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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mickeymammoth

  1. - Go to reunions without being horribly ashamed. Don't I want all those boys whom I used to like/used to like me to feel like they missed out? (Or NOT have a repeat of my 10th highschool reunion when someone asked when I was due; and I was only 180 lbs back then!) - Go shopping for normal clothes instead of what I do now, which is hang out in the dressing room with my thin friend, and fetch different colors and sizes for her. - Wear an underwire bra. I used to wear them all the time, but now the wires dig into my flab. - Wear more than 1 kind of pant (black, Old Navy Yoga pant, XXL--I have like 10 pairs). - Not suffer with achilles bursitis in my heals; someday I want to wear cute shoes again instead of my clompy, ugly MBTs. - All the seat issues (movie theater, airplane, restaurant booths.) How I hate trying to figure out what to do with my arms. The old cross them over the chest trick; if I'm lucky, hold my husband's hand trick. I actually had to pass on buying a Honda CR-V because the seat was too small for comfort. - Go to a rock concert and dance around without being self-conscious. Admittedly, I still dance around now. And no amount of weight loss will make me not 38 :thumbup: - Word on crossing your legs at the knee.
  2. mickeymammoth

    My taste tests of protein drinks and bars

    Just for completeness, I found the following tasty bars: Zone Perfect chocolate Mint and Fudge Graham. PayDay Pro. It's a Payday bar, with more Protein and less fat and sugar! Yay! Didn't like the Fruitified Zone Perfect bars, or the MET-Rx Big 100 Colossal bar.
  3. mickeymammoth

    Who's Getting Banded in August???

    I also only have 24 hours of clear liquid before, but I don't think they mentioned red or purple. I know that when you have a colonoscopy, you can't have anything red or purple beforehand because it tends to stain things and look like blood or something. So it must be the same concern.
  4. mickeymammoth

    Who's Getting Banded in August???

    I just got my date this morning, August 7. I still have to have my gastroenterologist send a letter before it's a done deal, and I've already asked her once! Doctors, I swear! After they get the letter (regarding medication and surgery timing), then I set up another appointment with the surgeon and I assume complete any pre-surgery junk. I'm pretty nervous about it. I'm going to make a reservation for the fancy restaurant in town sometime between now and then, and have one last go at overeating.
  5. mickeymammoth

    I Had A Cupcake :-(

    We have a new-ish cupcake store here, and I bought a bunch a few months ago (not banded yet). They looked absolutely delicious, but they all sucked! Hope your cupcake was good!
  6. mickeymammoth

    My taste tests of protein drinks and bars

    So I found a bunch of new Protein bars to try. I don't know if these will be a regular part of my diet or not, but they might be good on the run meals. These were all around 10-12g of protein, but the calorie counts were generally lower than some other bars, so you have to take that into consideration. Winners: Detour Biker and Detour Runner bars. My favorite flavors were chocolate Chip Cookie and Lemon Yogurt. I didn't care for Chocolate Peanut Butter, Toffee Almond, or Raspberry Chocolate. These are approx. 200 calories with 12g protein. 3.5g - 7g fat. I thought the Kashi GoLean Rolls were OK, but kind of bland. The Balance apricot mango was good, but the texture was too hard to chew for me. Detour core strength and Karma bars were yucky.
  7. mickeymammoth

