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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mickeymammoth

  1. mickeymammoth

    Question for those with the Realize band.

    That was rockbandster's intention. If I were the lap-band folks, I would want to create an aura of doubt about the quality of my biggest competitor. What better way to create that aura than to send people onto widely-used discussion groups to bash the Realize band? Because it works! I also felt bad every time I'd read one of these posts (did I make a mistake??). I talked to my Dr. about it, and he has years and years of experience with the lap-band, and only started using the realize ban in June. He is very agnostic re: the two bands; he thinks they are the same. If people were really losing lots more weight on the newest lap-band vs. the earlier la-bands included in the Realize vs. Lap-band comparisons, he would be in a position to know. And he hasn't seen any dramatic difference like that. In fact, the only thing he said to me re: the new lap-band was that it was "less forgiving" than the old lap-band (he has a nurse who had a slipped band, and he replaced it with the newest lap-band AP. She described it to him that way.). Personally, "less forgiving" sounds like a WORSE quality of life. There was a study I found on google with the older lap-bands vs. the realize band that found that the realize band didn't have as much food intolerance issues, and that the weight loss was initially a little slower for realize, but the conclusion was that the weight loss equalized after 18 months, and as far as they knew, the quality of life was the same in the end for both.
  2. mickeymammoth

    2nd fill w/Realize band 6cc total no restriction

    I just got my second fill yesterday (5.5 cc total), and I'm really feeling it now. It's just the first day, so I don't know if this is too much restriction now, or if it'll loosen up a bit. I was able to eat two pieces of cheese before it started to hurt, so I need to guard against heartburn... My first fill was 3 ccs, and that didn't do much. My fill nurse said that with the realize band, you need bigger fills at first than the lap-band, so she's being more aggressive with 1st fills, up to 5ccs (I only got 3 ccs because I had a different nurse do it, and she's not the expert). She told me she just gave a 3rd fill to someone, up to 7ccs, so this seems to be the trend. As always, everyone's different. My Dr. told me not to worry, that the realize band WILL work. I got the impression that he wasn't that concerned with the 9cc limit, I guess there's a little play.
  3. mickeymammoth

    I'm Confused- Location of Port and Band?

    The port is only connected to the band by a thin tube, so they can place it anywhere within reach of the band. Mine is 4" to the left of my belly button.
  4. mickeymammoth

    Question for those with the Realize band.

    Please let this be true!
  5. I have the Realize band (8/7/08) but have only had one fill so far, and I need more. So I don't have much info to give yet. I don't use the website; I'm a big computer person, but it just isn't that interesting for me. I'll post more as time goes by and I get more restricted.
  6. mickeymammoth

    Anyone had 1st fill with "Realize" band?

    I had my first fill a couple of days ago: 3cc's. I feel slight restriction, but clearly will need more in there. I can still eat around 6 oz. or so, and I think I need to get down to 3 oz. So I'll call for an appt. in 2 weeks, and see how fill #2 goes!
  7. mickeymammoth

    realize band vs lap band

    Only time will tell if the new Lap-Band AP is really that much better than their earlier bands. Remember that Paul O'Brien is one of the Lap-Band developers and he has a financial stake in the product. So it's in his financial interest to play up the new and improved band (it's called marketing). Also note that only the small AP band had that awesome 1st year rate. And there's no telling what the 2 or 3 year rate will be; it might be the same between all the bands at that point. After all, don't the rates show that gastric bypass and lapband are equivalent over time, despite the initial increased weight loss for gastric bypass? I have the realize band, so I certainly hope it's not inferior. But only time will tell. It seems to me that rockbandster is selling this a little too hard, if you know what I mean.
  8. mickeymammoth

    I've fallen off the wagon-HARD

    Since this pig-out was before your first fill, you really shouldn't feel too bad. The band wasn't doing anything for you yet. We are all here because diets alone do not work long term, and that's what you've been on since your initial surgery swelling went down: a diet. Post a fill or two, hopefully you won't be able to pig out anymore to that degree.
  9. mickeymammoth

    Feeling Human Today

    I'm finally feeling human today. Admittedly, I was feeling better each day after the operation, but today I feel a lot less fuzzy. I think getting off the anti-nausea patch last night helped with that (although my vision is still blurry). Yesterday, I started on mushies, and even before I put anything in my mouth, I had bad heartburn and felt kind of bummed out and uncomfortable. I have a lot less heartburn today. My incisions are itchy, but don't hurt as much. All in all, I'm feeling a bit more positive about the operation. I've lost 10 lbs or so so far, and it's probably mostly Water, but I like how loose my watch and ring feel! I have been eating my cottage cheese and refried Beans and eggs and yogurt, a little bit every couple of hours, and I don't feel starving like I did at the end of the liquid stage. I'm even considering what recipes to make that I can blend up in the soft foods stage. It's like being ill and getting better; the best feeling in the world!
  10. mickeymammoth

    Post Op diet advice required

    It seems all the nutritionists think that you should avoid sugary, high calorie drinks just on principle. I'm not doing the artificial sweetener thing anymore, so I had to drink real juices and protein drinks with calories during my post-op liquid phase. I figure this is a time for healing, not starving.
  11. mickeymammoth

    I'm SO hungry!!

