continues.
  2. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from CaliforniaCandy in Did you take a "Before" photo?   
    Ok, Before pics and measurements taken. I start my 2 week liquid pre op tomorrow !! I'm pumped ! Let's do this !!!
  3. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FL*Girl in RNY November 2017   
    It is totally understandable that all the updates will leave you feeling conflicted. You were with us, right there, up until the last minute. Of course you are disappointed. I agree with everyone else, you are such a positive influence on us, and always know the exact right thing to say. Please stay with us, we will be there for you when your day comes, and it will be sooner than you think.
    Hugs to you/
  4. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FL*Girl in RNY November 2017   
    It is totally understandable that all the updates will leave you feeling conflicted. You were with us, right there, up until the last minute. Of course you are disappointed. I agree with everyone else, you are such a positive influence on us, and always know the exact right thing to say. Please stay with us, we will be there for you when your day comes, and it will be sooner than you think.
    Hugs to you/
  5. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FL*Girl in RNY November 2017   
    It is totally understandable that all the updates will leave you feeling conflicted. You were with us, right there, up until the last minute. Of course you are disappointed. I agree with everyone else, you are such a positive influence on us, and always know the exact right thing to say. Please stay with us, we will be there for you when your day comes, and it will be sooner than you think.
    Hugs to you/
  6. Like
    Wanda A reacted to TakingABreak in My story... bare with me!   
    So I started looking into WLS about a year and a half ago. I started out with one doctor and then our insurance changed and it delayed me significantly. In the meantime, I had a slew of health problems. I'm finally ready to take charge of my life again. I found out through insurance that I have to go to a Center for Excellence (COE) A.K.A. Blue Distinction Center for Bariatric Surgery . The closest one for me is 3 hours away (without traffic). By happenstance I know someone who lives near the closest COE and used a surgeon with great luck. It was a no brainer to pick her surgeon instead of finding one at random. Long story short, I have been and will be traveling back and forth for all requirements: NUT, pulmonologist, psych evaluation, pre-surgical testing, ect. My surgery is currently scheduled for January. Due to the distance, I'm limited on how many times I can just take the whole day to go in for an appointment. Therefore, I've met with the doctor once . I honestly think the next time I see the surgeon is the day before my surgery. The surgical center I'm using usually requires support groups, but once again, the distance makes it impossible for them to set me up with one. Therefore, I've been taking to the internet and reading as much as I can. Also, using these forums as my "support group". This brings me to some questions:
    1. In the packet of information that I was sent home with, it states that pain medication is not administered during or after the hospital stay. It says it can interfere with digestive system...ect. I have read via internet that you also cannot take NSAIDs. I wouldn't be as much concerned about this but I have a 3 hour+ car ride home after surgery. Can anyone tell me what helped them, and what they took?
    2. Vitamins...... I'd really like to try the Patches or the Tespo. But, can anyone share the values... (i.e. B12 1000mg per day x 2) that was recommended to them to take?
    Any discussion on this would help tremendously!
  7. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FluffyChix in 2 days post op... bypass   
    Yay !!! You look great, so happy you are feeling better. I am also 3 days post op, feeling better every day. And Fluffy is right, you and hubs are cute, cute, cute !! We made it to the other side, now the healing has begun. Keep drinking !!
  8. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FluffyChix in 2 days post op... bypass   
    Yay !!! You look great, so happy you are feeling better. I am also 3 days post op, feeling better every day. And Fluffy is right, you and hubs are cute, cute, cute !! We made it to the other side, now the healing has begun. Keep drinking !!
  9. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from insul817 in Today I am beaten   
