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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by krys1386

  1. krys1386

    December Sleevers??

    I was eating 4-5 small meals of about 2 ounces throughout the day. I would get up, drink a bottle of water, wait, eat, wait, drink a bottle of water, wait, etc. I just started back to work yesterday though so now I have to make a new routine. Since I am back to work it's easier for me to eat 3 meals a day, so I'm eating between 3-4 ounces per meal around normal times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Calorie wise I am also getting in between 300 and 500 calories a day. I haven't quite gotten up to my 10,000 steps a day like I wanted. I'm around 5-6,000. I'm just so exhausted. I have a desk job and figured I'd try to walk a little during lunch. But I only have half an hour and honestly I'm lucky to finish my 3-4 ounces of food in that time. So many adjustments to make! Sounds like you are doing really well! I'm surprised they are making you wait so long to have "normal" food. Would you be allowed to do a little dill relish, since it's really mushy and small? I have been adding some to my tuna. One evening I just nibbled a bit on the dill relish by itself and it was delish, lol. Idk if I was craving sodium or what but it was like crack!
  2. krys1386

    December Sleevers??

    Hi December buddies! I didn't have a chance to read all posts but wanted to check in and say hi. I am 3 weeks post op (sleeved December 11, 2017). I hit the dreaded "three week stall" last week, as I haven't lost anything since Christmas. However, I am down 34 pounds from my heaviest, and 28 pounds since starting my 2 day pre-op liquid diet. I'm also down 17 inches so far! My doctor said to be careful with working out, and no weights yet. His concern was I wasn't getting all my protein in. However, I have upped my protein and I'm now hitting between 60-80g a day. I'm wondering if anybody has started doing cardio yet? I'm anxious to put in the work to break this stall, although I know time is necessary as well. I'm on pureed, and eating a lot of tuna salad and egg salad since my plan allows those without actually being pureed. I just have to cut it up really small! Everything is going really well so far, and I am allowed to start "real" food Saturday, woot! Happy New Year! Here is to a healthier and happier year for all of us.
  3. krys1386

    So scared

    As you get closer to surgery, you start hearing more about the potential risks, which triggers that fight or flight response it seems. At least that's the way it was for me. It was all sunshine and rainbows up to that point, because I was hearing everybody's success stories and seeing these amazing transformation photos. Sure, I read about complications as well, but it seemed that even when someone had complications, they didn't regret the surgery. For me, it made it even worse when my soon-to-be Mother-in-law called me upset because she knows someone who knew someone who died after having weight loss surgery 10 or 15 years ago. I had to spend a good twenty minutes assuring her why this was a good idea and promising that I would be safe, and that conversation left me feeling scared and confused. Although this is a safe procedure, it is still a MAJOR operation, so of course you are nervous! I was full on panic mode the day of surgery and actually almost had a panic attack in my room waiting to go to the OR. Then the nurse that came and got me to take me to the OR told me she had the procedure done a year prior with the same doctor. That helped me so much! Do you have someone that will be there with you that you can be open about your fears? That helped me as well. I cried and told my fiancé how scared I was, and he held my hands and reminded me of the statistics and also why I was doing this. I'm not going to lie, the first couple days after surgery were pretty awful, but I don't regret it at all. I am 3 weeks out and already down 34 pounds. You got this! <3
  4. krys1386


    I am 3 weeks out and just got to the point I can make it through the day without a nap, but I'm still exhausted. It's normal, as your body is adjusting to you taking in far less fuel. Part of why a lot of people hit a stall around week 2 or 3 is because your body needs to adjust to the new way of eating. Continue to take your vitamins and work at getting your protein in, and it should get better!
  5. I found this very helpful. I am 2 days post op and having trouble getting fluids in. My plan had me starting on full liquids today and then progressing to pureed in 2 weeks. However, I had my first "real food" today - 2 ounces of chicken broth. It was glorious, but it has been sitting in my stomach like a brick. I've been a little freaked out about trying thicker foods and protein shakes right now, so I think I'm going to keep myself on clear liquids for this first week and try full liquids next week. Baby steps!
  6. krys1386