    My surgeon had us on 5-7 days of full liquids. By Day 5, I was really hungry. I also couldn't stand drinking the protein drinks after awhile. I was very happy to start with cottage cheese and refrieds on day 6. I don't think I could have made it for 2 weeks, although in my liquid phase, I didn't think we could have creamy soups, so it was a bit more limited than yours. Even though I was hungry, I found that just a little bit of mushies was very satisfying. I'm taking it really slow, and my stomach isn't as growly.
  12. mickeymammoth

    Blurry Vision?

    Hi All, I can't believe it, but I got banded on Aug. 7. I was lucky in that I was the first surgery of the day, but I had to get there at 5:30 am Anyway, was a little nauseous when I woke up, but was so glad it went away. All the staff was great. I can't say the surgery was very much fun, though. I'm feeling kind of icky. I haven't been sleeping well, and last night my CPAP machine wouldn't seal to my face right. Aargh! My stomach is churning, churning. My incisions were glued shut, and couple of them started bleeding the first night home. I'm a little worried about them. Dr. said just to put a bandaid on them. I was also bringing up a lot of phlegm, which makes my worry about my lungs. I've got some gas too, I think. The strangest thing was the morning after the surgery, I found that I was suddenly far-sighted. This isn't what my vision is usually like. I can't seem to focus on anything close up. My optometrist said it could be the residual effects of anaesthesia, and my eye muscles are sleepy or something. I'm still having this problem today. It's really disconcerting. I'm sick of protein drinks. So much sweetness. but I feel like I've dropped a ton of water and have to watch my hydration. Very much looking forward to cottage cheese, yogurt, refrieds, and eggs. I would take some more oxycodone, but I think that's not going to help my eyes wake up. Sigh. My problem is that I'm a bit of a hypochondriac, and I'm alarmed at every twinge. Wish me luck! Can't wait to be more healed.
  13. mickeymammoth

    Blurry Vision?

    My nurse said the blurry vision is due to the anti-nausea patch behind my ear. Sure enough, when I looked at the pharmacy info, that's one of the main side effects. Also, I looked in the mirror and could tell my eyes are dilated. In the meantime, I am wearing 2x magnifying lenses over my regular astigmatism glasses. Looks ridiculous!
  14. mickeymammoth

    Gas, Gas and more Gas

    I don't have any sharp pains, but I do feel kind of gassy and bloated and heartburny. I have been burping a lot, too. I gave in and took another oxycodone today. Amazing how that takes the edge off! The thing I can't wait for is the mushy phase. For 5 days, I'm on full liquids. I can't tell you how sick I am of sweet Protein drinks and broth. I'm not really hungry per se, and I feel real revulsion for the things I can eat right now. On Tuesday, I can add in cottage cheese, yogurt, egg beaters (I think I'll use whole eggs), and refried Beans. That's for a few days, and then on to soft, pureed foods for 3 weeks. I can't wait!!! I have a bariatric cookbook with recipes you can blend etc. Nervous about 1st fill and having to avoid PBing, etc. But I know that's the whole point of being banded, and I just have to suck it up re: checwing, chewing, chewing... It's all very exciting!
  15. mickeymammoth

    Blurry Vision?

    I did bring the CPAP and left it in the car just in case they kept me overnight. I didn't need it though. You should bring it just in case. I also brought my book and my iPhone. I didn't use the iPhone (I have crossword puzzles on it) but I did read a little while while I was in recovery. I also brought my toothbrush and toothpaste, but since I didn't stay overnight, I didn't need it. I brought my wallet, too; I had $1000 out of pocket before insurance kicked in, and I was able to pay when I checked in. They didn't need my insurance card, but I brought it and my driver's license in case.
  16. mickeymammoth

    Blurry Vision?

    Thanks so much for the info; I'm a big reader, so it totally sucks.
  17. I have surgery the day after tomorrow; liquids starting tomorrow. And I've been doing the same thing: eating like a complete pig! And the worst junk, too. Here's to new beginnings!!!
  18. mickeymammoth

    realize band vs lap band

    This is what my doctor said: "I think it is great and virtually equivalent to the LapBand in terms of patient issues in the early post-op interval. Placement is similarly (usually) straightforward. I enjoy doing them also."
  19. mickeymammoth

    realize band vs lap band

    Also, the Realize band has actually been around longer in Europe than the Lap-Band, so take that as you will. I'm inclined towards the Realize band right now, but don't think either choice is bad.
  20. 3 weeks to wait for the seminar; 1 1/2 months to wait for first appointment (I did the psych eval and pulmonary eval in there; after the seminar, everyone and their uncle called for appointments, and I waited until 11:00 or so on the Monday following to call in.); 4 weeks to wait for insurance approval; then, I didn't want to have the surgery for another month after that (travel, medication scheduling). So for me, 4 months.
  21. mickeymammoth