    Insurance Question

    I have United as well, and it took about 3 weeks before I got my approval letter. My BMI was 37, but I have sleep apnea and some other problems that might have counted. I was worried that my BMI wasn't high enough (ha ha), but I guess my company paid for decent coverage! Yay! I don't think United usually requests 6-month diets or anything.
  8. Hi All, I finally had my first appointment with my surgeon (Dr. Snyder in Denver). It went great, he was really nice. He talks a mile a minute, but in a good way. He seems like someone whose brain is always working. He summed up me and my life pretty well based on some observations; either that, or he says the same things to everyone! The best part was when he looked at my psych eval, and I got a "Good" rating on it. He says that particular psychologist almost never gives a Good rating to anyone (Fair if you're lucky), so I must have done something right there! I asked him about the Realize band vs. the Lap-Band, and he had just finished training for the Realize band and thought it looked like a good product. He has TONS of Lap-Band experience, and he thinks it's a great product, but he was totally open to trying the Realize one too. We'll see what he thinks of it after he installs a few... Then I went and talked to the insurance lady. I was dismayed to find out that they were going to submit my weight from today. 2 months ago, after I weighed in at my regular Dr., I set the lap-band journey in motion. But I couldn't get in to see him for 2 months, so I decided to start dieting right then rather than live any longer at that weight. Well, now I've lost almost 20 lbs., and am a 37 BMI instead of a 40 BMI, and I'm worried that insurance is going to balk. I have sleep apnea, and I have high blood pressure, cholesterol, and am pre-diabetic. But she said pre-deiabetes and high blood pressure don't count to insurance unless I'm taking medication. So I guess I have to see how mean insurance is going to be... Or maybe they'll be cool and approve me. Sigh. If I had known that I had to maintain 40 BMI until I saw Dr. Snyder, I might have not dieted... Life would be WAY easier if insurance pays.
  9. Good news! I just got my approval letter from United Health! I was like, "Yay!... Uh oh." It all just got a whole lot more real. I wasn't able to get through to the surgery scheduler today, but hopefully soon I'll have a date. Eeek!
  10. mickeymammoth

    My taste tests of protein drinks and bars

    I doubt you'll find Naked in WalMart; they are often carried in their own case like Odwalla. They're all fresh juices so are perishable, and also not cheap. I get them at the grocery store.
  11. I'm not an expert, but your AHI number was under 5 events per hour, which means you're "normal." However, since you snored and had 16 hypopneas (those are where you don't stop breathing, but you breathe shallowly), and your oxygen sat got a little low, they must think there's room for improvement. Frankly, your numbers aren't that bad. I'm surprised they even diagnosed you with sleep apnea. I recommend you post your results on cpaptalk.com where people with more knowledge can tell if it's worth you trying CPAP or not. I have much worse sleep apnea, and my CPAP is my savior. I can actually sleep! But it's kind of a trial getting used to wearing a mask.
  12. mickeymammoth

    Which milk is the best?

    I got Non-fat for a long time, and then more recently bumped up to 1%. I find that 1% tastes so much better than non-fat, that it's worth the extra calories. Whole milk is awesome, but probably not worth the extra calories. I get all my milk delivered from the local dairy. My son, who is the main drinker, can't stand store-bought brands in comparison. I don't drink milk, except with cereal. Note, that there was a study last year or so in Sweden or something that tracked people who drank whole milk vs. skim, and I think the whole milk drinkers might have been less overweight or no different from the skim milk drinkers.
  13. mickeymammoth

    Which Band Is Better?

    The official line from most surgeons is that they're equal. The one study I've found on google says they have the same outcome/complication rate. I personally am interested in the Realize band because the port is supposed to be nicer (lower profile, less initial pain). But I don't think it matters much which one you choose.
  14. mickeymammoth

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    I had bad GI issues with metformin; I didn't stay on it for long. I also tried Byetta for a few months, but it just made me feel queasy. It didn't really help me lose weight. I did lose a little weight at first, but I think that's because I was trying to watch what I ate. I was diagnosed with PCOS at around 180 lbs., so I have a long way to go to get thin enough so the PCOS might resolve. I'm not really sure it will resolve even if I get to a lower weight. I recently went off BCP in preparation for surgery, so I'm a little nervous my acne etc. will pick up. We'll see.
  15. mickeymammoth

    Pre-Op Practice Eating

    I gave up soda 2+ months ago, but am still drinking plain bubbly water. I figure I may as well enjoy that while I can. Same with drinking while eating; why suffer in advance :smile2: Whenever I try to take little bites and chew really well, I get so bored of that! I think that's going to be very hard...
  16. mickeymammoth

    At Goal-Then What? Question

    It really is amazing how little you can eat to maintain a normal weight!!!
  17. mickeymammoth

    A better chewable vitamin?