    I am so sorry to hear this. In 2013 at the age of 47 I had 2 cardio vascular events, the 1st resulted in 2 stents inserted in my right main artery. 5 months later I started feeling the same shortness of breath, pain that started in my chest, then radiated into my jaw. I went to emergency, where after another angio-gram, I was told my left main artery was 80% blocked. They called this the 'widow maker'. I was devastated. How could this happen after only 5 months, I was so young. They did another angioplasty, and inserted 2 more stents in the left main. I was off work for a total of 9 months, did extensive cardio-rehab, and today I am 3 days post -op from RNY bypass. One of the 1st things I asked, in recovery was "did I have a heart attack?"
    I understand your disappointment, but your Dr is right. Let's make your heart stronger, so you can have the best results once you do have your surgery. This is not a step back, it is just an unexpected Detour towards a new future. Wishing you nothing but the best.
  10. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from insul817 in Today I am beaten   
    I am so sorry to hear this. In 2013 at the age of 47 I had 2 cardio vascular events, the 1st resulted in 2 stents inserted in my right main artery. 5 months later I started feeling the same shortness of breath, pain that started in my chest, then radiated into my jaw. I went to emergency, where after another angio-gram, I was told my left main artery was 80% blocked. They called this the 'widow maker'. I was devastated. How could this happen after only 5 months, I was so young. They did another angioplasty, and inserted 2 more stents in the left main. I was off work for a total of 9 months, did extensive cardio-rehab, and today I am 3 days post -op from RNY bypass. One of the 1st things I asked, in recovery was "did I have a heart attack?"
    I understand your disappointment, but your Dr is right. Let's make your heart stronger, so you can have the best results once you do have your surgery. This is not a step back, it is just an unexpected Detour towards a new future. Wishing you nothing but the best.
  11. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from insul817 in Today I am beaten   
    I am so sorry to hear this. In 2013 at the age of 47 I had 2 cardio vascular events, the 1st resulted in 2 stents inserted in my right main artery. 5 months later I started feeling the same shortness of breath, pain that started in my chest, then radiated into my jaw. I went to emergency, where after another angio-gram, I was told my left main artery was 80% blocked. They called this the 'widow maker'. I was devastated. How could this happen after only 5 months, I was so young. They did another angioplasty, and inserted 2 more stents in the left main. I was off work for a total of 9 months, did extensive cardio-rehab, and today I am 3 days post -op from RNY bypass. One of the 1st things I asked, in recovery was "did I have a heart attack?"
    I understand your disappointment, but your Dr is right. Let's make your heart stronger, so you can have the best results once you do have your surgery. This is not a step back, it is just an unexpected Detour towards a new future. Wishing you nothing but the best.
  12. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from insul817 in Today I am beaten   
    I am so sorry to hear this. In 2013 at the age of 47 I had 2 cardio vascular events, the 1st resulted in 2 stents inserted in my right main artery. 5 months later I started feeling the same shortness of breath, pain that started in my chest, then radiated into my jaw. I went to emergency, where after another angio-gram, I was told my left main artery was 80% blocked. They called this the 'widow maker'. I was devastated. How could this happen after only 5 months, I was so young. They did another angioplasty, and inserted 2 more stents in the left main. I was off work for a total of 9 months, did extensive cardio-rehab, and today I am 3 days post -op from RNY bypass. One of the 1st things I asked, in recovery was "did I have a heart attack?"
    I understand your disappointment, but your Dr is right. Let's make your heart stronger, so you can have the best results once you do have your surgery. This is not a step back, it is just an unexpected Detour towards a new future. Wishing you nothing but the best.
  13. Like
    Wanda A reacted to kjnelson in Today I am beaten   
    Oh Matt, sorry to hear this. All is not lost though. You are on a journey to get healthy, this is just another step in your journey. I have dealt with setbacks myself. In 2013 I thought all my health problems were because of my weight so I set about fixing myself. First was to address my sleep apnea, then I started a clinical weight loss program. 1 month into this program I was told I had a terminal cancer. Guess it wasn’t just my weight making me feel bad. Any weight loss plans or surgery were put on hold. A year of chemo and 1 stem cell transplant later I was still alive and heavier than ever due to the steroids. Finally, I got to have my weight loss surgery in October. I understand being disappointed. Remember, it’s just another step in your journey to be healthy.