    December 5th

    Oh no! I have PCOS and don't get my monthly visitor very often, more like yearly, lol. So when I do, UGH. My PCOS is one of the reasons why I'm doing this. Here's to hoping the pill keeps me visitor free for a little while after surgery! Best wishes to you during your recovery!
  7. krys1386


    Excited and nervous. I think I'll feel much better about everything once I'm in my room after surgery. But I'm ready for this journey! I'm glad your pain has subsided! Keep us posted of your progress!
  8. hi everyone! I just started the process of getting approved for surgery. I have an HRA with United Health Care through Wells Fargo. While the insurance specialist at my office is working on obtaining her sign on for my insurance to verify benefits and requirements (the center I am going to just became a COE for my plan a few days ago), she had me call my insurance to verify. They advised me that there is NO diet requirement - just the basic testing, psych evaluation, and the BMI/co-morbidities. When I called her back to let her know today, she said that sounded pretty odd because almost EVERY insurance requires it. Does anyone on here have experience/information with the Wells Fargo HRA about this? I was getting my hopes up to get this done by the end of the year, as I am getting married in 7 months and would really like to have this done and be well on the road to recovery. Thanks in advance for any responses.
  9. krys1386

    UHC through Wells Fargo

    Thank you so much @ewilliams4491 for the well wishes!
  10. krys1386

    UHC through Wells Fargo

    I guess I should have posted on here once I finally got to the bottom of everything, huh? My criteria was BMI of 40+ and the psych evaluation. I went to my first informational class the end of August, 2017. I have my first consultation appointment the very end of September. My insurance does NOT require a 6 month supervised diet. I did have two dietician/exercise coach visits to help establish healthy habits while waiting for everything else. I had to be tested for H. Pylori, as well as get my A1C and Thyroid checked. My psych evaluation had to be through an Optum referred Psychologist, but it was a breeze. My doctor submitted to insurance on November 6th, and they received approval on November 8th. My surgery date is Monday, December 11th! The whole process has been such a breeze. Good luck to you, @tracysantiago!
  11. krys1386


    I hope nothing awful! Glad you made it home! Warm wishes for a speedy recovery
  12. krys1386

    December 5th

    I'm glad you are doing well so far! I just had this conversation with my fiancé last night, that I'm liable to be an emotional wreck for a while lol. Right now I'm the most scared about the surgery itself (for some reason this whole time I've been afraid of getting a blood clot, even though I know the risk is low). I think after surgery I'll just be excited (and probably quite sore!)
  13. krys1386

    December 12 Coming Up Quick

    @drvs, that is awesome that your wife has done so well. I'm sure you will, too! Are you excited and nervous for your surgery? Mine is December 11th, and I find that the closer I get, the more my excitement is replaced with nervousness. How was her recovery?
  14. krys1386

    December 5th

    Congrats to those who have already been sleeved. How is the recovery going so far? It's always interesting to see the different diet requirements others had to follow before surgery. My surgeon requires two days pre-op on full liquids only. I can't imagine having to stick to that for two weeks prior to surgery. Kudos to you for being strong and making it through!
  15. krys1386


    I hope your recovery is going well, Ruby! I am so excited to meet and get to know some fellow December sleevers here! I'm getting sleeved on December 11th which is *gulp* only 4 days away! I am so excited but so nervous!
  16. krys1386

    December 19th - Scheduled

    Congrats on getting a surgery date! I wanted to shout from the roof tops when I received my approval, lol. I'm getting sleeved on December 11th. As excited as I am, I'm starting to really get nervous. Sending you all awesome thoughts and prayers for a safe surgery and easy recovery!
  17. krys1386

    December Sleevers

    I'll be joining the "loser's bench" a week from today, on December 11th! I am excited and nervous. How are you feeling, YummyMummy?

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