    I haven't dealt with this yet, but there are preps that require less liquid. Like Fleet's Dilution Solution is 3 8 oz glasses. And something called LoSo prep is only 8 oz. plus some bisocodyl pills and suppositories (I can't tolerate bisocodyl). My gastroenterologist said she would give me one that doesn't need any bisocodyl and is low volume, but I can't remember which one she mentioned. NOT looking forward to it.
  22. mickeymammoth

    I am I the only Failure

    My surgeon doesn't require a pre-op diet; only 1 day on liquids beforehand. I don't know if it differs depending on your BMI, but every surgeon is different in this requirement. OTH, I don't know what he'd do if I gained a lot of weight in the month before the surgery; he wants us to move towards a 5-6 meal a day, increased Protein diet before the surgery, so there is an implied "watch what you eat" suggestion, although nothing about quantities. However, I told him I had been dieting at our 1st appointment, and he said to stop dieting (but follow these rules). Go figure.
  23. mickeymammoth

    At a stand still

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that until you have a fill (or several), the band isn't doing anything for you. So right now, you're losing weight due to dieting, not due to the band. When the fills make the band work for you, then things should happen.
  24. mickeymammoth

    I am I the only Failure

    I really think your surgeon failed you. If he didn't want you gaining any weight before the surgery, he should have stressed that to you. Also, why is he now having you lose more weight than you had before? To have you get to the hospital and then cancel it, I mean really! I know this is a business, and they kind of churn people through the system, but there's no excuse for letting that happen to you. I'd go back on a diet, but also maybe look for another surgeon in the meantime.
  25. Hi all, I'm pre-op, and my homework was to find Protein drinks that were edible for the liquid diet phase. I also thought I'd test some Protein Bars for an on-the-go meal. Criteria: I am avoiding artificial and low-calorie sweeteners (including stevia). I think they might make me fatter by stimulating my appetite. This is very hard to do in the diet world!!! I'm also avoiding sugar alcohols for the same reason, also GI upset. Protein Drinks: I tried Odwalla, Naked, and Mix1. I also tried a slimfast one, but noticed later that it had splenda. Winner: Naked Protein Zone banana chocolate. This drink actually tasted great, and I would drink it in real life! It has 16g protein for 8 oz. (1/2 bottle) and 240 calories. It uses a mix of whey and soy Proteins. I've heard that whey is better than soy, in that it's easier for the body to absorb and is more of a complete food. Runner Up: Naked Protein Zone. Not as good as the choc-banana, but OK fruity flavor. Also worth buying: Mix1 has a set of nice fruit-flavored drinks (using whey protein). They are 15g protein in 11 oz. (1 bottle) and 200 calories. I thought the Blueberry-vanilla and Mango-Papaya flavors were the best. They almost taste like a yogurt drink, but they don't have any yogurt in them. The berry and lime were OK, but I couldn't imagine drinking a whole bottle. The Tangerine was yucky; tasted like a chewable Vitamin. I'll probably get these too, for variety: Odwalla SuperProtein Chocolate, and Vanilla D'almondo are edible. They aren't as good as the Naked ones, though, and they are only soy protein. 10g protein in 8 oz. (1/2 bottle) and 190 calories. The Original flavor was yuck (I didn't try the Chai one, since I don't like tea). The slimfast high protein chocolate one (with splenda) was yucky anyway. Protein Bars: I tried Clif Builder's Bars, Labrada Sweet & Salty Lean Body Granola Bars, Snickers Marathon bar (Doh! Splenda!), Balance Bare Sweet & Salty (Doh! Maltitol), PowerBar ProteinPlus, PowerBar Performance Bar (Maltodextrin?), Special K Protein Meal bar (Doh! Sorbitol), Slim Fast Protein Meal Bar (Maltodextrin?), Odwalla SuperProtein. Winner: Labrada Sweet & Salty Lean Body Granola Bar, Peanuts and Chocolate. 20g protein (mix of soy and whey and nuts), 340 calories, 11g fat. This is a bit more caloric, but it tastes great. The Almonds 'N Yogurt flavor was pretty good too. Runner Up: Clif Builder's Bar. This tastes pretty good, and is all natural. Soy protein only, though. 20g protein, 270 calories, 8g fat. I liked Cookies and cream the best, but they're all edible. The PowerBar Performance was pretty good, but it was only 9g of protein. I'm not sure how I feel about Maltodextrin. The PowerBar ProteinPlus had an icky aftertaste. Same with special K, and SlimFast. I almost liked the Odwalla bar, but it was cloyingly sweet. I loved the Balance Bare bar, but it wasn't super high in protein and it had maltitol, and that made me a little gassy. The Snickers Marathon bar was tasty, but then I noticed it had splenda. If you're not averse to Splenda, it's really yummy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