  14. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FluffyChix in 2 days post op... bypass   
    Yay !!! You look great, so happy you are feeling better. I am also 3 days post op, feeling better every day. And Fluffy is right, you and hubs are cute, cute, cute !! We made it to the other side, now the healing has begun. Keep drinking !!
  15. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from tankheadmommy in Rny scheduled for 11-27-17   
    Wow, you look amazing! I had my surgery yesterday. Went really well, surgeon said it was "textbook". Had a bit of a rough night, rumbling gas and nausea but they are taking excellent care of me. My job today is drink, walk and blow into that lung thing (can't remember the name, spyro something). Positive thoughts for a quick recovery for us all.

  16. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from vanessa2448 in Rny scheduled for 11-27-17   
    Yep, I've got headaches too. So far peppermint essential oil is keeping them under control. Hope they stop soon.

  17. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FluffyChix in 11-27-17 Buddies.   
    I'm Nov 27 also, Good vibes and prayers for everyone who has their surgery this week. As of today, I'm down 15 lbs, no cheating, but no judgment to anyone that does, the temptation is horrible, this is hell.
    Planning on a relaxing day, packing my bag, etc. Hope to get a good night sleep, got to be at the hospital at 6:30 am!! Have a great day everyone !!

  18. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FluffyChix in 11-27-17 Buddies.   
    I'm Nov 27 also, Good vibes and prayers for everyone who has their surgery this week. As of today, I'm down 15 lbs, no cheating, but no judgment to anyone that does, the temptation is horrible, this is hell.
    Planning on a relaxing day, packing my bag, etc. Hope to get a good night sleep, got to be at the hospital at 6:30 am!! Have a great day everyone !!

  19. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from PaulaUSN in I GOT APPROVED !!![emoji322][emoji1380]   
    Yay !! So, so glad, you are on your way !!
  20. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from PaulaUSN in I GOT APPROVED !!![emoji322][emoji1380]   
    Yay !! So, so glad, you are on your way !!
  21. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from Lanae in 11/17/17   
    Sending good vibes and prayers! It will be great!!

  22. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from FL*Girl in RNY November 2017   
    I hear you!! I am day 5 today, hungry ALL the time, and tired, not sleeping well, low energy. Hopefully this passes by day 7. I try not to concentrate on anything other than today, sometime just this minute. Cheating is very tempting, I haven't yet, but totally understand anyone that does. This is tough.
    On the plus side, you are down 36 lbs !! That is fantastic!! Keep it up, you can do this !!!
  23. Like
    Wanda A reacted to allie2 in Surgery Today [emoji847]   
    Good morning. Had my surgery at 9am yesterday (11/7) . I am surprised how well i feel. Maybe its the pain meds, or nausia meds in my iv but very little pain, i only dry heave when walking. This morning I start with clear fluids. I hear this may be. challenging. Hope you early November dates are doing great.

    Sent from my SM-G925V using BariatricPal mobile app

  24. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from vanessa2448 in Rny scheduled for 11-27-17   
    Yep, I've got headaches too. So far peppermint essential oil is keeping them under control. Hope they stop soon.

  25. Like
    Wanda A got a reaction from MrsGamgee in Did you take a "Before" photo?   
    Thank you Karen, I just did a tank top and shorts. I would hate for anything more revealing to be accidently seen by anyone !!
    Today is day 1 of the Boost, doing ok, have a bit of a headache, but I am using peppermint essential oil, and that seems to be helping. I had a 'last supper' last night at my parents. My sister and mom made me a sort of advent surprise, with the most beautiful card. 42 small gifts to open, one for each day for the next 6 weeks !! That should help pass the days!! I opened the 1st one today along with my first Protein Shake, a bath bomb and a new sponge puff!! I see a relaxing bath in my future tonight !!
    I have been very selective with who I told about my surgery, only people that I know will be loving and supportive. So far, everyone has been wonderful, hopefully that continues.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