    I think the Viactiv multivitamin and calcium chews are yummy! I also take a Biotin melt-away that I put under my tongue. I'm not a big believer in vitamins, but what the heck. Better safe than sorry.
  18. mickeymammoth

    At Goal-Then What? Question

    "The bigger you are, the more calories you can eat. So when I get to goal, I need to eat less than I used to just to maintain my weight."
  19. mickeymammoth

    Haven't told my hubby :-(

    My husband was against it at first, because he was afraid I'd die from an "elective surgery," but he looked into it and attended a seminar with me, and is now totally supportive. So, there's hope that your hubby will come around. I suggest being armed with the facts (low risk from surgery, best outcome for weight loss).
  20. mickeymammoth

    Lap Band or Bypass?

    I went to my nutrition class yesterday, and all 7 of us were lap-banders. Not a single gastric bypass patient there! I don't know if this is indicative of a trend, but I think the less invasive, adjustable quality of the Lap-band has attracted a lot of us who were put off by gastric bypass...
  21. My surgeon chose 159, but I had already been thinking 150. That is by no means my skinny weight from my younger days, but I feel like it's relatively thin. I figured it was going to be tough to just get to 150, let alone my ideal weight. I was 120 at my thinnest, and thought I was so fat at 130, 140, and all the later weights that I have visited on my way up. So I'd love to be thinner, but get real!
  22. I just got off the phone with my surgeon's office, and I am so psyched that they don't have any pre-op diet. Just the 1 day on liquids before the surgery that is req'd for any surgery I assume. They also said that the post-op diet is only 5 days on liquids, 2 days on mushies, and 1.5 weeks on soft foods before I get to solids. That doesn't sound too bad at all. I was a little concerned with their 75% Protein dietary guidelines. That sounds like it will be hard to do long-term. I think they like it because Proteins tend to stay in the pouch longer so you're full longer. But don't you get sick of the same foods all the time???
  23. After reading a recent study on rats where the ones who ate artificial sweetener were fatter than the ones who ate sugar, I gave up all artificial sweeteners. I guess that you can't trick your body; your body thinks you've eaten something sweet, and gets pissed that there's nothing work with, so makes you hungrier. Although Stevia is natural, I don't see how it could be any different to the body than other artificial sweeteners: it's sweet, but it's not fuel, like sugar. I avoid Stevia too because in theory it shouldn't be any better. I just eat some sugar when necessary. I know it's "empty calories" etc., but all things in moderation. Fruit is better than sugar, but still some sugar is the cost of forgoing Splenda and Nutrasweet, etc. I have to recommend a cookbook I got recently called "Secrets of Fat-Free Baking" by Sandra Woodruff. I never thought I'd be able to tolerate baked goods without fat or sugar, and made with whole wheat, but I've had success with several recipes so far. I'm pre-band, so it's possible I won't be able to eat any of this post-band without getting stuck, but if you can, it's a good approach to still getting a sweet fix without breaking the rules.
  24. mickeymammoth

    No Pre-op diet; yay!

    I haven't gone to the nutrition class yet, so I don't know the specifics. I'm currently eating 1500 calories, and often get in 100g of protein a day. But the ratio of protein/carbs/fat is still around 25/50/25. So if I eat 1000-1200 calories post-band, and they want the ratio to be 50/25/25 or even more extreme, then it would mean keeping the protein similar to what I have, and cutting out only the carbs. That seems like a very unbalanced diet that one would grow tired of. My current diet is all about 1/2 protein and 1/2 carbs in terms of portion sizes. In reality, because the Proteins aren't always ALL protein, my diet skews as I've described. There are some foods I eat alot of that I'll prob. have to ditch: cottage cheese, which is probably too mushy to be the protein, etc. But this is a diet (Body for Life) that I feel I can live with. I hope I don't sabotage myself with the band for not eating so much protein. I already feel my protein is pretty darn high!!!
  25. mickeymammoth

    No Pre-op diet; yay!

    I am very prone to headaches. I've been dieting for the last 2 months, and am eating much healthier. But I haven't cut out everything like you have. I still get headaches. I'm hoping that they might be less over time. But since I don't really know what the cause is (tension? food? hormones?), I'm not expecting a cure-all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
